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Roulette is a C++ based Monte Carlo dose calculation engine.

Building source

First you clone the repository and build the main executable.

git clone roulette
cd roulette
git submodule init && git submodule update
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make -j4 main

To build and run the tests, run the following (requires GTest)

make -j4 tests

The program is then run by passing in the settings as either a string or a JSON file name:


Executable settings

There are two modes to run the program in: DoseCalculation mode and ParticleSimulation mode. The first being used for storing dose deposited by particles, and the second for storing histories of particles. The settings are stored in JSON format.

DoseCalculation mode

The settings takes the form

    "type": "DoseCalculation",
    "dose_calculation": DOSE_CALCULATION_SETTINGS

where DOSE_CALCULATION_SETTINGS stores the settings specific to DoseCalculation mode. It is an object with the following fields:

  • description: Optional string, not used in code but can be used to add comments to your settings file.
  • output_folder: Path for where to store output dose files.
  • seed: Optional random integer seed.
  • compound_table: Compound table data file. This repository includes a data file for general use that uses NIST data: data/compounds.json.
  • density_compound_map: A mapping from density values to compound types. Used for defining specific compounds in a density matrix phantom. It is an array of objects of the form, where the compound name is the compound name in the compound_table:
    {"low": 0.005, "high": 0.350, "compound": "Lung Tissue (ICRU-44)"}
  • phantom: Defines the 3D density matrix that calculations are done in. This has two properties:
    • densities: Either a single number for uniform density, or a filename of a density matrix. The binary format of this density matrix is:
      • Three 32 bit integers: nx, ny, nz
      • nx*ny*nz 32 bit floating point numbers for each density voxel, stored such that if the x, y, z indexes are given by i, j, k, then the position of density at (i,j,k) is i + nx*j + nx*ny*k (x increases first, then y, the finally z).
    • voxel_grid: An object that defines either a regular ("type" is "RegularVoxelGrid") or an irregular voxel grid ("type" is "IrregularVoxelGrid"). These have the following formats:
      • RegularVoxelGrid has nx, ny, nz integers, and two vectors bottom_left and top_right which are the [x, y, z] coordinates of the bottom left corner and top right corner of the 3D volume.
        "type": "RegularVoxelGrid",
        "nx": 128, "ny": 128, "nz": 128,
        "bottom_left": [-20, -20, -20],
        "top_right": [20, 20, 20]
      • IrregularVoxelGrid has xplanes, yplanes, and zplanes. These are arrays of x, y, z coordinates of the planes that divide the voxel grid up into irregularly sized voxels. There are nx+1, ny+1 and nz+1 entries for each of the 3 coordinates.
        "type": "IrregularVoxelGrid",
        "xplanes": [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5],
        "yplanes": [-2, 0, 2],
        "zplanes": [-2, 2]
  • dose_storage: Specifies how the output dose is saved to file.
    • When matrix: dose is stored as 3D grid:
      • Three 32 bit integers: nx, ny, nz
      • nx*ny*nz 32 bit floating point numbers for each dose value (same storage ordering as phantom).
    • When sparse:
      • Three 32 bit integers: nx, ny, nz
      • Pairs of (int32_t, float) where the 32 bit integer is the voxel offset index, and the 32 bit floating point number is the dose value.
    • When storing pointwise, of form
      {"type": "pointwise", "points": [[0, 1, 2], [5.0, -5.0, 5.0]]}
      where points is the list of points to store dose deposited to. The output is
      • One 32 bit integer N: the number of dose points
      • N 32 bit floating point numbers: the dose to each dose point
  • source_doses: An array of SourceDose object representations for each source to calculate dose from. The dose calculated from each source is stored in a separate dose file: dose_%d.dose. Each source is run on a separate thread, so speed can be improved by splitting sources into separate runs, and combining the dose results at the end. The form of each object is:
    {"number_of_particles": 5000, "weight": 1.0, "source": SOURCE_OBJECT}
    Each SOURCE_OBJECT is itself an object, and is used to allow for polymorphic source definitions. Here are the possible definitions:
    • When BeamletSource, it is an object with properties:
      • type is "BeamletSource"
      • source is [x, y, z] coordinates of source point in cm
      • bottom_left is [x, y, z] coordinates of bottom left corner of beamlet rectangle in cm
      • bottom_right is [x, y, z] coordinates of bottom right corner of beamlet rectangle in cm
      • top_right is [x, y, z] coordinates of top right corner of beamlet rectangle in cm
      • spectrum is the spectrum settings (see below)
    • When BeamSource, it is an object with properties:
      • type is "BeamSource"
      • source is [x, y, z] coordinates of source point in cm
      • bottom_left is [x, y, z] coordinates of bottom left corner of beam rectangle in cm
      • bottom_right is [x, y, z] coordinates of bottom right corner of beam rectangle in cm
      • top_right is [x, y, z] coordinates of top right corner of beam rectangle in cm
      • nx and ny: integers representing grid size of beamlets
      • spectrum is the spectrum settings (see below)
      • fluence is a ny by nx matrix of fluence values (e.g. for nx = 2, ny = 3 it could be [[0,1],[1,1],[1,2]])
    • When DiracDeltaSource, it is an object with properties:
      • type is "DiracDeltaSource"
      • source is [x, y, z] coordinates of source point in cm
      • direction is [dx, dy, dz] vector specifying the direction of particles
      • spectrum is the spectrum settings (see below)
    • When BifocalSource, it is an object that describes particles the originate at some geometry (the origin) with some energy, and that have some random direction given by another geometry. It has the property "origin_generator", and either "direction_generator" or "aperture_generator":
      • type is "BifocalSource"
      • origin_generator is an object with two properties:
        • geometry which is a GEOMETRY object (see below)
        • spectrum is the spectrum settings (see below)
      • aperture_generator is an object with just "geometry" property. If this is present, then the direction of the particles are determined such that they originate at the origin_generator and pass through the point generated by this generator.
      • direction_generator is an object with just "geometry" property. If this is present, then the direction of the particles are determined such that they originate at the origin_generator and have relative direction given by the vector generated by this generator.
    • When CompositeSource, it is an object with properties:
      • type is "CompositeSource"
      • sub_sources is an array of objects with properies:
        • fraction: The probability of generating a particle from this source (internally normalized so total fraction is 1.0)
        • source: Defines a SOURCE_OBJECT

