.. current
Promotion to official function of pgRouting.
- Error messages adjustment.
- Function promoted to official.
Changes on proposed functions
- Error messages adjustment.
- Error messages adjustment.
To see all issues & pull requests closed by this release see the Git closed milestone for 3.7.3
- #2731 Build Failure on Ubuntu 22
To see all issues & pull requests closed by this release see the Git closed milestone for 3.7.2
#2713 cmake missing some policies and min version
- Using OLD policies: CMP0148, CMP0144, CMP0167
- Minimum cmake version 3.12
Bug fixes
To see all issues & pull requests closed by this release see the Git closed milestone for 3.7.1
Bug fixes
- #2680 fails to compile under mingw64 gcc 13.2
- #2689 When point is a vertex, the withPoints family do not return results.
C/C++ code enhancemet
- TRSP family
To see all issues & pull requests closed by this release see the Git closed milestone for 3.7.0
#2656 Stop support of PostgreSQL12 on pgrouting v3.7
- Stopping support of PostgreSQL 12
- CI does not test for PostgreSQL 12
New experimental functions
- pgr_betweennessCentrality
Official functions changes
#2605 Standarize spanning tree functions output
Standarizing output columns to
(seq, depth, start_vid, pred, node, edge, cost, agg_cost)
- Added
result columns.
- Added
Experimental promoted to proposed.
#2635 pgr_LineGraph ignores directed flag and use negative values for identifiers.
- Function promoted to proposed.
- Works for directed and undirected graphs.
Code enhancement
To see all issues & pull requests closed by this release see the Git closed milestone for 3.6.3
Explicit minimum requirements:
- postgres 11.0.0
- postgis 3.0.0
g++ 13+ is supported
Code fixes
- Fix warnings from cpplint.
- Fix warnings from clang 18.
CI tests
- Add a clang tidy test on changed files.
- Update test not done on versions: 3.0.1, 3.0.2, 3.0.3, 3.0.4, 3.1.0, 3.1.1, 3.1.2
Results of documentation queries adujsted to 1.83.0 version:
- pgr_edgeDisjointPaths
- pgr_stoerWagner
pgtap tests
- bug fixes
To see all issues & pull requests closed by this release see the Git closed milestone for 3.6.2
Upgrade fix
- The upgrade was failing for same minor
Code fixes
- Fix warnings from cpplint
Adjust NEWS generator
- Name change to
for better visualization on GitHub
- Name change to
To see all issues & pull requests closed by this release see the Git closed milestone for 3.6.1
- #2588 pgrouting 3.6.0 fails to build on OSX
To see all issues & pull requests closed by this release see the Git closed milestone for 3.6.0
Official functions changes
#2516 Standarize output pgr_aStar
Standarizing output columns to
(seq, path_seq, start_vid, end_vid, node, edge, cost, agg_cost)
- pgr_aStar(One to One) added
columns. - pgr_aStar(One to Many) added
column. - pgr_aStar(Many to One) added
- pgr_aStar(One to One) added
#2523 Standarize output pgr_bdAstar
Standarizing output columns to
(seq, path_seq, start_vid, end_vid, node, edge, cost, agg_cost)
- pgr_bdAstar(One to One) added
columns. - pgr_bdAstar(One to Many) added
column. - pgr_bdAstar(Many to One) added
- pgr_bdAstar(One to One) added
#2547 Standarize output and modifying signature pgr_KSP
- Result columns standarized to:
(seq, path_id, path_seq, start_vid, end_vid, node, edge, cost, agg_cost)
- pgr_ksp(One to One)
- Added
result columns.
- Added
- New proposed signatures:
- pgr_ksp(One to Many)
- pgr_ksp(Many to One)
- pgr_ksp(Many to Many)
- pgr_ksp(Combinations)
- Result columns standarized to:
#2548 Standarize output pgr_drivingDistance
- Standarizing output columns to
(seq, depth, start_vid, pred, node, edge, cost, agg_cost)
- pgr_drivingDistance(Single vertex)
- Added
result columns.
- Added
- pgr_drivingDistance(Multiple vertices)
- Result column name change:
. - Added
result columns.
- Result column name change:
- pgr_drivingDistance(Single vertex)
- Standarizing output columns to
Proposed functions changes
#2544 Standarize output and modifying signature pgr_withPointsDD
- Signature change:
parameter changed from named optional to unnamed compulsory driving side.- pgr_withPointsDD(Single vertex)
- pgr_withPointsDD(Multiple vertices)
- Standarizing output columns to
(seq, depth, start_vid, pred, node, edge, cost, agg_cost)
- pgr_withPointsDD(Single vertex)
- Added
- Added
- pgr_withPointsDD(Multiple vertices)
- Added
- Added
- pgr_withPointsDD(Single vertex)
- When
:- Only points that are visited are removed, that is, points reached within the distance are included
- Deprecated signatures
- pgr_withpointsdd(text,text,bigint,double precision,boolean,character,boolean)``
- pgr_withpointsdd(text,text,anyarray,double precision,boolean,character,boolean,boolean)``
- Signature change:
#2546 Standarize output and modifying signature pgr_withPointsKSP
- Standarizing output columns to
(seq, path_id, path_seq, start_vid, end_vid, node, edge, cost, agg_cost)
- pgr_withPointsKSP(One to One)
- Signature change:
parameter changed from named optional to unnamed compulsory driving side. - Added
result columns.
- Signature change:
- New proposed signatures:
- pgr_withPointsKSP(One to Many)
- pgr_withPointsKSP(Many to One)
- pgr_withPointsKSP(Many to Many)
- pgr_withPointsKSP(Combinations)
- Deprecated signature
- pgr_withpointsksp(text,text,bigint,bigint,integer,boolean,boolean,char,boolean)``
- Standarizing output columns to
C/C++ code enhancements
#2504 To C++ pg data get, fetch and check.
- Stopping support for compilation with MSVC.
#2505 Using namespace.
#2512 [Dijkstra] Removing duplicate code on Dijkstra.
#2517 Astar code simplification.
#2521 Dijkstra code simplification.
#2522 bdAstar code simplification.
#2490 Automatic page history links.
..rubric:: SQL standarization
#2555 standarize deprecated messages
On new internal function: do not use named parameters and default parameters.
To see all issues & pull requests closed by this release see the Git closed milestone for 3.5.1
Documentation fixes
Changes on the documentation to the following:
Automatic page history links
- using bootstrap_version 2 because 3+ does not do dropdowns
Issue fixes
- #2565 pgr_lengauerTarjanDominatorTree triggers an assertion
SQL enhancements
- #2561 Not use wildcards on SQL
pgtap tests
- #2559 pgtap test using sampledata
Build fixes
- Fix winnie build
Code fixes
Fix clang warnings
- Grouping headers of postgres readers
To see all issues & pull requests closed by this release see the Git closed milestone for 3.5.0
Official functions changes
Standarizing output columns to
(seq, path_seq, start_vid, end_vid, node, edge, cost, agg_cost)
- pgr_dijkstra(One to One) added
columns. - pgr_dijkstra(One to Many) added
column. - pgr_dijkstra(Many to One) added
- pgr_dijkstra(One to One) added
To see all issues & pull requests closed by this release see the Git closed milestone for 3.4.2
Issue fixes
- #2394: pgr_bdAstar accumulates heuristic cost in visited node cost.
- #2427: pgr_createVerticesTable & pgr_createTopology, variable should be of type Record.
To see all issues & pull requests closed by this release see the Git closed milestone for 3.4.1
Issue fixes
- #2401: pgRouting 3.4.0 do not build docs when sphinx is too low or missing
- #2398: v3.4.0 does not upgrade from 3.3.3
To see all issues & pull requests closed by this release see the Git closed milestone for 3.4.0
Issue fixes
- #1891: pgr_ksp doesn't give all correct shortest path
New proposed functions.
With points
- pgr_withPointsVia(One Via)
Turn Restrictions
Via with turn restrictions
- pgr_trspVia(One Via)
- pgr_trspVia_withPoints(One Via)
- pgr_trsp(One to One)
- pgr_trsp(One to Many)
- pgr_trsp(Many to One)
- pgr_trsp(Many to Many)
- pgr_trsp(Combinations)
- pgr_trsp_withPoints(One to One)
- pgr_trsp_withPoints(One to Many)
- pgr_trsp_withPoints(Many to One)
- pgr_trsp_withPoints(Many to Many)
- pgr_trsp_withPoints(Combinations)
- pgr_degree
- pgr_findCloseEdges(One point)
- pgr_findCloseEdges(Many points)
New experimental functions
- pgr_cuthillMckeeOrdering
- pgr_hawickCircuits
Official functions changes
Flow functions
- Deprecating: pgr_maxCardinalityMatch(text,boolean)
Deprecated Functions
Turn Restrictions
- pgr_trsp(text,integer,integer,boolean,boolean,text)
- pgr_trsp(text,integer,float8,integer,float8,boolean,boolean,text)
- pgr_trspViaVertices(text,anyarray,boolean,boolean,text)
- pgr_trspViaEdges(text,integer[],float[],boolean,boolean,text)
- #2401: pgRouting 3.4.0 do not build docs when sphinx is too low or missing
To see all issues & pull requests closed by this release see the Git closed milestone for 3.3.4
Issue fixes
- #2400: pgRouting 3.3.3 does not build in focal
To see all issues & pull requests closed by this release see the Git closed milestone for 3.3.3
Issue fixes
- #1891: pgr_ksp doesn't give all correct shortest path
Official functions changes
Flow functions
- Ignoring optional boolean parameter, as the algorithm works only for undirected graphs.
