All imports must point to correct JS files, compiled by Peggy 4.0.0 or later, which export the expected rule name as an allowedStartRule.
- ⭐️ This rule is included in
This rule does a spot-check to see if a module that is imported with a set of library rules will work. It does NOT load the module with the node loader, but it does read the file and ensure that:
- The file exists
- It looks like it is a Peggy parser
- It was compiled by a recent-enough version of Peggy that it can be used for library calls
- It was compiled with the correct rules marked as allowedStartRules
👎 Examples of incorrect code for this rule:
// eslint @peggyjs/valid-imports: "error"
import * as bar from "NO_SUCH_FILE.js"
Bar =
👍 Examples of correct code for this rule:
// eslint @peggyjs/valid-imports: "error"
import {"foo" as bar} from "./bar.js"
foo = bar