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@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+# 基于 VirtualBox + CentOS7 的 PouchContainer 体验环境搭建与上手指南
+## 下载VirtualBox
+**1. 阿里郎-管家-办公软件管理 安装 VirtualBox,默认版本为 5.2.12**
+**2. 在钉盘上下载 VirtualBox**
+- Mac 版本地址: https://space.dingtalk.com/s/gwHOABma4QLOGlgkPQPaACBiMzk5ZWRjZTAyOGI0MTBkOGRkNTRjYzNkN2Q1NTFjOA
+- Windows 版本地址: https://space.dingtalk.com/s/gwHOABmLzwLOGlgkPQPaACBhNzNjYjI5NTYxMzQ0NmUwOWRmMTFlN2UzMTYxNDQ4Mw
+## 配置虚拟机
+**1. 下载开发环境的虚拟机备份,钉盘地址:**
+**2. 打开 VirtualBox**
+- 新建-名称自定义-类型选择【Linux】-版本选择【Red Hat(64- bit)】
+- 内存选择【1024M】
+- 使用【已有的虚拟硬盘文件】-选择步骤 1 中下载的 vdi 文件-创建
+**3. 启动新建实例,等待进入到登录阶段,用户名 `root`**
+**4. 修改`/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0`,使其中的 HWADDR 与 ip ad 命令中显示的 MAC 地址一致,reboot 后 ping www.alibaba-inc.com,检查网络是否正常**
+- ip ad 命令查看MAC地址
+- 修改`/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0`中HWADDR
+- ping www.alibaba-inc.com,检查网络连接
+## 运行PouchContainer
+1. 执行 `systemctl start pouch`, 启动 pouch 服务
+2. 执行 `pouch run -t -d busybox sh`, 启动一个 busybox 基础容器
+3. 执行 `pouch exec -it {ID} sh` 登入启动的容器,其中 ID 是上条命令输出的完整 ID 中的前六位
+## 配置sshd
+**1. 在VirtualBox中设置网卡,选择仅主机(Host-Only)适配器的方式**
+**2. 在虚拟机中修改sshd配置,允许远程连接**
+**3. 重启sshd服务:`systemctl restart sshd.service `**
+**4. 查看虚拟机IP地址:`ip addr `**
+**5. 在宿主机中通过iTerm连接虚拟机**
+## 将宿主机pouch目录挂载到虚拟机中
+**1. 在VirtualBox中设置共享文件夹**
+**2. 在虚拟机中执行以下命令安装挂载所需模块**
+yum clean all
+yum update
+yum install kernel
+yum install kernel-devel
+yum install kernel-headers
+yum install gcc
+yum install make
+cd /opt/VBoxGuestAdditions-*/init
+./vboxadd setup
+**3. 执行` mount -t vboxsf pouchShare /root/go/src/github.com/alibaba/pouch`,将添加的共享文件夹挂载到虚拟机的pouch源码路径下**
diff --git "a/blog-cn/\345\256\211\350\243\205\350\257\264\346\230\216.md" "b/blog-cn/\345\256\211\350\243\205\350\257\264\346\230\216.md"
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+# 快速入门
+希望使用PouchContainer的终端用户,请阅读 [终端用户快速入门](#终端用户快速入门)以安装和探索PouchContainer。
+### Ubuntu
+要安装PouchContainer,您需要一个Ubuntu 16.04(Xenial LTS)在维护的版本。不支持存档和测试版本。
+``` bash
+sudo apt-get install lxcfs
+``` bash
+sudo apt-get install curl apt-transport-https ca-certificates software-properties-common
+**1. 添加PouchContainer的官方GPG密钥**
+``` bash
+curl -fsSL http://mirrors.aliyun.com/opsx/pouch/linux/debian/opsx@service.alibaba.com.gpg.key | sudo apt-key add -
+通过搜索指纹的最后8个字符,验证您现在是否具有指纹 `F443 EDD0 4A58 7E8B F645 9C40 CF68 F84A BE2F 475F`的密钥。
+``` bash
+$ apt-key fingerprint BE2F475F
+pub 4096R/BE2F475F 2018-02-28
+ Key fingerprint = F443 EDD0 4A58 7E8B F645 9C40 CF68 F84A BE2F 475F
+uid opsx-admin
+**2. 建立PouchContainer仓库**
+在新主机上首次安装PouchContainer之前,您需要建立PouchContainer仓库。我们默认启用了`stabel` 仓库,因为您始终需要`stabel` 仓库。要添加 `test` 仓库,请在以下命令行中的单词 `stable` 之后添加单词 `test` 。在此之后,您可以从仓库安装和更新PouchContainer。
+``` bash
+sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://mirrors.aliyun.com/opsx/pouch/linux/debian/ pouch stable"
+**3. 安装PouchContainer**
+``` bash
+# update the apt package index
+sudo apt-get update
+sudo apt-get install pouch
+安装PouchContainer后,将创建 `pouch` 组,但该组中未添加任何用户。
+**4. 启动PouchContainer**
+``` bash
+sudo service pouch start
+### CentOS
+要安装PouchContainer,您需要一个CentOS 7在维护的版本。不支持存档和测试版本。
+**1. 安装yum-utils**
+安装所需的包。 yum-utils提供了yum-config-manager的实用工具。
+``` bash
+sudo yum install -y yum-utils
+**2. 建立PouchContainer仓库**
+``` bash
+sudo yum-config-manager --add-repo http://mirrors.aliyun.com/opsx/opsx-centos7.repo
