This is a simple project aimed to show how to use the Passworks PHP SDK
First of all you sould have a Passworks Account and get yours API credentials
Then set it to the config.php
$API_USER = 'username';
$API_KEY = 'api_key';
Then go to the example folder, install the composer and and load the API,
# cd examples/form-demo
# curl -sS | php
# php composer.phar install
Loading composer repositories with package information
Updating dependencies (including require-dev)
- Installing passworks/passworks-php (v2.0.1)
Downloading: 100%
Writing lock file
Generating autoload files
The generate_campaign.php
script generates a new coupon campaign and you can change it placing
your campaign's information.
The campaign structure is documentented in this file
# php generate_campaign.php
This campaign was created with 2 CSV fields (name, email) that are supposed to be filled during the pass creation.
For this test, you can run the basic PHP server.
# php -S localhost:8080
PHP 7.0.7 Development Server started at Wed Jun 1 11:14:14 2016
Listening on http://localhost:8080
Document root is /Users/pedroivo/Documents/passworks/passworks-php/examples/form-demo
Press Ctrl-C to quit.
Then navigate to http://localhost:8080
and see the campaigns and create some passes
After create the campaign, navigate to the http://localhost:8080
page and chose your campaign.
Then just fill the fields and create a new pass.
Note that there is a list os the passes already created with the links to each format of distribution.