use Productsup\Flexilog\Logger;
use Productsup\Flexilog\Info;
use Productsup\Flexilog\Handler;
// this is optional
// a Info class allows you to set certain properties that you always
// want to include in your Log output (e.g. Gelf or Shell)
// this is an expanditure to the `$context`.
// You can define specific requiredData for the Info so you can enforce
// certain properties to be available.
$logInfo = new Info\GenericInfo();
$logInfo->setProperty('foo', 'bar');
// pick a cool handler
$shellHandler = new Handler\ShellHandler('trace', 2);
// set the Handler and the optional $logInfo
$logger = new Logger([$shellHandler], $logInfo);
$logger->notice('Hello World');
$context = array(
'fullMessage' => 'Blablablabla bla blaaaa blaaaa {foo} blaa',
'foo' => 'bar',
//'exception' => new \Exception('wut', 0, new \Exception('Previous')),
'someArray' => array('yo, sup', 'nm nm', 'a' => array('foo', 'bar' => 'baz')),
'date' => new \DateTime()
$logger->message('default message', $context);
$logger->message('critical message', $context, 'critical');
The above will output to the Shell:
NOTICE: default message
Full Message: Blablablabla bla blaaaa blaaaa bar blaa
Extra Variables:
foo: bar
someArray: {"0":"yo, sup","1":"nm nm","a":{"0":"foo","bar":"baz"}}
site: 397
process: somepid
_date: 2015-07-07T16:39:55+02:00
CRITICAL: critical message
Full Message: Blablablabla bla blaaaa blaaaa bar blaa
Extra Variables:
foo: bar
someArray: {"0":"yo, sup","1":"nm nm","a":{"0":"foo","bar":"baz"}}
site: 397
process: somepid
_date: 2015-07-07T16:39:55+02:00
Or to Graylog: http://yourgrayloginstance.com/messages/graylog2_312/23a5e2b0-24b6-11e5-b0b9-001e67b4d4d0 (example might have some other sample data).
or PSR-3 compatible:
$logger->critical('critical message', $context);
Check the generated API docs for more info.
Sometimes you want to initialise multiple Handlers but not send a message to each. This can be done using the Mute option.
// initialise a few Handlers, use the default verbosity set in the Handler
$shellHandler = new Handler\ShellHandler('trace');
// set the Verbosity to -1, which allows it to be muted
$arrayHandler = new Handler\ArrayHandler('debug', -1);
$logger = new Logger([$shellHandler, $arrayHandler]);
// now send a message where $muted is set to true
$logger->log('debug', 'foobar', ['baz'=>'bar'], true);
The result will be that ShellHandler will output the message "foobar", however the ArrayHandler will not receive the message.
This is useful if you always want to log messages to a centralised logging system but the production environment that the client can see doesn't need to see that message.
The Flexilog adds one more level lower then debug
, the trace
level. To keep it compatible with the PSR\NullLogger
you need to call it in the following way:
$logger->log('trace', $message, $context);
The PSR\NullLogger
will then just ignore it.
public function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
$logger = new \Productsup\Logger(
'Console' => new \Productsup\Handler\SymfonyConsoleHandler('debug', 2, $output)
[notice] message
[error] errrooorrr
Depending on the Info object in use there might be some reserved keywords. Check the Info object you're using for the list of reserved keywords.