+sudo yum update
+注意:上述命令设置了 `stable` 仓库,您可以通过以下命令启用 `test` 仓库。
+``` bash
+sudo yum-config-manager --enable pouch-test
+您可以通过运行 `yum-config-manager` 命令和 `--disable` 参数来禁用 `test` 仓库。要重新启用它,请使用 `--enable` 参数。使用以下命令可以禁用 `test` 仓库。
+``` bash
+sudo yum-config-manager --disable pouch-test
+**3. 安装PouchContainer**
+``` bash
+sudo yum install pouch
+安装PouchContainer后,将创建 `pouch` 组,但该组中未添加任何用户。
+**4. 启动PouchContainer**
+``` bash
+sudo systemctl start pouch
+## 卸载pouch
+``` bash
+sudo apt-get purge pouch
+``` bash
+sudo yum remove pouch
+运行 `remove` 命令后,您主机上的镜像,容器,存储卷和自定义配置文件不会被自动删除。若要删除所有镜像,容器和存储卷,请执行以下命令:
+``` bash
+sudo rm -rf /var/lib/pouch
+## 开发人员快速入门
+本指南提供了在裸机服务器或虚拟机上部署PouchContainer的步骤说明。作为开发人员,您需要通过源代码构建和测试PouchContainer二进制文件。要构建被称为"PouchContainer Daemon"的pouchd和被称为"PouchContainer CLI"的pouch,需要安装以下系统依赖项:
+* Linux Kernel 3.10+
+* Go 1.9.0+
+* containerd: 1.0.3
+* runc: 1.0.0-rc4
+* runv: 1.0.0 (option)
+### 预安装
+* [containerd](https://github.com/containerd/containerd): 行业标准的容器运行时环境;
+* [runc](https://github.com/opencontainers/runc): 用于根据OCI规范生成和运行容器的CLI工具;
+* [runv](https://github.com/hyperhq/runv): 基于监管服务的OCI运行时环境;
+以下是安装 `containerd` 和runc的shell脚本:
+``` shell
+# install containerd
+$ wget https://github.com/containerd/containerd/releases/download/v1.0.3/containerd-1.0.3.linux-amd64.tar.gz
+$ tar -xzvf containerd-1.0.3.linux-amd64.tar.gz -C /usr/local
+# install runc
+$ wget https://github.com/opencontainers/runc/releases/download/v1.0.0-rc4/runc.amd64 -P /usr/local/bin
+$ chmod +x /usr/local/bin/runc.amd64
+$ mv /usr/local/bin/runc.amd64 /usr/local/bin/runc
+### runV安装
+有关使用runV体验PouchContainer的更多指南,包括runv安装,请参考[PouchContainer run with runv guide](docs/features/pouch_with_runV.md)。
+### PouchContainer的构建和安装
+安装完所有依赖后,您可以构建和安装PouchContainer Daemo和PouchContainer CLI。克隆仓库并检出任意您选择的分支(在以下示例中,检出的是主干分支):
+``` shell
+mkdir -p $GOPATH/src/github.com/alibaba/
+cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/alibaba/; git clone https://github.com/alibaba/pouch.git
+cd pouch; git checkout master
+名为 `build` 的Makefile target将编译当前工作目录中的pouch和pouchd二进制文件。或者您可以执行 `make install` 来构建二进制文件并将它们安装在目标目录中(默认情况下为 `/usr/local/bin` )。
+``` shell
+make install
+### 启动PouchContainer
+``` shell
+$ pouchd
+INFO[0000] starting containerd module=containerd revision=773c489c9c1b21a6d78b5c538cd395416ec50f88 version=v1.0.3
+INFO[0000] setting subreaper... module=containerd
+INFO[0000] loading plugin "io.containerd.content.v1.content"... module=containerd type=io.containerd.content.v1
+INFO[0000] loading plugin "io.containerd.snapshotter.v1.btrfs"... module=containerd type=io.containerd.snapshotter.v1
+WARN[0000] failed to load plugin io.containerd.snapshotter.v1.btrfs error="path /var/lib/containerd/io.containerd.snapshotter.v1.btrfs must be a btrfs filesystem to be used with the btrfs snapshotter" module=containerd
+INFO[0000] loading plugin "io.containerd.snapshotter.v1.overlayfs"... module=containerd type=io.containerd.snapshotter.v1
+INFO[0000] loading plugin "io.containerd.metadata.v1.bolt"... module=containerd type=io.containerd.metadata.v1
+WARN[0000] could not use snapshotter btrfs in metadata plugin error="path /var/lib/containerd/io.containerd.snapshotter.v1.btrfs must be a btrfs filesystem to be used with the btrfs snapshotter" module="containerd/io.containerd.metadata.v1.bolt"
+INFO[0000] loading plugin "io.containerd.differ.v1.walking"... module=containerd type=io.containerd.differ.v1
+INFO[0000] loading plugin "io.containerd.grpc.v1.containers"... module=containerd type=io.containerd.grpc.v1
+在pouchd运行之后,您可以通过PouchContainer CLI与pouchd进行交互:
+$ pouch images
+3e8fa85ddfef docker.io/library/busybox:latest 2699
+504cf109b492 docker.io/library/redis:alpine 2035
+## 反馈
diff --git "a/blog-cn/\351\231\204\345\212\240\347\277\273\350\257\221.md" "b/blog-cn/\351\231\204\345\212\240\347\277\273\350\257\221.md"
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@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+# 路线图
+* 容器常规管理
+* 强隔离
+* 向生态系统开放
+## 容器常规管理
+## 强隔离
+## 生态系统的增强
diff --git a/blog-en/PouchContainer environment build and user guide based on VirtualBox + CentOS7.md b/blog-en/PouchContainer environment build and user guide based on VirtualBox + CentOS7.md
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+#PouchContainer environment build and user guide based on VirtualBox + CentOS7
+## Download VirtualBox
+**1. ALILANG-Manager-Software Download-Download VirtualBox,default version is 5.2.12**
+**2. Download VirtualBox from DingPan**
+- Mac Version Address: https://space.dingtalk.com/s/gwHOABma4QLOGlgkPQPaACBiMzk5ZWRjZTAyOGI0MTBkOGRkNTRjYzNkN2Q1NTFjOA
+- Windows Version Address: https://space.dingtalk.com/s/gwHOABmLzwLOGlgkPQPaACBhNzNjYjI5NTYxMzQ0NmUwOWRmMTFlN2UzMTYxNDQ4Mw
+## Configuring Virtual Machine
+**1. Download the virtual machine backup of the development environment,DingPan Address: https://space.dingtalk.com/s/gwHOABmLxALOGlgkPQPaACA4N2JjNmIwMGI5NWU0MGE1YjZhNTBiOGNjMDZhOTJiNQ**
+**2. Open VirtualBox**
+- New-Custom Name-Type choose【Linux】-Version choose【Red Hat(64- bit)】
+- RAM choose【1024M】
+- choose 【Existing virtual hard disk file】-choose vdi file downloaded from step 1-create
+**3. Start new instanse,waiting to enter the login stage,Username: `root`**
+**4. modify `/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0`,make the HWADDR match the MAC address displayed across the ip ad command,reboot , then ping www.alibaba-inc.com, check if the network is work**
+- show MAC address across the ip ad command
+- modify HWADDR in` /sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0`
+- ping www.alibaba-inc.com , check if the network is work
+## Run PouchContainer
+1. exec `stemctl start pouch`,start pouch service
+2. exec `pouch run -t -d busybox sh`, start a busybox basic container
+3. exec `pouch exec -it {ID} sh` , login to the started container,the ID is the first six digits of the full ID of the previous command output
+## Config sshd
+**1. Set the NIC in VirtualBox and choose the host-only adapter**
+**2. Modify the sshd configuration in the virtual machine to allow remote connections**
+**3. Restart the sshd service:`systemctl restart sshd.service `**
+**4. View the virtual machine IP address:`ip addr `**
+**5. Connect virtual machines through iTerm on the host**
+## Mount the git repo folder to the VM
+**1. Set up a shared folder in VirtualBox**
+**2. Execute the following commands in the VM to install the required modules for mounting**
+yum clean all
+yum update
+yum install kernel
+yum install kernel-devel
+yum install kernel-headers
+yum install gcc
+yum install make
+cd /opt/VBoxGuestAdditions-*/init
+./vboxadd setup
+**3. exec `mount -t vboxsf pouchShare /root/go/src/github.com/alibaba/pouch ` to mount the shared folder to the VM's source path of pouch**