To see all issues & pull requests closed by this release see the Git closed milestone for 3.3.2
Revised documentation
Simplifying table names and table columns, for example:
instead ofedge_table
- Removing unused columns
- Removing unused columns
instead ofcombinations_table
Using PostGIS standard for geometry column.
instead ofthe_geom
Avoiding usage of functions that modify indexes, columns etc on tables.
- Using
to create a routing topology
- Using
Restructure of the pgRouting concepts page.
Issue fixes
- #2276: edgeDisjointPaths issues with start_vid and combinations
- #2312: pgr_extractVertices error when target is not BIGINT
- #2357: Apply clang-tidy performance-*
To see all issues & pull requests closed by this release see the Git closed milestone for 3.3.1 on Github.
Issue fixes
To see all issues & pull requests closed by this release see the Git closed milestone for 3.3.0 on Github.
Issue fixes
- #2057: trspViaEdges columns in different order
- #2087: pgr_extractVertices to proposed
- #2201: pgr_depthFirstSearch to proposed
- #2202: pgr_sequentialVertexColoring to proposed
- #2203: pgr_dijkstraNear and pgr_dijkstraNearCost to proposed
New experimental functions
- pgr_edgeColoring
Experimental promoted to Proposed
- pgr_dijkstraNear(Combinations)
- pgr_dijkstraNear(Many to Many)
- pgr_dijkstraNear(Many to One)
- pgr_dijkstraNear(One to Many)
- pgr_dijkstraNearCost(Combinations)
- pgr_dijkstraNearCost(Many to Many)
- pgr_dijkstraNearCost(Many to One)
- pgr_dijkstraNearCost(One to Many)
- pgr_sequentialVertexColoring
- pgr_extractVertices
- pgr_depthFirstSearch(Multiple vertices)
- pgr_depthFirstSearch(Single vertex)
To see all issues & pull requests closed by this release see the Git closed milestone for 3.2.2 on Github.
Issue fixes
To see all issues & pull requests closed by this release see the Git closed milestone for 3.2.1 on Github.
Issue fixes
#1883: pgr_TSPEuclidean crashes connection on Windows
- The solution is to use Boost::graph::metric_tsp_approx
- To not break user's code the optional parameters related to the TSP Annaeling are ignored
- The function with the annaeling optional parameters is deprecated
To see all issues & pull requests closed by this release see the Git closed milestone for 3.2.0 on Github.
#1850: Change Boost min version to 1.56
- Removing support for Boost v1.53, v1.54 & v1.55
New experimental functions
Dijkstra Near
- pgr_dijkstraNear(One to Many)
- pgr_dijkstraNear(Many to One)
- pgr_dijkstraNear(Many to Many)
- pgr_dijkstraNear(Combinations)
- pgr_dijkstraNearCost(One to Many)
- pgr_dijkstraNearCost(Many to One)
- pgr_dijkstraNearCost(Many to Many)
- pgr_dijkstraNearCost(Combinations)
- pgr_maxFlowMinCost(Combinations)
- pgr_maxFlowMinCost_Cost(Combinations)
New proposed functions.
- pgr_aStar(Combinations)
- pgr_aStarCost(Combinations)
Bidirectional Astar
- pgr_bdAstar(Combinations)
- pgr_bdAstarCost(Combinations)
Bidirectional Dijkstra
- pgr_bdDijkstra(Combinations)
- pgr_bdDijkstraCost(Combinations)
- pgr_boykovKolmogorov(Combinations)
- pgr_edgeDisjointPaths(Combinations)
- pgr_edmondsKarp(Combinations)
- pgr_maxFlow(Combinations)
- pgr_pushRelabel(Combinations)
To see all issues & pull requests closed by this release see the Git closed milestone for 3.1.4 on Github.
Issues fixes
- #2189: Build error on RHEL 7
To see all issues & pull requests closed by this release see the Git closed milestone for 3.1.3 on Github.
Issues fixes
- #1825: Boost versions are not honored
- #1849: Boost 1.75.0 geometry "point_xy.hpp" build error on macOS environment
- #1861: vrp functions crash server
To see all issues & pull requests closed by this release see the Git closed milestone for 3.1.2 on Github.
Issues fixes
- #1304: FreeBSD 12 64-bit crashes on pgr_vrOneDepot tests Experimental Function
- #1356: tools/testers/pg_prove_tests.sh fails when PostgreSQL port is not passed
- #1725: Server crash on pgr_pickDeliver and pgr_vrpOneDepot on openbsd
- #1760: TSP server crash on ubuntu 20.04 #1760
- #1770: Remove warnings when using clang compiler
To see all issues & pull requests closed by this release see the Git closed milestone for 3.1.1 on Github.
Issues fixes
- #1733: pgr_bdAstar fails when source or target vertex does not exist in the graph
- #1647: Linear Contraction contracts self loops
- #1640: pgr_withPoints fails when points_sql is empty
- #1616: Path evaluation on C++ not updated before the results go back to C
- #1300: pgr_chinesePostman crash on test data
To see all issues & pull requests closed by this release see the Git closed milestone for 3.1.0 on Github.
New proposed functions.
- pgr_dijkstra(combinations)
- pgr_dijkstraCost(combinations)
Build changes
- Minimal requirement for Sphinx: version 1.8
To see all issues & pull requests closed by this release see the Git closed milestone for 3.0.6 on Github.
Issues fixes
- #2189: Build error on RHEL 7
To see all issues & pull requests closed by this release see the Git closed milestone for 3.0.5 on Github.
Backport issue fixes
- #1825: Boost versions are not honored
- #1849: Boost 1.75.0 geometry "point_xy.hpp" build error on macOS environment
- #1861: vrp functions crash server
To see all issues & pull requests closed by this release see the Git closed milestone for 3.0.4 on Github.
Backport issue fixes
- #1304: FreeBSD 12 64-bit crashes on pgr_vrOneDepot tests Experimental Function
- #1356: tools/testers/pg_prove_tests.sh fails when PostgreSQL port is not passed
- #1725: Server crash on pgr_pickDeliver and pgr_vrpOneDepot on openbsd
- #1760: TSP server crash on ubuntu 20.04 #1760
- #1770: Remove warnings when using clang compiler
Backport issue fixes
- #1733: pgr_bdAstar fails when source or target vertex does not exist in the graph
- #1647: Linear Contraction contracts self loops
- #1640: pgr_withPoints fails when points_sql is empty
- #1616: Path evaluation on C++ not updated before the results go back to C
- #1300: pgr_chinesePostman crash on test data
To see all issues & pull requests closed by this release see the Git closed milestone for 3.0.2 on Github.
Issues fixes
- #1378: Visual Studio build failing
To see all issues & pull requests closed by this release see the Git closed milestone for 3.0.1 on Github.
Issues fixes
- #232: Honor client cancel requests in C /C++ code
To see all issues & pull requests closed by this release see the Git closed milestone for 3.0.0 on Github.
Fixed Issues
#1153: Renamed pgr_eucledianTSP to pgr_TSPeuclidean
#1188: Removed CGAL dependency
#1002: Fixed contraction issues:
New Functions
Kruskal family
- pgr_kruskal
- pgr_kruskalBFS
- pgr_kruskalDD
- pgr_kruskalDFS
Prim family
- pgr_prim
- pgr_primDD
- pgr_primDFS
- pgr_primBFS
Proposed moved to official on pgRouting
aStar Family
- pgr_aStar(One to Many)
- pgr_aStar(Many to One)
- pgr_aStar(Many to Many)
- pgr_aStarCost(One to One)
- pgr_aStarCost(One to Many)
- pgr_aStarCost(Many to One)
- pgr_aStarCost(Many to Many)
- pgr_aStarCostMatrix
bdAstar Family
- pgr_bdAstar(One to Many)
- pgr_bdAstar(Many to One)
- pgr_bdAstar(Many to Many)
- pgr_bdAstarCost(One to One)
- pgr_bdAstarCost(One to Many)
- pgr_bdAstarCost(Many to One)
- pgr_bdAstarCost(Many to Many)
- pgr_bdAstarCostMatrix
bdDijkstra Family
- pgr_bdDijkstra(One to Many)
- pgr_bdDijkstra(Many to One)
- pgr_bdDijkstra(Many to Many)
- pgr_bdDijkstraCost(One to One)
- pgr_bdDijkstraCost(One to Many)
- pgr_bdDijkstraCost(Many to One)
- pgr_bdDijkstraCost(Many to Many)
- pgr_bdDijkstraCostMatrix
Flow Family
