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benliao1 edited this page Aug 22, 2020 · 7 revisions

Common Problems on the Raspis

If Runtime doesn't start up or exit properly, check to make sure there are no residual objects from the previous run of Runtime. After cleaning up any residual objects from the previous run of Runtime, start up Runtime by either starting up all the services again:

service shm_start start
service net_handler start
service dev_handler start
service executor start

or by using the scripts/ shell script with runtime run in the terminal from any directory.

Process Cleanup

Check for residual processes or services:

ps -efH -u pi

lists all processes owned by the pi user on the Raspberry Pi. If you see anything Runtime-related, for example:

pi       23623     1  0 11:41 pts/1    00:00:00 ./net_handler

kill the process by sending it SIGINT with kill -INT 23623 where you replace the 23623 with whatever the process ID of the residual process is.

Files / Object Cleanup

Check that the challenge socket and the log FIFO are reset by removing them if they exist. Do:

ls /tmp

and if you see either challenge.sock or log-fifo in the output, remove them with rm /tmp/challenge.sock and rm /tmp/log-fifo, respectively.

If you are running tests, there might also be a bunch of unused challenge sockets of in the /tmp directory that look like ttyACM*, where * represents some number. Remove all of those too, with rm /tmp/ttyACM*.

Check that the shared memory is removed if it exists. Do:

ls /dev/shm

and if you see a whole bunch of files there, remove them with rm /dev/shm/*.