pip3 install grpcio requests protobuf
Example; from here run
python3 ecu.py --ip <ip_address>
for a more advanced example
python3 ecu_advanced.py --ip <ip_address>
To show available options/usage run script with -h
python3 ecu.py -h
make sure to provide an ip that points to your installation when running the script OR change the ip in the code on this line (keep the port 50051)
this example works on any linux as it uses udp per default. If you like to use can you need a can enabled device. Then enable this line
Download python 3.x from here
Follow the installer
it's recommended to enable "Add python.exe to Path"
Run shell (terminal or powershell) as administrator, install necessary tools via pip
python -m pip instaLL grpcio-tools
python -m pip install grpcio-tools protobuf
Example; from here run
python3 ecu.py --ip <ip_address>
for a more advanced example
python3 ecu_advanced.py --ip <ip_address>
To show available options/usage run script with -h
python3 ecu.py -h
make sure to provide an ip that points to your installation when running the script OR change the ip in the code on this line (keep the port 50051)
to re-generate files (already generated in the common/generated folder)
python -m grpc_tools.protoc -I../../../proto_files --python_out=./common/generated --grpc_python_out=./common/generated ../../../proto_files/*