- Follow the Issue Template provided when opening a new Issue.
- Provide a minimal, reproducible test-case.
- Do not ask for help or usage questions in Issues. Use StackOverflow for those.
First, thank you so much for contributing to open source and the Normalizr project!
Follow the instructions on the Pull Request Template (shown when you open a new PR) and make sure you've done the following:
- Add & update tests
- Ensure CI is passing (lint, tests)
- Update relevant documentation
Normalizr uses yarn for development dependency management. Ensure you have it installed before continuing.
npm run test
Standard code style is nice. ESLint is used to ensure we continue to write similar code. The following command will also fix simple issues, like spacing and alphabetized imports:
npm run lint
Normalizr aims to keep its byte-size as low as possible. Ensure your changes don't incur more space than seems necessary for your feature or change:
npm run build