Releases: phili67/ecclesiacrm
Happy new year 2018 !!!
Functionality Improvements
- sTimeEnglish for setting the time in event format.
- iPersonAddressStyle to support the export address in foreign format.
- Update sunday school export for long addresses.
- Update PhotoBook for nice output too.
- The custom search is now updated with like sql statement, so You can search in a custom field with Capital or not letter, or the beginning of the text you want to search.
- Timeline localisation.
- New Query Menu with classifications.
- Localisation of the tooltip in system config.
- add the roles student/teacher when a group is changed to a sunday group.
- Many comestical updates (buttons, dropdown etc ...).
- etc ...
- send bug report.
- Event management corrected for french date and everything is written in ORM.
- many bug corrections inside ...
Inner Beauty
- New propel schema update.
- Add Event changes to get the code to work with php 7.1 + ORM (EventAttendQuery, EventNames.php, EditEventTypes.php).
- PersonEditor is now in full ORM code.
- SundaySchoolClassView translation problem + ORM
- So many new code in ORM.
- Update some sql code.
- sql update
Inner Coherence
- A propel schema is now good chosen for the future development.
See full changelog here:
Happy new year 2018 !!!
Functionality Improvements
- New Event Menu item which is a fusion of the calendar and the Events menu.
- New Sunday school menu improvement (now you can personnalise the menu in the group editor).
- GroupeEditor is now refactor too, with nice menu edition.
- Added button remove in the PersonView/GroupView too.
- The Popup search are now improved ...
- Refactor of the GroupView (the datatable, buttons etc ... follow the guide lines).
- PersonView is now fully translated (the datatable, buttons etc ... follow the guide lines).
- Add a new delete cart and CRM persons menuitem.
- A new query menu item : to find all the persons who aren't in a group before the year you mentioned).
- A new query menu item : to find all the persons who are in a group.
- Issue submission is now improved and can be used several times without reloading the page.
- the issue are now send to the new git repo.
- The help books is now available (but in construction).
- The event are now modernise and work in foreign languages.
- Many new files are now in ORM.
- Calendar event filters are reintroduced.
- New sunday school export to pdf.
- etc ...
- send bug report.
- many bug corrections inside.
Inner Beauty
- New propel schema update.
- and so many new things inside.
- No more PropertyAssign.php PropertyUnassign.php.
- brand new properties api.
- Refactor of the code more and more coherence in the code and in the propel code too.
- many things are now in Propel code.
Inner Coherence
- A propel schema is now good chosen for the future development.
See full changelog here:
Happy new year!!!
Functionality Improvements
- separate version number from the name of the CRM
- Menu.php date update localisation
- Add new buttons for the time line
- PrintView image to big is now solved
- Now the report issue on github is operational too with ecclesiacrm.
- Better installer and No more bug with cart status at the installation of ecclesiacrm.
- Automatic logout
- when you try to go back to the website after a logout you're redirected to the logout.
- new website in progress...
- Fix the upgrade from 2.10.3 to 2.10.5 and delete the ChurchCRM code.
- the horrible message at the installation disappear.
Inner Beauty
- add version number and version name in propel tool
- Support for states per country (US & CA for now)
- New class OutputUtils FormatDate, FormatBirthDate, BirthDate
See full changelog here:
Merry Christmas everyone!!!
Functionality Improvements
- Locale Text updates
- Person timeline now shows when a member was added/removed from a group
- Event was added successfully.
- Better improvement with Firefox and JS
- Delete a member of a group now work perfectly
- the Delete button is now aligned in the PersonEditor
- The time line is now well translated
- Now the project has a new update center
- A new website too
- The project is now called : EcclesiaCRM
- new web site in progress
- new help ballon with the possibility
- I extend the search field I've develop in ChurchCRM : it has the work phone too.
- Now the student/teacher are now everywhere translated
- etc ...
- Fixed Delete Person Group Bug
- Fixed Invalid date when Entering new Family
- Fixed Can't delete Family
- Add Event via Calendar corrected
- Add All People to Cart is fully functional in JS code only
- CKEditor missing css
Inner Beauty
- APIs to Support Country List
- Support for states per country (US & CA for now)
- API Security updates
See full changelog here: