Feature | Version |
Double-pressing the RESET button | 0.9.1+ |
Software rebooting | 0.9.13+ |
When you want to install a new uf2 file of PRK Firmware, make sure the mass storage drive is RPI-RP2
, which means RP2040 booted into BOOTSEL mode.
There are three ways of rebooting RP2040 into BOOTSEL mode.
This is eligible no matter what. But I know you feel troublesome.
- If you are able to access the RESET button of the microcontroller board (Though Raspi Pico doesn't have a RESET button!)
- Or, The PCB has a RESET button that connects to RP2040's reset circuit
- Then you can reboot RP2040 to BOOTSEL mode by double-pressing any of the RESET button
- Note that PRK Firmware should have already been installed prior to the above
I guess this is what you want.
method will reboot RP2040 into BOOTSEL mode.
So you can configure a key as a reboot button like this:
kbd = Keyboard.new
kbd.add_layer :default, %i(KC_A KC_B KC_C BOOTSEL)
kbd.define_mode_key :BOOTSEL, [ Proc.new { kbd.bootsel! }, nil, 200, nil]
# ^^^
# Should NOT be `nil`