In this lab, you are going to control consumer position.
- You need to start up the apache kafka single node cluster using the command
docker-compose -f single_zookeeper_multiple_kafka.yml up
- Verify that the zookeeper and kafka containers are up and running
docker ps
- Create a topic with name session-four-lab-two with 3 partition and
to 3, using the following command:
docker exec -it kafka1 kafka-topics --create --bootstrap-server --replication-factor 3 --partitions
3 --topic session-four-lab-two
- After the finish of the lab, you can stop the container using the command:
docker-compose -f single_zookeeper_multiple_kafka.yml down
Consumer position is the topic, partition and offset of the last record per partition consuming. Offset for each
record in a partition as a unique identifier record location in the partition. Consumer position gives offset of
next (highest) record that it consumes and the position advances automatically for each call to poll(..)
Consumer committed position is the last offset that has been stored to the Kafka broker if the consumer fails, this
allows the consumer to picks up at the last committed position. Consumer can auto commit offsets (
periodically (
) or do commit explicitly using commitSync()
and commitAsync()
Kafka organizes Consumers into consumer groups. Consumer instances that have the same are in the same consumer group. Pools of consumers in a group divide work of consuming and processing records. In the consumer groups, processes and threads can run on the same box or run distributed for scalability/fault tolerance.
Consumer partition reassignment in a consumer group happens automatically. Consumers are notified via
and triggers consumers to finish necessary clean up. A Consumer can use the API to assign
specific partitions using the assign(Collection) method, but using assign disables dynamic partition assignment and
consumer group coordination. Dead consumers may see CommitFailedException
thrown from a call to commitSync()
. Only
active members of consumer group can commit offsets.
You can control consumer position moving to forward or backward. Consumers can re-consume older records or skip to the most recent records.
Use, long)
to specify. E.g. consumer.seekToBeginning(Collecion)
and consumer.seekToEnd
(Collection) Use Case Time-sensitive record processing: Skip to most recent records.
For the consumer to manage its own offset you just need to do the following: Set = false Use
offset provided with each ConsumerRecord to save your position (partition/offset). On restart restore consumer
position using, long)
. Usage like this simplest when the partition assignment is
also done manually using assign()
instead of subscribe()
If using automatic partition assignment, you must handle cases where partition assignments changes. Pass
instance in call to kafkaConsumer.subscribe(Collection, ConsumerRebalanceListener)
kafkaConsumer.subscribe(Pattern, ConsumerRebalanceListener)
. When partitions taken from consumer, commit its offset
for partitions by implementing ConsumerRebalanceListener.onPartitionsRevoked(Collection)
and when partitions are
assigned to consumer, look up offset for new partitions and correctly initialize consumer to that position by
implementing ConsumerRebalanceListener.onPartitionsAssigned(Collection)
You need to edit the following classes:
- RUN AdvancedConsumer with moving to start of log (e.g. java AdvancedConsumer START)
- RUN StockPriceKafkaProducer
- RUN AdvancedConsumer with moving to end of log
- RUN AdvancedConsumer run with moving to a certain location in log
It should all run. Stop consumer and producer when finished.