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Rock - Paper- Scissors Challenge Career training - tech interview

Very important challenge for the letter of recommendation - do your best and the sky's the limit!

During first interview you get a challenge, then a few days later you have a new meeting where you go over the solution and explain it.


  • 14 days to complete the tech-challenge.
  • During that time you check-in with your coach and tell them about your progress, potential blockers etc.
  • Friday in 2 weeks we demo the solution.

OK to just bring llgic, ok to bring a fully styled application, ok to game against the computer, randomise usin rand-method with randomized computer input, ok to make it possible to be 2 players in the same game.

In 1st interview: describe your general plan - language, libraries, testdriven, work agile? - functioning code above all else.... for the solution.

In 2nd - talk through the solution, blockers & solution, classes, components? Demo the thing. I deviate from 1st meeting plans, tell why.

It's hard to test randomize methods in unit and feature testing. There's a workaround. We can ask Thomas for help if it's super specific.

Make a draft of approach! tests written first, committed, then implementation.

Draft for 1st interview:

  • Work agile/eXtreme Programming by using

    • Behaviour and Test Driven Development
    • refactoring
    • continuous integration
    • continuous deployment But the main focus is working software where the player can challenge the computer. Styling and adding multiple player-interactivitiy will be a secondary concern.
  • Code in vanilla JavaScript

  • unit and feature/acceptance testing with NodeJs and chai assertion library and Cucumber

  • I'll use continuous deployment to my github and to the soon-to-be-deployed webbased interface. That way I can deliver the code in small instances.


  • Writing tests first.
  • Switch-case-statement for rock, paper, scissor functionality where the value of each instance is declared as more than or less than the other.
  • A randomize method for what the computer chooses. Stub out....

time management! Plan ur fucking time.

If use any onlinesources, tutuorials, github - reference them in the readme "inspired by ..." In readme - simple setup explination of npm, yarn etc. (if you clone repo make sure you do npm install..)

Keep Noel updates as if he was an employer through Slack - when I have something cool to show.

// Copy of application.features cause we don't need to featuretest with both cucumber and e2e2. require('../spec.helper');

context('User can click on one of 3 buttons and see a result of who won.', () => { before(async () => { await browser.init() await browser.visitPage('http://localhost:8080/') });

beforeEach(async () => { await; });

after(() => { browser.close(); });

it('User can see the page titel', async () => { expect(await'Rock Paper Scissors'); });

it('User can see three buttons', async () => { expect(await'Rock', 'Paper', 'Scissors'); });

//Below is WIP // it ('User can click on a button and see who won', async () => { // await browser.clickOnButton("input[value='Check']") // let content = await browser.getContent("[id='display_answer']") // expect(content).to.eql('Rock wins'); // })


 When("I click button with {string}", function(string){
    // Write code here that turns the phrase above into concrete actions
    return "pending";

    <button type="submit">Rock</button>
    <button type="submit">Paper</button>
    <button type="submit">Scissors</button>

 describe('Computer chooses at random', () => {})

app.js under playerChoice

  if (document.getElementById("Rock").addEventListener("click", playerRock)) {
        let playerChoice = rock

index.html Rock Paper Scissors

RANDOM! randItem returns a random item from an array, randPick removes a random item from an array, and randPut puts a item at a random position in an array. And a seeded random (Not as good as Math.random but more than enough for most applications).

Code I've written and might use


  async stubComputerChoice(scissor){ 
    const fakeCompChoi = sinon.stub(Math, 'floor').returns(scissor)


function Randomize() {
    let variable = Math.floor(Math.random()*3)
    return variable

And then comment out let randomIndex = Math.floor(Math.random()*3); in ComputerChoice()

app_spec.js var sinon = require('sinon');

    it('computer can randomly choose rock', () => {
        let stubComp = ComputerChoice()
        sinon.stub(Math, 'floor').returns(0)
        expect(stubComp).to.eq(0)//[WIP] How to write this?

    it('expect randomization', () => {
        const result = Randomize()