- pgr_pushRelabel(One to One)
- pgr_pushRelabel(One to Many)
- pgr_pushRelabel(Many to One)
- pgr_pushRelabel(Many to Many)
- pgr_edmondsKarp(One to One)
- pgr_edmondsKarp(One to Many)
- pgr_edmondsKarp(Many to One)
- pgr_edmondsKarp(Many to Many)
- pgr_boykovKolmogorov (One to One)
- pgr_boykovKolmogorov (One to Many)
- pgr_boykovKolmogorov (Many to One)
- pgr_boykovKolmogorov (Many to Many)
- pgr_maxCardinalityMatching
- pgr_maxFlow
- pgr_edgeDisjointPaths(One to One)
- pgr_edgeDisjointPaths(One to Many)
- pgr_edgeDisjointPaths(Many to One)
- pgr_edgeDisjointPaths(Many to Many)
Components family
- pgr_connectedComponents
- pgr_strongComponents
- pgr_biconnectedComponents
- pgr_articulationPoints
- pgr_bridges
- Removed unnecessary column seq
- Bug Fixes
New experimental functions
VRP category
- pgr_pickDeliverEuclidean
- pgr_pickDeliver
Chinese Postman family
- pgr_chinesePostman
- pgr_chinesePostmanCost
Breadth First Search family
- pgr_breadthFirstSearch
- pgr_binaryBreadthFirstSearch
Bellman Ford family
- pgr_bellmanFord
- pgr_edwardMoore
Moved to legacy
Experimental functions
pgr_labelGraph - Use the components family of functions instead.
Max flow - functions were renamed on v2.5.0
- pgr_maxFlowPushRelabel
- pgr_maxFlowBoykovKolmogorov
- pgr_maxFlowEdmondsKarp
- pgr_maximumcardinalitymatching
- pgr_gsoc_vrppdtw
TSP old signatures
pgr_alphaShape old signature
To see the issues closed by this release see the Git closed milestone for 2.6.3 on Github.
Bug fixes
- #1219 Implicit cast for via_path integer to text
- #1193 Fixed pgr_pointsAsPolygon breaking when comparing strings in WHERE clause
- #1185 Improve FindPostgreSQL.cmake
To see the issues closed by this release see the Git closed milestone for 2.6.2 on Github.
Bug fixes
- #1152 Fixes driving distance when vertex is not part of the graph
- #1098 Fixes windows test
- #1165 Fixes build for python3 and perl5
To see the issues closed by this release see the Git closed milestone for 2.6.1 on Github.
Fixes server crash on several functions.
- pgr_floydWarshall
- pgr_johnson
- pgr_aStar
- pgr_bdAstar
- pgr_bdDijstra
- pgr_alphashape
- pgr_dijkstraCostMatrix
- pgr_dijkstra
- pgr_dijkstraCost
- pgr_drivingDistance
- pgr_KSP
- pgr_dijkstraVia (proposed)
- pgr_boykovKolmogorov (proposed)
- pgr_edgeDisjointPaths (proposed)
- pgr_edmondsKarp (proposed)
- pgr_maxCardinalityMatch (proposed)
- pgr_maxFlow (proposed)
- pgr_withPoints (proposed)
- pgr_withPointsCost (proposed)
- pgr_withPointsKSP (proposed)
- pgr_withPointsDD (proposed)
- pgr_withPointsCostMatrix (proposed)
- pgr_contractGraph (experimental)
- pgr_pushRelabel (experimental)
- pgr_vrpOneDepot (experimental)
- pgr_gsoc_vrppdtw (experimental)
- Fixes for deprecated functions where also applied but not tested
Removed compilation warning for g++8
Fixed a fallthrugh on Astar and bdAstar.
To see the issues closed by this release see the Git closed milestone for 2.6.0 on Github.
New experimental functions
- pgr_lineGraphFull
Bug fixes
Fix pgr_trsp(text,integer,double precision,integer,double precision,boolean,boolean[,text])
without restrictions
- calls pgr_dijkstra when both end points have a fraction IN (0,1)
- calls pgr_withPoints when at least one fraction NOT IN (0,1)
with restrictions
- calls original trsp code
Internal code
Cleaned the internal code of trsp(text,integer,integer,boolean,boolean [, text])
- Removed the use of pointers
- Internal code can accept BIGINT
Cleaned the internal code of withPoints
To see the issues closed by this release see the Git closed milestone for 2.5.5 on Github.
Bug fixes
- Fixes driving distance when vertex is not part of the graph
- Fixes windows test
- Fixes build for python3 and perl5
To see the issues closed by this release see the Git closed milestone for 2.5.4 on Github.
Fixes server crash on several functions.
- pgr_floydWarshall
- pgr_johnson
- pgr_aStar
- pgr_bdAstar
- pgr_bdDijstra
- pgr_alphashape
- pgr_dijkstraCostMatrix
- pgr_dijkstra
- pgr_dijkstraCost
- pgr_drivingDistance
- pgr_KSP
- pgr_dijkstraVia (proposed)
- pgr_boykovKolmogorov (proposed)
- pgr_edgeDisjointPaths (proposed)
- pgr_edmondsKarp (proposed)
- pgr_maxCardinalityMatch (proposed)
- pgr_maxFlow (proposed)
- pgr_withPoints (proposed)
- pgr_withPointsCost (proposed)
- pgr_withPointsKSP (proposed)
- pgr_withPointsDD (proposed)
- pgr_withPointsCostMatrix (proposed)
- pgr_contractGraph (experimental)
- pgr_pushRelabel (experimental)
- pgr_vrpOneDepot (experimental)
- pgr_gsoc_vrppdtw (experimental)
- Fixes for deprecated functions where also applied but not tested
Removed compilation warning for g++8
Fixed a fallthrugh on Astar and bdAstar.
To see the issues closed by this release see the Git closed milestone for 2.5.3 on Github.
Bug fixes
- Fix for postgresql 11: Removed a compilation error when compiling with postgreSQL
To see the issues closed by this release see the Git closed milestone for 2.5.2 on Github.
Bug fixes
- Fix for postgresql 10.1: Removed a compiler condition
To see the issues closed by this release see the Git closed milestone for 2.5.1 on Github.
Bug fixes
- Fixed prerequisite minimum version of: cmake
To see the issues closed by this release see the Git closed issues for 2.5.0 on Github.
- pgr_version is now on SQL language
Breaking change on:
- Added path_id, cost and agg_cost columns on the result
- Parameter names changed
- The many version results are the union of the One to One version
New Signatures
- pgr_bdAstar(One to One)
New proposed functions.
- pgr_bdAstar(One to Many)
- pgr_bdAstar(Many to One)
- pgr_bdAstar(Many to Many)
- pgr_bdAstarCost(One to One)
- pgr_bdAstarCost(One to Many)
- pgr_bdAstarCost(Many to One)
- pgr_bdAstarCost(Many to Many)
- pgr_bdAstarCostMatrix
- pgr_bdDijkstra(One to Many)
- pgr_bdDijkstra(Many to One)
- pgr_bdDijkstra(Many to Many)
- pgr_bdDijkstraCost(One to One)
- pgr_bdDijkstraCost(One to Many)
- pgr_bdDijkstraCost(Many to One)
- pgr_bdDijkstraCost(Many to Many)
- pgr_bdDijkstraCostMatrix
- pgr_lineGraph
- pgr_lineGraphFull
- pgr_connectedComponents
- pgr_strongComponents
- pgr_biconnectedComponents
- pgr_articulationPoints
- pgr_bridges
Deprecated signatures
- pgr_bdastar - use pgr_bdAstar instead
Renamed functions
- pgr_maxFlowPushRelabel - use pgr_pushRelabel instead
- pgr_maxFlowEdmondsKarp -use pgr_edmondsKarp instead
- pgr_maxFlowBoykovKolmogorov - use pgr_boykovKolmogorov instead
- pgr_maximumCardinalityMatching - use pgr_maxCardinalityMatch instead
Deprecated Function
- pgr_pointToEdgeNode
To see the issues closed by this release see the Git closed milestone for 2.4.2 on Github.
- Works for postgreSQL 10
Bug fixes
- Fixed: Unexpected error column "cname"
- Replace linux with GLIBC for glibc-specific headers and functions
To see the issues closed by this release see the Git closed milestone for 2.4.1 on Github.
Bug fixes
- Fixed compiling error on macOS
- Condition error on pgr_withPoints
To see the issues closed by this release see the Git closed issues for 2.4.0 on Github.
New Functions
- pgr_bdDijkstra
New proposed signatures:
- pgr_maxFlow
- pgr_aStar(One to Many)
- pgr_aStar(Many to One)
- pgr_aStar(Many to Many)
- pgr_aStarCost(One to One)
- pgr_aStarCost(One to Many)
- pgr_aStarCost(Many to One)
- pgr_aStarCost(Many to Many)
- pgr_aStarCostMatrix
Deprecated signatures.
- pgr_bddijkstra - use pgr_bdDijkstra instead
Deprecated Functions
- pgr_pointsToVids
Bug fixes
Bug fixes on proposed functions
- pgr_withPointsKSP: fixed ordering
TRSP original code is used with no changes on the compilation warnings
To see the issues closed by this release see the Git closed issues for 2.3.2 on Github.
