The currency service is a gRPC service which provides up to date exchange rates and currency conversion capabilities.
To build the gRPC client and server interfaces, first install protoc:
sudo apt install protobuf-compiler
brew install protoc
Then install the Go gRPC plugin:
go get
Then run the build command:
protoc -I=./protos protos/currency.proto --go_out=./protos/currency --go_grpc_out=./protos/currency
To test the system install grpccurl
which is a command line tool which can interact with gRPC API's
go install
grpcurl --plaintext localhost:9092 list
grpcurl --plaintext localhost:9092 list Currency
grpcurl --plaintext localhost:9092 describe Currency.GetRate
Currency.GetRate is a method:
rpc GetRate ( .RateRequest ) returns ( .RateResponse );
grpcurl --plaintext --msg-template localhost:9092 describe .RateRequest
RateRequest is a message:
message RateRequest {
string Base = 1 [json_name = "base"];
string Destination = 2 [json_name = "destination"];
Message template:
"Base": "EUR",
"Destination": "EUR"
➜ grpcurl --plaintext -d '{"Base": "GBP", "Destination": "USD"}' localhost:9092 Currency/GetRate
"rate": 1.2229967868538965
The parameter -d @
means that gRPCurl will read the messages from StdIn.
grpcurl --plaintext --msg-template -d @ localhost:9092 Currency/SubscribeRates
You can send a message to the server using the following payload
"Base": "EUR",
"Destination": "GBP"