diff --git a/packages/cody/src/lib/hooks/behaviour-test-files/features/step_definitions/__feature__Steps.ts__tmpl__ b/packages/cody/src/lib/hooks/behaviour-test-files/features/step_definitions/__feature__Steps.ts__tmpl__
index 3afaa1fb..b38504a1 100644
--- a/packages/cody/src/lib/hooks/behaviour-test-files/features/step_definitions/__feature__Steps.ts__tmpl__
+++ b/packages/cody/src/lib/hooks/behaviour-test-files/features/step_definitions/__feature__Steps.ts__tmpl__
@@ -2,11 +2,12 @@ import { before, binding, given, then, when } from "cucumber-tsflow";
 import {<%= whenEvent.propertyName %>} from "@app/shared/commands/<%= serviceNames.fileName %>/<%= whenEvent.fileName %>";
 import { Event } from "@event-engine/messaging/event";
 import { getConfiguredMessageBox } from "@server/infrastructure/configuredMessageBox";
-import { getConfiguredEventStore } from "@server/infrastructure/configuredEventStore";
+import { getConfiguredEventStore, PUBLIC_STREAM, WRITE_MODEL_STREAM } from "@server/infrastructure/configuredEventStore";
 import {<%= givenEvent.propertyName %>} from "@app/shared/events/<%= serviceNames.fileName %>/<%= aggregate %>/<%= givenEvent.fileName %>";
 import {<%= thenEvent.propertyName %>} from "@app/shared/events/<%= serviceNames.fileName %>/<%= aggregate %>/<%= thenEvent.fileName %>";
 import expect from "expect";
+import { setMessageMetadata } from "@event-engine/messaging/message";
+import { AggregateMeta } from "@event-engine/infrastructure/AggregateRepository";
 // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars
@@ -20,6 +21,9 @@ class <%= feature %>Steps {
     const listener = (streamName: string, events: Event[]) => {
+    this.eventStore.createStream(WRITE_MODEL_STREAM);
+    this.eventStore.createStream(PUBLIC_STREAM);
@@ -29,23 +33,15 @@ class <%= feature %>Steps {
       <%- givenPayload %>
-    const event = <%= givenEvent.propertyName %>(payload);
-    await this.messageBox.dispatch(event.name, event.payload, event.meta);
-  }
-/* multiple givens via iterator like above
-  @given('Car Added To Fleet')
-  public async givenCarAddedToFleet(): Promise<void> {
-    const payload = {
-      'vehicleId': '6a76bead-46ce-4651-bea0-d8a387b2e9d0',
-    };
+    let event = <%= givenEvent.propertyName %>(payload);
-    const event = carAddedToFleet(payload);
+    event = setMessageMetadata(event, AggregateMeta.ID, '<%= expectedIdentifier %>');
+    event = setMessageMetadata(event, AggregateMeta.TYPE, '<%= givenAggregateMetaType %>');
+    event = setMessageMetadata(event, AggregateMeta.VERSION, 1);
+    await this.eventStore.appendTo(WRITE_MODEL_STREAM, [event]);
     await this.messageBox.dispatch(event.name, event.payload, event.meta);
   @when('<%= when %>')
   public async when<%= whenEvent.className %>(): Promise<void> {
diff --git a/packages/cody/src/lib/hooks/on-feature.ts b/packages/cody/src/lib/hooks/on-feature.ts
index af99c08a..37745df0 100644
--- a/packages/cody/src/lib/hooks/on-feature.ts
+++ b/packages/cody/src/lib/hooks/on-feature.ts
@@ -1,13 +1,16 @@
-import { CodyHook, Node, NodeType } from "@proophboard/cody-types";
-import { parseJsonMetadata } from "@proophboard/cody-utils";
-import { Context } from "./context";
-import { getOriginalNode } from "./utils/get-original-node";
-import { names} from "@event-engine/messaging/helpers";
-import { formatFiles, generateFiles } from "@nx/devkit";
-import { CodyResponseException, withErrorCheck } from "./utils/error-handling";
-import { detectService } from "./utils/detect-service";
+import {CodyHook, CodyResponseType, Node, NodeType} from "@proophboard/cody-types";
+import {getSingleTarget, isCodyError, parseJsonMetadata} from "@proophboard/cody-utils";
+import {Context} from "./context";
+import {getOriginalNode} from "./utils/get-original-node";
+import {names} from "@event-engine/messaging/helpers";
+import {formatFiles, generateFiles} from "@nx/devkit";
+import {CodyResponseException, withErrorCheck} from "./utils/error-handling";
+import {detectService} from "./utils/detect-service";
 import {flushChanges} from "nx/src/generators/tree";
 import {listChangesForCodyResponse} from "./utils/fs-tree";
