In this lab, you will use kafka-console-producer
to producer messages with various keys.
- You need to start up the apache kafka single node cluster using the command
docker-compose -f single_zookeeper_multiple_kafka.yml up
- Verify that the zookeeper and kafka containers are up and running
docker ps
- Create a topic with name session_three_topic* with 3 partition and
to 1, using the following command:
docker exec -it kafka1 kafka-topics --create --bootstrap-server --replication-factor 1 --partitions 3 --topic session_three_topic
- After the finish of the lab, you can stop the container using the command:
docker-compose -f single_zookeeper_multiple_kafka.yml down
To start producing to a topic you need to execute the following command to a new terminal:
docker exec -ti kafka1 kafka-console-producer --bootstrap-server --topic session_three_topic
and the command output will be:
After the producer is opened, you should see a > sign. Then any line of text you write afterwards will be sent to the Kafka topic (when pressing Enter)
>Hello World
>My name is Thomas
>Kafka is awesome!
>^C (<- Ctrl + C is used to exit the producer)
You find below some important parameters that you can set:
: To enable message compression, default gzip, possible values 'none', 'gzip', 'snappy', 'lz4', or 'zstd'--producer-property
: To pass in any producer property, such as the acks=all setting.--request-required-acks
: An alternative to set the acks setting directly
Here are some hints with the kafka-console-producer command:
- Messages are sent with the null key by default (see below for more options)
- If the topic does not exist, it can be auto-created by Kafka:
A topic with the name provided should exist. If you specify a topic that does not exist yet, a new topic with the name provided will be created with the default number of partitions and replication factor. These are controlled by the broker-side settings (in your config/ file), with the following defaults:
Create a file topic-input-file.txt (make sure each message is on a new line)
Hello World
My name is Thomas Pliakas
execute the following command:
docker exec -ti kafka1 kafka-console-producer --bootstrap-server --topic session_three_topic > ./topic-input-file.txt
By default messages sent to a Kafka topic will result in messages with null keys. You must use the properties parse.key and key.separator to send the key alongside messages. In this example, the separator between the key and the value is: :
docker exec -ti kafka1 kafka-console-producer --bootstrap-server --topic session_three_topic --property parse.key=true --property key.separator=:
and the example input is:
Do not forget to always include your key/value separator otherwise you will get an exception.