XeroRuby::Accounting::Attachment Properties Name Type Description Notes attachment_id String Unique ID for the file [optional] file_name String Name of the file [optional] url String URL to the file on xero.com [optional] mime_type String Type of file [optional] content_length Float Length of the file content [optional] include_online Boolean Include the file with the online invoice [optional] Code Sample require 'XeroRuby::Accounting' instance = XeroRuby::Accounting::Attachment.new(attachment_id: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000, file_name: xero-dev.jpg, url: https://api.xero.com/api.xro/2.0/Accounts/da962997-a8bd-4dff-9616-01cdc199283f/Attachments/sample5.jpg, mime_type: image/jpg, content_length: null, include_online: null)