- Invited keynote lecture "Tensor Networks a Language for Classical and Quantum Informatics" at 15th CGW Workshop held in Kraków, Poland, 26-28 October 2015
- Invited lecture "Quantum computing in the cloud!" at KUKDM 2017 Conference in Zakopane 9-10.03.2017
- Invited keynote lecture "A landscape of quantum machine learning" at 18th CGW Workshop held in Kraków, Poland, 22-23 October 2018
- "Hyperspectral image segmentation using adiabatic quantum computation" at Quantum Machine Learning Workshop at 24th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining, 20 August 2018
- "Tensor decompositions in classical and quantum informatics" AGATES Workshop — Tensors from the physics viewpoint, October 4th-7th, 2022, Institute of Mathematics of Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland
- Talk: Simulation of quantum computers: state of the art and perspectives given at the Workshop Quantum Coding conference, 07–09.09.2004, Greifswald, Germany.
- Report: Quantum Implementation of a Parrondo Paradox presented at the NATO Advanced Study Institute — Quantum Computation and Quantum Information conference, 2–13.05.2005, Chania, Greece.
- Report: Quantum Implementation of a Parrondo Paradox, presented at the International Summer School on Quantum Information, 29.08.2005–30.09.2005, Dresden, Germany.
- Report: Noise Effects in Quantum Magic Squares Game presented at the International school of complexity, Noise Information & Complexity @ Quantum Scale conference, 04.09.2007–10.09.2007, Erice, Italy.
- Report: Noise Effects in Quantum Magic Squares Game presented at the 5th Central European Quantum Information Processing Workshop, 5–8.06.2008, Telc, Czech Republic.
- Report: Noisy Quantum Monty Hall Game presented at the 423. Wilhelm und Else Heraeus-Seminar — New Frontiers in Quantum Information Science, 03.11.2008–06.11.2008, Bad Honnef, Germany.Report: Towards quantum queueing theory presented in the form of a poster at the Conference on the Theory of Quantum Computation, Communication and Cryptography, 24–26.05.2011, Madrid, Spain.
- Report: Transition Operation Matrices based Quantum Hidden Markov Models presented at the 9th Central European Quantum Information Processing Workshop 7–10.06.2012, Smolenice, the Slovak Republic.
- Report: Restricted numerical ranges and numerical shadows - numerical methods presented at the 11th Central European Quantum Information Processing Workshop 5–8.06.2014, Znojmo, The Czech Republic.
- Report: Generalized open quantum walks on Apollonian networks presented at the 12th Central European Quantum Information Processing Workshop 18–21.06.2015, Znojmo, The Czech Republic.
- Report: Numerical range for random matrices at the 13th Central European Quantum Information Processing Workshop 16–19.06.2016, Valtice, Czech Republic.
- Report: Hyper-spectral image segmentation using adiabatic quantum computation at the 15th Central European Quantum Information Processing Workshop 13–16.06.2018, Smolenice, Slovakia.
- Report: Hyper-spectral image segmentation using adiabatic quantum computation at the Conference on Quantum Machine Learning Plus 17–21.07.2018, Innsbruck, Austria.
- Talk: Hyper-spectral image segmentation using adiabatic quantum computation at the Quantum Machine Learning Workshop at 24th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining 20.08.2018, London, United Kingdom.
- Talk: Julia programming language for quantum software development at FOSDEM'19 Quantum Computing Workshop, 2-3.02.2019, Brussels, Belgium.
- Multi-spectral image classification with quantum neural network at 2020 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, 26 September–2 October 2020 — Virtual Symposium
Participation in international or national scientific conferences or participation in organizing committees of those conferences
- Participation in the XXVI International School of Theoretical Physics, Quantum Composite Systems, Ustroń, 03–07.09.2002.
- Participation in the Workshop: Quantum Coding, Greifswald 07–09.09.2004.
- Participation in the NATO Advanced Study Institute “Quantum Computation and Quantum Information”, 2–13.05.2005, Chania, Greece.
- Participation in the International Summer School on Quantum Information 29.08.2005–30.09.2005, Dresden, Germany.
- Participation in QIPC 2007 International Conference on Quantum Information Processing and Communication, 15.10.2007–19.10.2007, Barcelona, Spain.
- Participation in the International school of complexity, Noise Information & Complexity @ Quantum Scale, 04.09.2007–10.09.2007, Erice, Italy.
- Participation in the 5th Central European Quantum Information Processing Workshop, 5–8.06.2008, Telč, the Czech Republic.
- Participation in 423. Wilhelm und Else Heraeus-Seminar, „New Frontiers in Quantum Information Science”, 03–06.11.2008, Bad Honnef, Germany.
- Participation in Institute of Advanced Studies, “Quantum Statistical Physics and Quantum Information Theory”, University of Cergy-Pontoise, 21–25.04.2008, Cergy, France.
- Participation in the FP7-ICT Proposers’ Day 2009, 22.01.2009, Budapest, Hungary.
- Participation in the V4 Summer School In Quantum Information, 21–27.09.2009, Budmerice, Slovakia.
- Participation in the Conference on the Theory of Quantum Computation, Communication and Cryptography, 24–26.05.2011, Madrid, Spain.
- Participation in the 9th Central European Quantum Information Processing Workshop, 7–10.06.2012, Smolenice, Slovakia.
- Participation in the Symposium KCIK 2012, 18–19.05.2012, Sopot.
- Participation in the 1th Central European Quantum Information Processing Workshop 5–8.06.2014, Znojmo, The Czech Republic.
- Participation in the 12th Central European Quantum Information Processing Workshop 18–21.06.2015, Telč, Czech Republic.
- Participation in the 13th Central European Quantum Information Processing Workshop 16–19.06.2016, Valtice, Czech Republic.
- Participation in 2nd Quantum UnConference 8-11.04.2018, Barcelona, Spain
- Participation in the 15th Central European Quantum Information Processing Workshop 13–16.06.2018, Smolenice, Slovakia.
- Participation in the Conference on Quantum Machine Learning Plus 17–21.07.2018, Innsbruck, Austria.
- Participation in the Quantum Machine Learning Workshop at 24th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining 20.08.2018 London, UK.
- Participation in the DLR Workshop on Quantum Computing for Applications in Science and Industry, 1–2.10.2018, Cologne, Germany
- Participation in DEAP Collaboration Meeting, Technical University of Munich,26-28.02.2020, Munich, Germany