Bug Fixes
Fixed pgr_gsoc_vrppdtw crash when all orders fit on one truck.
Fixed pgr_trsp:
- Alternate code is not executed when the point is in reality a vertex
- Fixed ambiguity on seq
To see the issues closed by this release see the Git closed issues for 2.3.1 on Github.
Bug Fixes
- Leaks on proposed max_flow functions
- Regression error on pgr_trsp
- Types discrepancy on pgr_createVerticesTable
To see the issues closed by this release see the Git closed issues for 2.3.0 on Github.
New Signatures
- pgr_TSP
- pgr_aStar
New Functions
- pgr_eucledianTSP
New proposed functions.
- pgr_dijkstraCostMatrix
- pgr_withPointsCostMatrix
- pgr_maxFlowPushRelabel(One to One)
- pgr_maxFlowPushRelabel(One to Many)
- pgr_maxFlowPushRelabel(Many to One)
- pgr_maxFlowPushRelabel(Many to Many)
- pgr_maxFlowEdmondsKarp(One to One)
- pgr_maxFlowEdmondsKarp(One to Many)
- pgr_maxFlowEdmondsKarp(Many to One)
- pgr_maxFlowEdmondsKarp(Many to Many)
- pgr_maxFlowBoykovKolmogorov (One to One)
- pgr_maxFlowBoykovKolmogorov (One to Many)
- pgr_maxFlowBoykovKolmogorov (Many to One)
- pgr_maxFlowBoykovKolmogorov (Many to Many)
- pgr_maximumCardinalityMatching
- pgr_edgeDisjointPaths(One to One)
- pgr_edgeDisjointPaths(One to Many)
- pgr_edgeDisjointPaths(Many to One)
- pgr_edgeDisjointPaths(Many to Many)
- pgr_contractGraph
Deprecated signatures
- pgr_tsp - use pgr_TSP or pgr_eucledianTSP instead
- pgr_aStar - use pgr_aStar instead
Deprecated Functions
- pgr_flip_edges
- pgr_vidsToDmatrix
- pgr_pointsToDMatrix
- pgr_textToPoints
To see the issues closed by this release see the Git closed issues for 2.2.4 on Github.
Bug Fixes
- Bogus uses of extern "C"
- Build error on Fedora 24 + GCC 6.0
- Regression error pgr_nodeNetwork
To see the issues closed by this release see the Git closed issues for 2.2.3 on Github.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed compatibility issues with PostgreSQL 9.6.
To see the issues closed by this release see the Git closed issues for 2.2.2 on Github.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed regression error on pgr_drivingDistance
To see the issues closed by this release see the Git closed issues for 2.2.1 on Github.
Bug Fixes
- Server crash fix on pgr_alphaShape
- Bug fix on With Points family of functions
To see the issues closed by this release see the Git closed issues for 2.2.0 on Github.
- Adding a row_where and outall optional parameters
Signature fix
- pgr_dijkstra -- to match what is documented
New Functions
- pgr_floydWarshall
- pgr_Johnson
- pgr_dijkstraCost(One to One)
- pgr_dijkstraCost(One to Many)
- pgr_dijkstraCost(Many to One)
- pgr_dijkstraCost(Many to Many)
Proposed Functionality
- pgr_withPoints(One to One)
- pgr_withPoints(One to Many)
- pgr_withPoints(Many to One)
- pgr_withPoints(Many to Many)
- pgr_withPointsCost(One to One)
- pgr_withPointsCost(One to Many)
- pgr_withPointsCost(Many to One)
- pgr_withPointsCost(Many to Many)
- pgr_withPointsDD(single vertex)
- pgr_withPointsDD(multiple vertices)
- pgr_withPointsKSP
- pgr_dijkstraVia
Deprecated Functions
- pgr_apspWarshall use pgr_floydWarshall instead
- pgr_apspJohnson use pgr_Johnson instead
- pgr_kDijkstraCost use pgr_dijkstraCost instead
- pgr_kDijkstraPath use pgr_dijkstra instead
Renamed and Deprecated Function
- pgr_makeDistanceMatrix renamed to _pgr_makeDistanceMatrix
To see the issues closed by this release see the Git closed issues for 2.1.0 on Github.
New Signatures
- pgr_dijkstra(One to Many)
- pgr_dijkstra(Many to One)
- pgr_dijkstra(Many to Many)
- pgr_drivingDistance(multiple vertices)
- pgr_dijkstra(One to One)
- pgr_ksp
- pgr_drivingDistance(single vertex)
- pgr_alphaShape function now can generate better (multi)polygon with holes and alpha parameter.
Proposed Functionality
Proposed functions from Steve Woodbridge, (Classified as Convenience by the author.)
- pgr_pointToEdgeNode - convert a point geometry to a vertex_id based on closest edge.
- pgr_flipEdges - flip the edges in an array of geometries so the connect end to end.
- pgr_textToPoints - convert a string of x,y;x,y;... locations into point geometries.
- pgr_pointsToVids - convert an array of point geometries into vertex ids.
- pgr_pointsToDMatrix - Create a distance matrix from an array of points.
- pgr_vidsToDMatrix - Create a distance matrix from an array of vertix_id.
- pgr_vidsToDMatrix - Create a distance matrix from an array of vertix_id.
Added proposed functions from GSoc Projects:
- pgr_vrppdtw
- pgr_vrponedepot
Deprecated Functions
- pgr_getColumnName
- pgr_getTableName
- pgr_isColumnCndexed
- pgr_isColumnInTable
- pgr_quote_ident
- pgr_versionless
- pgr_startPoint
- pgr_endPoint
- pgr_pointToId
No longer supported
- Removed the 1.x legacy functions
Bug Fixes
- Some bug fixes in other functions
Refactoring Internal Code
A C and C++ library for developer was created
encapsulates postgreSQL related functions
encapsulates Boost.Graph graphs
- Directed Boost.Graph
- Undirected Boost.graph.
allow any-integer in the id's
allow any-numerical on the cost/reverse_cost columns
Instead of generating many libraries:
- All functions are encapsulated in one library
- The library has the prefix 2-1-0
Minor bug fixes.
Bug Fixes
- No track of the bug fixes were kept.
To see the issues closed by this release see the Git closed issues for 2.0.0 on Github.
With the release of pgRouting 2.0.0 the library has abandoned backwards
compatibility to pgRouting 1.0
_ releases.
The main Goals for this release are:
- Major restructuring of pgRouting.
- Standardization of the function naming
- Preparation of the project for future development.
As a result of this effort:
- pgRouting has a simplified structure
- Significant new functionality has being added
- Documentation has being integrated
- Testing has being integrated
- And made it easier for multiple developers to make contributions.
Important Changes
- Graph Analytics - tools for detecting and fixing connection some problems in a graph
- A collection of useful utility functions
- Two new All Pairs Short Path algorithms (pgr_apspJohnson, pgr_apspWarshall)
- Bi-directional Dijkstra and A-star search algorithms (pgr_bdAstar, pgr_bdDijkstra)
- One to many nodes search (pgr_kDijkstra)
- K alternate paths shortest path (pgr_ksp)
- New TSP solver that simplifies the code and the build process (pgr_tsp), dropped "Gaul Library" dependency
- Turn Restricted shortest path (pgr_trsp) that replaces Shooting Star
- Dropped support for Shooting Star
- Built a test infrastructure that is run before major code changes are checked in
- Tested and fixed most all of the outstanding bugs reported against 1.x that existing in the 2.0-dev code base.
- Improved build process for Windows
- Automated testing on Linux and Windows platforms trigger by every commit
- Modular library design
- Compatibility with PostgreSQL 9.1 or newer
- Compatibility with PostGIS 2.0 or newer
- Installs as PostgreSQL EXTENSION
- Return types re factored and unified
- Support for table SCHEMA in function parameters
- Support for
PostGIS function prefix - Added
prefix to functions and types - Better documentation: https://docs.pgrouting.org
- shooting_star is discontinued
To see the issues closed by this release see the Git closed issues for 1.x
on Github.
The following release notes have been copied from the previous RELEASE_NOTES
file and are kept as a reference.
Changes for release 1.05
- Bug fixes
Changes for release 1.03
- Much faster topology creation
- Bug fixes
Changes for release 1.02
- Shooting* bug fixes
- Compilation problems solved
Changes for release 1.01
- Shooting* bug fixes
Changes for release 1.0
- Core and extra functions are separated
- Cmake build process
- Bug fixes
Changes for release 1.0.0b
- Additional SQL file with more simple names for wrapper functions
- Bug fixes
Changes for release 1.0.0a
- Shooting* shortest path algorithm for real road networks
- Several SQL bugs were fixed
Changes for release 0.9.9
- PostgreSQL 8.2 support
- Shortest path functions return empty result if they could not find any path
Changes for release 0.9.8
- Renumbering scheme was added to shortest path functions
- Directed shortest path functions were added
- routing_postgis.sql was modified to use dijkstra in TSP search