An Kubernetes environment is required, when running locally use minikube.
Just make sure that everything has been built (kotlin seems to require this as the gradle run
command doesn't build jars?)
./gradlew clean build
docker build books -t <YOUR NAMESPACE>/micronaut-books
docker build inventory -t <YOUR NAMESPACE>/micronaut-inventory
docker build gateway -t <YOUR NAMESPACE>/micronaut-gateway
docker push <YOUR NAMESPACE>/micronaut-books
docker push <YOUR NAMESPACE>/micronaut-inventory
docker push <YOUR NAMESPACE>/micronaut-gateway
kubectl run books --image=<YOUR NAMESPACE>/micronaut-books --port=8082
kubectl run inventory --image=<YOUR NAMESPACE>/micronaut-inventory --port=8081
kubectl run gateway --image=<YOUR NAMESPACE>/micronaut-gateway --port=8080
kubectl expose deployment books
kubectl expose deployment inventory
kubectl expose deployment gateway
minikube addons enable ingress
wait until it appears in
kubectl get pod -n kube-system -w
Scale down the deployments and then scale up to pick up the environment variables (MUST BE A BETTER WAY OF DOING THIS)
kubectl scale --replicas=0 deployment/inventory
kubectl scale --replicas=0 deployment/gateway
kubectl scale --replicas=0 deployment/books
Wait until terminated and then
kubectl scale --replicas=1 deployment/inventory
kubectl scale --replicas=1 deployment/gateway
kubectl scale --replicas=1 deployment/books
kubectl apply -f kubernetes/ingress.yml
Wait until it has an address
kubectl get ing -w
Access using minikube ip
curl -L -k "http://$(minikube ip)/api/books"
kubectl get services --export=true -o yaml > kubernetes/services.yaml
kubectl get deployments --export=true -o yaml > kubernetes/deployments.yaml
The ingress definition file was created earlier and has to be created by hand as the ingress definition cannot currently be created via any simple kubectl command.
kubectl create -f kubernetes/services.yaml
kubectl create -f kubernetes/deployments.yaml
kubectl create -f kubernetes/ingress.yaml
- Implement via Helm
- Use Consul within Kubernetes (showing that the service discovery mechanism doesn't have to be Kubernetes based when running in Kubernetes).
- Istio enable things (service discovery, service to service communication, metrics and logging, traffic behaviour including retries circuit breaker etc.) Means that
- Consul not needed
- JWT stuff not needed in application code base (??)
- Zipkin not needed (no configuration in code base)
- BUT think about running locally without Kubernetes/Istio
- Enable Zipkin