From root:
mvn spotless:apply
From documentation folder:
Be careful as it breaks some Admonitions, diff must be reviewed carefully
yarn format
Note: removed "sortPom" configuration because it doesn't respect line size. And runing prettier from yarn vs. Maven because of issue with nested XML, etc.
To update Maven dependencies:
mvn versions:update-properties
mvn versions:use-next-versions
To update ICU4J, think to find/replace in all the code since bazel/gradle example won't be updated by the Maven command
Passing annotation option with javac
, just use the -A
. This passes the extra path to scan to
find the properties files.
$ javac -d outputproc -proc:only \
-processorpath "../../l10nmessages-proc/target/l10nmessages-proc-1.0.6-SNAPSHOT.jar:../../l10nmessages/target/l10nmessages-1.0.6-SNAPSHOT.jar" \
-processor "com.pinterest.l10nmessages.L10nPropertiesProcessor" \
-classpath "../../l10nmessages/target/l10nmessages-1.0.6-SNAPSHOT.jar" \
-Adebug \
-Al10nPropertiesProcessor.fallbackInputLocation="src/main/resources" \
To show debug messages in Maven, need to show warnings
VSCode if configured from a Maven project does run the annotation processor but the properties are not accessible through the class pass contrarily to Maven build. This is causing build failure. To address that we add a way to scan other path, but it will have to be provided as param to maven which is not great.
For testing
javac -d outputproc -proc:only \
-processorpath "src/main/resources:/Users/jeanaurambault/.m2/repository/com/pinterest/l10nmessages/l10nmessages-proc/1.0.6-SNAPSHOT/l10nmessages-proc-1.0.6-SNAPSHOT.jar:/Users/jeanaurambault/.m2/repository/com/pinterest/l10nmessages/l10nmessages/1.0.6-SNAPSHOT/l10nmessages-1.0.6-SNAPSHOT.jar" \
-processor "com.pinterest.l10nmessages.L10nPropertiesProcessor" \
-classpath "/Users/jeanaurambault/.m2/repository/com/pinterest/l10nmessages/l10nmessages/1.0.6-SNAPSHOT/l10nmessages-1.0.6-SNAPSHOT.jar" \
When using the Maven plugin
brew install fswatch
fswatch -e ".*" -i "\\.properties$" . | xargs -n1 -I{} mvn generate-sources
or if using the annotation processor
fswatch -e ".*" -i "\\.properties$" . | xargs -n1 -I{} mvn clean package
Make edits in maven
and maven-icu
modules, and then use examples/
to copy
changes to the other modules.