+import {getNodeFromSyncedNodes} from "@cody-engine/cody/hooks/utils/node-tree";
+import {findAggregateState} from "@cody-engine/cody/hooks/utils/aggregate/find-aggregate-state";
+import {getVoMetadata} from "@cody-engine/cody/hooks/utils/value-object/get-vo-metadata";
 const modeKey = "mode";
 const modeValueTest = "test-scenario";
@@ -18,10 +21,16 @@ const thenKey = "then";
 export const onFeature: CodyHook<Context> = async (feature: Node, ctx: Context) => {
   try {
     feature = getOriginalNode(feature, ctx);
-    const featureMeta : any = feature?.getMetadata() ? parseJsonMetadata<{service?: string}>(feature) : {};
+    const featureMeta : any = feature?.getMetadata() ? parseJsonMetadata<{service?: string, mode?: string}>(feature) : {};
     const parentContainer = feature.getParent();
     const parentContainerMeta : any = parentContainer?.getMetadata() ? parseJsonMetadata<{service?: string}>(parentContainer) : {};
+    if (featureMeta[modeKey] != modeValueTest && parentContainerMeta[modeKey] != modeValueTest) {
+      return {
+        cody: "Feature code generation is not yet implemented",
+      }
+    }
     // add all test nodes to a map with their ID as the key, for easy access
     const validTestNodes = [NodeType.command, NodeType.event];
     const testNodesMap = new Map<any, Node>();
@@ -31,67 +40,64 @@ export const onFeature: CodyHook<Context> = async (feature: Node, ctx: Context)
-    // check if either the feature (the test) or its bounded context (the test container) have their mode set to "test"
-    if (featureMeta[modeKey] == modeValueTest || parentContainerMeta[modeKey] == modeValueTest) {
-      let whenCommand : Node | undefined;
-      // find "when" command node
-      feature.getChildren().forEach(function(elem) {
-        if (elem.getType() == NodeType.command) {
-          whenCommand = elem;
-        }
-      });
-      if (whenCommand) {
-        const givenNodes : Array<Node> = [];
-        const thenNodes : Array<Node> = [];
-        let currentNode : Node | undefined = whenCommand;
-        // everything before the "when" command node is seen as "given"
-        while (currentNode) {
-          currentNode = testNodesMap.get(currentNode.getSources().first()?.getId()) || undefined;
-          if (currentNode) {
-            givenNodes.unshift(currentNode);
-          }
-        }
-        // everything after the "when" command is "then"
-        currentNode = whenCommand;
-        while (currentNode) {
-          currentNode = testNodesMap.get(currentNode.getTargets().first()?.getId()) || undefined;
-          if (currentNode) {
-            thenNodes.push(currentNode);
-          }
-        }
-        const changesForCodyResponse = await createTestFiles(feature.getName(), featureMeta, givenNodes, whenCommand, thenNodes, ctx);
-        // for logging:
-        const loggedNodes: Array<string> = [];
-        loggedNodes.push("GIVEN");
-        givenNodes.forEach(function(node) {
-          loggedNodes.push(node.getName());
-        });
-        loggedNodes.push("WHEN");
-        loggedNodes.push(whenCommand.getName());
-        loggedNodes.push("THEN");
-        thenNodes.forEach(function(node) {
-          //@ToDo extract and slice expectedIdentifier
-          loggedNodes.push(node.getName());
-        });
-        return {
-          cody: `Running test called "${feature.getName().trim()}".\nThese are the nodes included in the test: ${loggedNodes.toString()}`,
-          details: changesForCodyResponse
-        }
+    let whenCommand : Node | undefined;
+    // find "when" command node
+    feature.getChildren().forEach(function(elem) {
+      if (elem.getType() == NodeType.command) {
+        whenCommand = elem;
+      }
+    });
+    if (!whenCommand) {
+      return {
+        cody: "Feature code generation is not yet implemented",
+      }
+    }
+    const givenNodes : Array<Node> = [];
+    const thenNodes : Array<Node> = [];
+    let currentNode : Node | undefined = whenCommand;
+    // everything before the "when" command node is seen as "given"
+    while (currentNode) {
+      currentNode = testNodesMap.get(currentNode.getSources().first()?.getId()) || undefined;
