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Zam Search is a demo web project showing a full service search monolith. It can run distributed or on a single server and as one set of services will: Serve a search website, crawl the web using a domain list and depth settings, store the results in your database and index those results for search. Though packaged together, splitting the 3 main services out to scale separately should be possible as well.

Below you will find an explanation of tech used in the package and how to run the project locally as well as deploy it, using an ubuntu instance as an example.

Happy (responsible) scraping!

Demo Project using Zam (It's all run by a hamster)


  • Set up to crawl whichever domains desired and stay within or allow to go outside the domain
  • Set up indices to crawl with custom options such as depth
  • Obeys robots.txt
  • Sets bookmarks so sites can be indexed over several days (useful when robots has crawl limits set)
  • Indexes crawl results to appear online every hour or however long you set it to (real time is not a big transition, maybe later!)
  • Indexes on domains can be run hourly, weekly or whatever makes sense per domain
  • Serves website using liveview (zero javascript other than the LiveView hook)
  • Special index exists for definitions on near-exact searches
  • Release tasks to handle setup

Packages and Tech used

Website (Phoenix, LiveView)

The website is a standard phoenix setup with Liveview used for the search, suggestion and results.

Storage (Postgres/Ecto)

Per discussion on elixirforum some thought Riak KV or TS would be a great solution, and indeed it is. For now a very thin client and postgres are used so that is a potential desired update. Perhaps we can upgrade the storage client here to accept the idea of a driver.

Search (Sphinxsearch/Khafra/Giza)

Sphinx is used to index the stored pages from the database. It is fast, indexes efficiently and doesn't crash. Khafra eases the deployment and testing process and Giza is the Elixir client for Sphinx.

Crawling (Crawlie(forked), Quantum, Simplestatex)

Crawlie was forked in order to quickly work in a few extra features. Mainly a wait interval so robots.txt could be observed. The interval isn't quite working as expected yet but does seem to provide some delay. Can also now set a max amount of pages to visit on a crawl attempt and set a user-agent in your crawlers headers. This combined with randomizing the order links are explored can be used to incrementally crawl large sites day by day. Quantum handles the scheduling of the Crawls. Simplestatex is used to log issues encountered with urls and tabulate crawl stats.

Default Setup Guide to Run Locally

These steps allow you to run a search engine website locally which will also crawl the web and index the findings. Assumes Elixir and Postgres are installed already. This is tested on Ubuntu and some options may vary on other systems.

# Setup your config first. Copy example_config/ folder to config/ and alter to your environment and wishes

> git clone

> cd zam-search

> mix deps.get

> mix ecto.migrate

> mix zam.create.domain "https://elixirforum.html"

> mix zam.create.index 1 2 daily 1

> mix zam.crawler.crawl all

> mix linux_64

> mix khafra.gen.sphinxconf

> mix khafra.sphinx.index all

> mix khafra.sphinx.searchd

> mix phx.server

Custom Deployment

Assumes you have an ubuntu instance to deploy to. There are many ways to deploy as this is a standard Elixir project. These steps provide guidance in getting an index up and running using one possible way.

# Build production release
> mix release.init
# Configure your rel/config.exs and copy the example scrips from example_rel
> npm run deploy --prefix assets && MIX_ENV=prod mix do phx.digest, release --env=prod

# FTP _build/prod/rel/zam/releases/0.1.0/zam.tar.gz to your production location
# SSH onto your production location

# Now init the database and create at least one domain and index (use a different domain please and don't flood our friends!)

prod#> tar xvf zam.tar.gz
prod#> bin/zam migrate
prod#> bin/zam create_domain "https://elixirforum.html"
# NOTE: use the webdomain_id from the domain you just created as first arg below
prod#> bin/zam create_index 1 3 daily 1
prod#> bin/zam crawl all

# That may take a while depending on your settings. Now let's create the index!

prod#> bin/zam download_sphinx linux_64
prod#> bin/zam gen_config
# NOTE: if you get an error you may need to do an additional linux package install:
(optional)prod#> sudo apt-get install libpq-dev
prod#> bin/zam index all
prod#> bin/zam searchd

# Ok start the website and you should be up and running
prod#> bin/zam start

# Your schedulers will take care of indexing and crawling from here on out long as the site is up
eDeliver + Distillery Release

MIX_ENV=prod mix edeliver build release --mix-env=prod
MIX_ENV=prod mix edeliver deploy release prod --start-deploy

Under Development

  • [BUG] Need to scrub 404 images efficiently (or never index them)
  • [DEPRECATION] Use parse/fragment before calling Floki text function
  • [Crawl] Utilize XML sitemaps?
  • [Parser]
  • [Index] Add to suggestions whole phrase (1st search result)
  • [Index] Implement Zam Score and Link Score (Zam score is general search wellness and quality of page/info collected, Link is how well it does in search results page ie was it relevant & clicked)
  • [UI] Mobile pass + Bear updates
  • [Index] Add more domains to index allow list so we can test the search more