note:1.The semicolon is not strictly required for single statements, however, as it is properly a statement separator and not a statement terminator. When passing SQL commands into the programming API, the semicolon is not required unless you are passing more than one command statement within a single string.
2. 3VL : 3 Value Logic = True ,False , Null. (Null flag for the unknown value or unresolved value )
3VL also dictates how comparisons work. For example, any equality check (=) involving
a NULL will evaluate to NULL, including NULL = NULL. Remember that NULL is not a
value, it is a flag for the unknown, so the expression NULL = NULL is asking, “Does this
unknown equal that unknown?” The only practical answer is, “That is unknown.”
It might, but it might not. Similar rules apply to greater-than, less-than, and other
Value NOT Value
True False
False True
##Simple Operators:
Binary operator :: -+ : These adjust the sign of a value ~ : As in the C language, the “~” operator performs a bit-wise inversion NOT : The NOT operator reverses a Boolean expression using 3VL || : String concatenation. + - * / % : Standard arithmetic operators for addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and modulus (remainder). | & << >> : The bitwise operators or, and, and shift-high/shift-low < <= => > : Comparison test operators = == != <> : Equality test operators. Both “=” and “==” will test for equality, while both “!=” and “<>” test for inequality. Being logic operators, these tests are subject to SQL’s 3VL regarding NULLs. Specifically, value = NULL will always return NULL. IN LIKE GLOB MATCH REGEXP : These five keywords are logic operators, returning, true, false, or NULL state AND OR : Logical operators. Again, they are subject to SQL’s 3VL
Unary prefix operators :: - + ~ NOT note : The + is a no-op. It does not do anything. The - unary operator changes positive values to negative and vice versa.
## SQLite Storage Class : NULL,Integer,Float,Text,Blob (Binary Large OBject) .Text and BLOB values are always variable length.
NULL - The value is a NULL value INTEGER a signed integer REAL - a floating point value TEXT - a text string BLOB - a blob of data
################################ Commands ################################
help :: .help quit :: .exit or .quit show attached databases :: .databases lists the available tables :: .tables Creating a database :: sqlite3 databasename.db CREATE table :: CREATE table testing(id integer primary key); .schema command shows the formal definition of the table :: .schema testing show table :: .table or .tables drop table :: drop table testing;
The ALTER TABLE command in SQLite allows the user to rename a table or to add a new column to an existing table. It is not possible to rename a column, remove a column, or add or remove constraints FROM a table.
Rename table :: alter table testing rename to testings; Add a new colom to the table :: alter table testings add column email text;
::: Inserting, updating and deleting data :::
CREATE newtable :: sqlite> CREATE TABLE Books(id integer primary key, title text, author text, ...> isbn text default 'not available'); Insert value :: sqlite> INSERT INTO Books(id, title, author, isbn) ...> VALUES(1, 'War and Peace', 'Leo Tolstoy', '978-0345472403'); sqlite> INSERT INTO Books(title, author, isbn) ...> VALUES('The Brothers Karamazov', 'Fyodor Dostoyevsky', '978-0486437910'); --id column r auto increment bcoz --they ar SELECTed as --'primary key' sqlite> INSERT INTO Books VALUES(3, 'Crime and Punishment', 'Fyodor Dostoevsky', ...> '978-1840224306'); --In this SQL statement, we did not specify any column names after the --table name. In such a case, we have to supply all values. sqlite>INSERT INTO Books(id, title) VALUES(4, 'Paradise Lost');
replace value :: sqlite> INSERT OR REPLACE INTO Books VALUES(4, 'Paradise Lost', 'John Milton', ...> '978-0486442877'); CREATE temporary table :: sqlite> CREATE TEMP TABLE BooksTemp(id integer primary key, title text, ...> author text, isbn text); sqlite>INSERT INTO BooksTemp SELECT * FROM Books; Deleting data :: sqlite> DELETE FROM BooksTemp WHERE id = 1; --delete row 1 sqlite> DELETE FROM BooksTemp; --delete everything FROM the table Update data :: sqlite> UPDATE Books SET author='Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy' WHERE id=1; --here we update row 1 search row :: sqlite> SELECT * FROM Books WHERE id = 4; show null value :: .nullvalue null --u can set any word LIKE .nullvalue fazil To view the full table :: sqlite> SELECT * FROM Books;
::: SELECT statement :::
Retrieving all data FROM specific table :: sqlite> SELECT * FROM books; SELECTing specific columns :: sqlite> SELECT author FROM books; sqlite> SELECT title FROM books; Renaming column names :: sqlite> SELECT title,author as paglakobi FROM books; --just rename author column Limiting data output :: sqlite> SELECT * FROM books limit 2; The OFFSET clause following LIMIT specifies how many rows to skip at the beginning of the result set :: sqlite >> SELECT * FROM books limit 2 offset 1; Orderig data :: The ASC keyword sorts the data in ascending order, the DESC in descending order. sqlite > SELECT title FROM books order by title asc; sqlite> SELECT title FROM books order by title desc; Search specific pattern :: sqlite > SELECT title FROM books WHERE title LIKE 'c%'; Removing duplicate items :: sqlite > SELECT DISTINCT title FROM books WHERE title LIKE 'c%';
:::Grouping data:::
GROUP BY clause :: sqlite> SELECT sum(OrderPrice) AS Total, Customer FROM Orders GROUP BY Customer; --The sum() function returns
--the total sum of a numeric
sqlite> SELECT sum(OrderPrice) AS Total, Customer FROM Orders --We cannot use the WHERE clause when aggregate
--> GROUP BY Customer HAVING sum(OrderPrice)>1000; --functions were used.We use the
--HAVING clause instead.
sqlite> SELECT sum(OrderPrice) AS Total, Customer FROM Orders
--> GROUP BY Customer HAVING sum(OrderPrice)>1000; --The above SQL statement selects customers whose total
--orders where greater than 1000 units.
::: Constraints :::
type-|--> PRIMARY KEY
|--> CHECK
NOT NULL constraint :: A column with a NOT NULL constraint, cannot have NULL values.
sqlite> CREATE TABLE People(Id integer, LastName text NOT NULL,
FirstName text NOT NULL, City text);
UNIQUE constraint :: The UNIQUE constraint ensures, that all data are unique in a column.
sqlite> CREATE TABLE Brands(Id integer, BrandName text UNIQUE);
note: Note that a PRIMARY KEY constraint automatically has a UNIQUE constraint defined on it.
Primary key :: sqlite> CREATE TABLE Brands(Id integer PRIMARY KEY, BrandName text); note : In SQLIte if a column is integer and primary key, it is also autoincrement.
Foreign key :: A FOREIGN KEY in one table points to a PRIMARY KEY in another table. It is a referential constraint between two tables.
sqlite> CREATE TABLE Authors(AuthorId integer PRIMARY KEY, Name text);
sqlite> CREATE TABLE Books(BookId integer PRIMARY KEY, title text, AuthorId integer,
--> FOREIGN KEY(AuthorId) REFERENCES Authors(AuthorId));
We create the Books table. Here we have an AuthorId column name, which acts as a foreign key. It references to the primary
key of the Authors table.
Check constraint ::
sqlite> .schema Orders CREATE TABLE Orders(Id integer PRIMARY KEY, OrderPrice integer CHECK(OrderPrice>0), Customer text); We look at the definition of the Orders table. We see a CHECK constraint imposed on the OrderPrice column. Logically, the price of an order must be a positive value.
Default constraint :: sqlite> CREATE TABLE Hotels(Id integer PRIMARY KEY, Name text, City text DEFAULT 'not available'); The DEFAULT constraint inserts a default value into the column, if no value is available.