+      if (currentNode) {
+        givenNodes.unshift(currentNode);
+      }
+    }
+    // everything after the "when" command is "then"
+    currentNode = whenCommand;
+    while (currentNode) {
+      currentNode = testNodesMap.get(currentNode.getTargets().first()?.getId()) || undefined;
+      if (currentNode) {
+        thenNodes.push(currentNode);
+    const changesForCodyResponse = await createTestFiles(feature.getName(), featureMeta, givenNodes, whenCommand, thenNodes, ctx);
+    // for logging:
+    const loggedNodes: Array<string> = [];
+    loggedNodes.push("GIVEN");
+    givenNodes.forEach(function(node) {
+      loggedNodes.push(node.getName());
+    });
+    loggedNodes.push("WHEN");
+    loggedNodes.push(whenCommand.getName());
+    loggedNodes.push("THEN");
+    thenNodes.forEach(function(node) {
+      //@ToDo extract and slice expectedIdentifier
+      loggedNodes.push(node.getName());
+    });
     return {
-      cody: "Feature code generation is not yet implemented",
+      cody: `Running test called "${feature.getName().trim()}".\nThese are the nodes included in the test: ${loggedNodes.toString()}`,
+      details: changesForCodyResponse
   } catch (e) {
     if(e instanceof CodyResponseException) {
@@ -106,7 +112,39 @@ async function createTestFiles(featureName: string, featureMeta: any, givenNodes
   // if using a service from another board (e.g. Fleet Management), make sure to set this up in the test feature's metadata!
   const service = withErrorCheck(detectService, [whenCommand, ctx]);
-  const aggregate = 'car';
+  let aggregate: Node | undefined;
+  for (const [, syncedNode] of ctx.syncedNodes) {
+    if(syncedNode.getType() === NodeType.command && syncedNode.getName() === whenCommand.getName()
+      && syncedNode.getTags().contains('pb:connected')) {
+      const aggregateObj = getSingleTarget(syncedNode, NodeType.aggregate);
+      if(!isCodyError(aggregateObj)) {
+        aggregate = aggregateObj;
+        break;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  if (!aggregate) {
+    throw new CodyResponseException({
+      cody: 'Could not find aggregate for test generation.',
+      type: CodyResponseType.Error
+    });
+  }
+  const givenNode = givenNodes[0];
+  const syncedAggregate = withErrorCheck(getNodeFromSyncedNodes, [aggregate, ctx.syncedNodes]);
+  const aggregateState = withErrorCheck(findAggregateState, [syncedAggregate, ctx]);
+  const aggregateStateMeta = withErrorCheck(getVoMetadata, [aggregateState, ctx]);
+  const aggregateStateNames = names(aggregateState.getName());
+  const thenNode = thenNodes[0];
+  const body = '{'+thenNode.getDescription().replaceAll('\'', '"')+'}';
+  console.log('Json body: '+ body);
+  const thenNodeDescriptionObject = JSON.parse(body);
+  const aggregateIdentifierProperty = aggregateStateMeta.identifier as keyof typeof thenNodeDescriptionObject;
+  const givenAggregateMetaType = `${names(service).className}.${names(aggregate.getName()).className}`;
   // TODO: currently only using the first "when" & "then" nodes
   const substitutions = {
@@ -117,16 +155,16 @@ async function createTestFiles(featureName: string, featureMeta: any, givenNodes
     "given": featureMeta[givenKey],
     "when": featureMeta[whenKey],
     "then": featureMeta[thenKey],
-    "givenEvent": names(givenNodes[0].getName()),
+    "givenEvent": names(givenNode.getName()),
+    "givenAggregateMetaType": givenAggregateMetaType,
     "whenEvent": names(whenCommand.getName()),
     "thenEvent": names(thenNodes[0].getName()),
-    "givenPayload": givenNodes[0].getDescription(),
+    "givenPayload": givenNode.getDescription(),
     "whenPayload": whenCommand.getDescription(),
     "thenPayload": thenNodes[0].getDescription(),
-    "aggregate": aggregate,
-    "expectedIdentifier": "6a76bead-46ce-4651-bea0-d8a387b2e9d0" // TODO: read from "then" node payload (convert to json, read & remove "expectedIdentifier", convert back to string)
+    "aggregate": names(aggregate.getName()).fileName,
+    "expectedIdentifier": thenNodeDescriptionObject[aggregateIdentifierProperty]
-  // console.log(substitutions);
   // generate test files
   const {tree} = ctx;