Spectrum object

A typical 6 MeV photon spectrum file is provided at data/6_mev_spectrum.json. There are two formats:

  • When probability density function, the object has properties:
    • type is "pdf"
    • data is an array of pairs: (energy in MeV, pdf height). Note that pdf heights are normalized internally to have total integral of 1.0.
  • When delta function the object has properties:
    • type is "delta"
    • value is the energy in MeV

Geometry object

There are currently 3 supported geometries: Point, Rectangle, and Ellipse. These geometries allow for uniform random sampling within. Note that DiracDeltaSource and BeamletSource are subsets of BifocalSource with Point/Point geometry and Point/Rectangle geometry respectively. Each has the following structure:

  • Point object
    • type is "Point"
    • point is the [x, y, z] coordinates in cm
  • Rectangle object
    • type is "Rectangle"
    • bottom_left is [x, y, z] coordinates of bottom left corner of rectangle in cm
    • bottom_right is [x, y, z] coordinates of bottom right corner of rectangle in cm
    • top_right is [x, y, z] coordinates of top right corner of rectangle in cm
  • Ellipse object
    • type is "Ellipse"
    • center is [x, y, z] coordinates of center of ellipse in cm
    • vertex is [x, y, z] coordinates of ellipse vertex (point on ellipse in semi-major axis direction) in cm
    • covertex is [x, y, z] coordinates of ellipse covertex (point on ellipse in semi-minor axis direction) in cm

Example files

The source code provides some example phantoms and input files. See the examples/ directory. For example, to run a cross-shaped fluence on a water tank phantom, run the following command (assuming roulette has been installed at /opt/roulette):

cd /opt/roulette/examples
/opt/roulette/build/main run.json

To read the dose matrix in and display it, a simple Python code is:

import numpy
shape = numpy.fromfile("dose_0.dose", dtype=numpy.int32, count=3)
dose = numpy.fromfile("dose_0.dose", dtype=numpy.float32)[3:].reshape(shape)

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt


Here is a list of available compounds.

  • Elements

    • Hydrogen
    • Lithium
    • Boron
    • Carbon,Graphite
    • Nitrogen
    • Oxygen
    • Fluorine
    • Sodium
    • Magnesium
    • Aluminum
    • Silicon
    • Phosphorus
    • Sulfur
    • Chlorine
    • Argon
    • Potassium
    • Calcium
    • Titanium
    • Iron
    • Gallium
    • Arsenic
    • Bromine
    • Silver
    • Cadmium
    • Tellurium
    • Iodine
    • Cesium
    • Barium
    • Cerium
    • Gadolinium
    • Mercury
    • Lead
  • Compounds

    • A-150 Tissue-Equivalent Plastic
    • Adipose Tissue (ICRU-44)
    • Air, Dry (near sea level)
    • Alanine
    • B-100 Bone-Equivalent Plastic
    • Bakelite
    • Blood, Whole (ICRU-44)
    • Bone, Cortical (ICRU-44)
    • Brain, Grey/White Matter (ICRU-44)
    • Breast Tissue (ICRU-44)
    • C-552 Air-equivalent Plastic
    • Cadmium Telluride
    • Calcium Fluoride
    • Calcium Sulfate
    • 15 mmol L-1 Ceric Ammonium Sulfate Solution
    • Cesium Iodide
    • Concrete, Ordinary
    • Concrete, Barite (TYPE BA)
    • Eye Lens (ICRU-44)
    • Ferrous Sulfate Standard Fricke
    • Gadolinium Oxysulfide
    • Gafchromic Sensor
    • Gallium Arsenide
    • Glass, Borosilicate (Pyrex)
    • Glass, Lead
    • Lithium Fluride
    • Lithium Tetraborate
    • Lung Tissue (ICRU-44)
    • Magnesium Tetroborate
    • Mercuric Iodide
    • Muscle, Skeletal (ICRU-44)
    • Ovary (ICRU-44)
    • Photographic Emulsion (Kodak Type AA)
    • Photographic Emulsion (Standard Nuclear)
    • Plastic Scintillator, Vinyltoluene
    • Polyethylene
    • Polyethylene Terephthalate, (Mylar)
    • Polymethyl Methacrylate
    • Polystyrene
    • Polytetrafluoroethylene, (Teflon)
    • Polyvinyl Chloride
    • Radiochromic Dye Film, Nylon Base
    • Testis (ICRU-44)
    • Tissue, Soft (ICRU-44)
    • Tissue, Soft (ICRU Four-Component)
    • Tissue-Equivalent Gas, Methane Based
    • Tissue-Equivalent Gas, Propane Based
    • Water, Liquid


A C++ based photon transport Monte Carlo engine






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