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Ruby CLI for InfluxDB is a simple Ruby console (empowered with Pry) connected to an InfluxDB server using given parameters. In order to connect to InfluxDB, it uses influxdb-ruby, so you can access any available method from influxdb-ruby in the console through the db variable i.e.: db.write_point(name, data), db.query('SELECT value FROM response_times') etc.

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gem install influxdb-cli


$ influxdb-cli help db

  influxdb-cli db

      [--host=HOST]                      # Hostname
                                         # Default: localhost
      [--port=PORT]                      # Port
                                         # Default: 8086
  -u, [--username=USERNAME]              # Username
                                         # Default: root
  -p, [--password=PASSWORD]              # Password
                                         # Default: root
  -d, [--database=DATABASE]              # Database
                                         # Default: db
      [--pretty=PRETTY]                  # Human readable times (UTC)
      [--ssl], [--no-ssl]                # Connect using TLS/SSL
      [--time-precision=TIME_PRECISION]  # Time precision can be set to either "s" for seconds, "ms" for milliseconds, or "u" for microseconds
                                         # Default: s


Connect to a database

$ influxdb-cli
Connecting to {"host"=>"localhost", "port"=>8086, "username"=>"root", "password"=>"root", "database"=>"db"}
✔ ready


$ influxdb-cli -u user -p password -d database --host --port 9061
Connecting to {"host"=>"", "port"=>"9061", "username"=>"username", "password"=>"password", "database"=>"database"}
✔ ready

InfluxDB Playground 🤘

Create a database and user

2.0.0 (main)> db.create_database 'db'
2.0.0 (main)> db.create_database_user 'db', 'root', 'root'

List databases

2.0.0 (main)> db.list_databases

Switch databases

2.0.0 (main)> use other_database
2.0.0 (main)> db.database
=> "other_database"

Write a point

2.0.0 (main)> db.write_point('tests', { message: 'Hello Pablo' })

2.0.0 (main)> SELECT * FROM tests

|                     tests                     |
| time          | sequence_number | message     |
| 1387287723816 | 1               | Hello Pablo |
1 result found for tests

Query duration: 0.0s

Return the last point from every time series in the database

2.0.0 (main)> SELECT * FROM /.*/ LIMIT 1

or to get only the name from every time series in the database.

2.0.0 (main)> db.query('SELECT * FROM /.*/ LIMIT 1').keys
=> [
    [0] "tests",
    [1] "response_times",
    [2] "deploys",
    [3] "..."

Query with a tabularized output

2.0.0 (main)> SELECT * FROM deploys
|                                                    deploys                                                  |
| time          | sequence_number | application     | branch | latest_revision | previous_revision | stage    |
| ...           | ...             | ...             | ...    | ...             | ...               | ...      |

1 result found for deploys

Query duration: 0.49s

Query with a Ruby Hash output

2.0.0 (main)> db.query('SELECT * FROM deploys')
=> {
     "deploys" => [
        [ 0] {
                         "time" => "...",
              "sequence_number" => "...",
                  "application" => "...",
                       "branch" => "...",
              "latest_revision" => "...",
            "previous_revision" => "...",
                        "stage" => "..."

Other methods

2.0.0 (main)> db.write_point(name, data)
2.0.0 (main)> db.list_databases
2.0.0 (main)> ls -q db
  _write                    create_database       database=             delete_database_user    get_database_user_list  password   port=  queue=                username
  alter_database_privilege  create_database_user  delete_cluster_admin  get_cluster_admin_list  host                    password=  query  update_cluster_admin  username=
  create_cluster_admin      database              delete_database       list_databases       host=                   port       queue  update_database_user  write_point
instance variables: @database  @host  @http  @password  @port  @queue  @username

Pry commands

As influxdb-cli is empowered with Pry, all Pry awesome commands are available in the console.


2.0.0 (main)> show-source InfluxDB::Client#query

From: /Users/pablo/.gem/ruby/2.0.0/gems/influxdb-0.0.11/lib/influxdb/client.rb @ line 152:
Owner: InfluxDB::Client
Visibility: public
Number of lines: 17

def query(query)
  url = full_url("db/#{@database}/series", "q=#{query}")
  url = URI.encode url
  response = @http.request(
  series = JSON.parse(response.body)

  if block_given?
    series.each { |s| yield s['name'], denormalize_series(s) }
    series.reduce({}) do |col, s|
      name                  = s['name']
      denormalized_series   = denormalize_series s
      col[name]             = denormalized_series


2.0.0 (main)> show-doc InfluxDB::Client#initialize

From: /Users/pablo/.gem/ruby/2.0.0/gems/influxdb-0.0.11/lib/influxdb/client.rb @ line 13:
Owner: InfluxDB::Client
Visibility: private
Signature: initialize(*args)
Number of lines: 20

Initializes a new Influxdb client

=== Examples:                               # connect to localhost using root/root
                                               # as the credentials and doesn't connect to a db 'db'                          # connect to localhost using root/root
                                               # as the credentials and 'db' as the db name :username => 'username'       # override username, other defaults remain unchanged 'db', :username => 'username' # override username, use 'db' as the db name

=== Valid options in hash

+:hostname+:: the hostname to connect to
+:port+:: the port to connect to
+:username+:: the username to use when executing commands
+:password+:: the password associated with the username