- VPS server (or some server) which runs Ubuntu 14.04 (this guide is make for this OS)
- have Java JDK8 installed on the server and JAVA_HOME set
- nginx installed, PHP >= 5.5.9, openSSL PHP extension, mbstring PHP ext, PDO and tokenizer PHP ext
- have composer installed
- MariaDB or MySQL database installed
- Raspberry PI 2 with Ubuntu 14.04
- GSM Modem SIM800
- SIM card without pin lock (see issues)
- have Java JDK8 installed on the Raspberry PI and JAVA_HOME set
- have Java RxTx installed on the Raspberry PI
... and maybe I forgot something. I will update this manual when I remember.
This commands you need to type into VPS server console.
# clone this project
git clone https://github.com/ptrstovka/sms-gateway.git
# go into project directory
cd sms-gateway
# install all dependencies with composer
composer install
# copy the configuration file
cp .env.example .env
# edit .env file (see instructions in this file)
editor .env
# generate application key
php artisan key:generate
# run the migrations
php artisan migrate
# last step - run database seeders
php artisan db:seed
An account with admin privileges was created. Email: [email protected] and password: admin. You should change this as soon as possible. Next we need to setup server.
# get the server from github
wget https://github.com/ptrstovka/smsgw/releases/download/1.0/smsgw-server.jar
# get the configuration file (place in the same directory as jar file)
TODO: available soon (give me couple days)
# configure server
TODO: instructions soon
# run the server
java -jar smsgw-server.jar debug
This commands you need to type into Raspberry PI 2 console.
# get the client .jar file from Github
wget https://github.com/ptrstovka/smsgw/releases/download/1.0/smsgw-client.jar
# get the configuration file (place in the same directory as jar file)
TODO: available soon
# configure client
TODO: instructions soon
# run the client
java -jar smsgw-client.jar debug
Now, everything should work. I know, I did't covered all steps but as soon as I will repair some issues, I will make better installation manual.