In this example we specify a function that sorts a list into ascending order.
import LeanSpec.lib.Util
Informally, a sort function takes a list as argument, and returns a list that is an ordered permutation of its argument.
Let's start by looking at a naive definition.
A predicate that specifies whether a list is ordered might be:
def Ordered₁ [LT α] : List α → Prop
| [] | [_] => True
| a::b::as => a < b ∧ Ordered₁ (b::as)
Empty and singleton lists are trivially ordered. A list of two or more items is ordered
if the first item precedes the second item, and the tail is ordered. The type of items in
the list must admit an order relation, stated in the definition by [LT α]
: the type α
is an instance of the type class LT
A predicate that specifies whether one list is a permutation of another might be:
def Permutation₁ (as bs : List α) :=
∀ a : α, a ∈ as ↔ a ∈ bs
Two lists are permutations of each other if they contain the same items.
With these definitions we can now specify the sorting function:
def Sort₁ [LT α] (as : List α) :=
{ sas : List α // Ordered₁ sas ∧ Permutation₁ as sas }
takes as argument a list of items with an order relation,
and returns a list that is an ordered permutation of its input.
There are, unfortunately, problems with the specification of Sort₁
: it is not
possible to derive a program that meets the specification. Do you see why?
Consider this clause from the definition of Ordered₁
a::b::as => a < b ∧ Ordered₁ (b::as)
What happens when the input list is [2, 2]
? The definition of Ordered₁
states that two
consecutive items in the list must be related by <
, but 2 ≮ 2
. The specification does
not accommodate lists with duplicate entries.
Furthermore, consider the lists [1,2]
and [2,1,2]
. They are not permutations of each
other, yet they satisfy predicate Permutation₁
Just as there is no guarantee a postulated mathematical theorem is provable, there is no guarantee a program specification is implementable (they are after all different expressions of the same concept). Even if the specification is implementable, there is no guarantee it captures the intent.
Let's try again. First note the function count
(defined in std4)
that counts the number of occurrences of an item in a list:
#check List.count
The Ordered
predicate is largely as before except the comparison operator
is ≤
(with corresponding type class LE
) rather than <
def Ordered₂ [LE α] : List α → Prop
| [] | [_] => True
| a::b::as => a ≤ b ∧ Ordered₂ (b::as)
The Permutation
predicate cannot simply check for membership, it must ensure
the number of occurrences of any item in one list is the same as the number of
occurrences in the other list.
def Permutation₂ [BEq α] (as bs : List α) :=
∀ a : α, as.count a = bs.count a
employs the new Ordered₂
and Permutation₂
predicates, but otherwise is
def Sort₂ [BEq α] [LE α] (as : List α) :=
{ sas : List α // Ordered₂ sas ∧ Permutation₂ as sas }
In fact
is insufficient. It only guarantees there is a binary predicate on the type, not that it is the predicate we normally think of as less than or equal. The predicate must be a partial order, but we won't go into the details here (which requires partial orders from mathlib4).
The predicate Ordered₂
is typical of a traditional approach, perhaps with the
exception the result is a Prop
rather than a Bool
. Dependently typed
languages such as Lean offer an alternative approach; namely that of Inductive Predicates.
An inductive predicate is simply an inductive definition of a proposition as opposed to
an inductive definition of a type (list, tree, etc), and a member of the
inductive proposition is a proof of the proposition. For Ordered
we could have:
inductive Ordered₃ [LE α] : List α → Prop
| empty : Ordered₃ []
| singleton a : Ordered₃ [a]
| twoplus a b as (hab : a ≤ b) (hbas : Ordered₃ (b::as)) :
Ordered₃ (a::b::as)
The three clauses state:
is a proof that the empty list is ordered;singleton a
is a proof that the singleton list containinga
is ordered;twoplus a b as hab hbas
is a proof that the lista::b::as
is ordered, given thathab
is evidencea ≤ b
is a proof thatb::as
is ordered.
Note the correspondence between the clauses in the inductive definition of Ordered₃
and the recursive definition of Ordered₂
As with programming and proof, there is no single way, or best way, to specify a program. The activity of specification is an iterative process; as the specification is refined clearer ways of expressing concepts are discovered.
Specify a function that, given a natural number, returns the prime factors of the number. Use the
property from the last exercise. -
, specify a function that returns all permutations of an input list. -
The Lean standard library,
, defines an inductive propositionList.Chain'
. SpecifySort
#check List.Chain'