This folder contains simple samples showing how to use the various features of the Microsoft Azure IoT Hub service from a device running JavaScript code.
Simple send and receive messages:
- simple_sample_device.js: Connect to IoT Hub and send and receive messages.
- simple_sample_device_with_sas.js: Connect using a SAS Token to IoT Hub and send and receive messages.
- simple_sample_device_x509.js: Connect using an X-509 certificate to IoT Hub and send and receive messages.
- send_batch_http.js: Connect to IoT Hub and send a batch of messages over an HTTP connection.
- remote_monitoring: Implements the device code used to connect to an Azure IoT Suite Remote Monitoring preconfigured solution.
- edge_downstream_device.js: Connect a downstream device to IoT Edge and send and receive messages.
Device services samples (Device Twins, Methods, and Device Management):
- simple_sample_device_twin.js: Shows how to synchronize a Device Twin with Azure IoT Hub on a device.
- device_method.js: Shows how to implement an Azure IoT Hub Cloud to Device Direct Method on a device.
- dmpatterns_reboot_device.js: Shows how a device handles a C2D method to reboot and provides progress updates through twin reported properties. See device management patterns for instructions on running the device management patterns samples.
- dmpatterns_fwupdate_device.js: Shows how a device handles a C2D method to initiate a firmware update and provides progress updates through twin reported properties. See device management patterns for instructions on running the device management patterns samples.
Uploading blob to Azure:
- device_blob_upload.js: Uploads a blob to Azure through IoT Hub
In order to run the device samples you will first need the following prerequisites:
- Node.js v0.10 or above on your target device. (Check out for more info)
- Create an Azure IoT Hub instance
- Create a device identity for your device
Once you have a device identity for your sample, get the following files from the current folder:
- package.json
- sample_file.js (where sample_file.js is one of the files listed above and available in this folder)
Place the files in the folder of your choice on the target machine/device then go through the following steps:
- Open the file sample_file.js in a text editor.
- Locate the following code in the file:
var connectionString = '[IoT Device Connection String]';
- Replace
[IoT Device Connection String]
with the connection string for your device. Save the changes. - From a shell or Node.js command prompt, navigate to the folder where you placed the sample files. Run the sample application using the following commands:
$ npm install
$ node sample_file.js
- In order to monitor and interact with the sample, you can use the iothub-explorer utility which can be used to display the messages sent by the device, send messages back to the device, interact with the device Twin, or invoke a C2D Direct Method on the device.
For more information on how to use this library refer to the documents below: