diff --git a/.github/workflows/test_docstrings.yaml b/.github/workflows/test_docstrings.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..fd179fcc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/workflows/test_docstrings.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+name: Test docstrings
+  push:
+    branches: [main]
+  pull_request:
+      branches:
+        - "*"
+  schedule:
+    - cron: "0 0 * * 1,4"
+  workflow_dispatch:
+    inputs:
+      version:
+        description: Manual docstring test
+        default: test
+        required: false
+  Test:
+    name: "Test dosctrings"
+    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
+    defaults:
+      run:
+        shell: bash -l {0}
+    steps:
+      - uses: actions/checkout@v4
+      - name: setup micromamba
+        uses: mamba-org/setup-micromamba@v1
+        with:
+          environment-file: ci/envs/312-latest.yaml
+      - name: Install momepy
+        run: pip install .
+      - name: Test docstrings
+        run: |
+          pytest -v --color=yes --doctest-only momepy/functional
diff --git a/.github/workflows/test_user_guide.yaml b/.github/workflows/test_user_guide.yaml
index 4aaed83a..a6dc2136 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/test_user_guide.yaml
+++ b/.github/workflows/test_user_guide.yaml
@@ -37,4 +37,5 @@ jobs:
       - name: Test user guide
         run: |
-          ci/envs/test_user_guide.sh
\ No newline at end of file
+          ci/envs/test_user_guide.sh
diff --git a/ci/envs/312-latest.yaml b/ci/envs/312-latest.yaml
index 89f581ed..9c3d6f33 100644
--- a/ci/envs/312-latest.yaml
+++ b/ci/envs/312-latest.yaml
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ dependencies:
   - geopy
   - ipywidgets
   - Iprogress
+  - pytest-doctestplus
   - pip
   - pip:
     - git+https://github.com/geopandas/geopandas.git
diff --git a/docs/api.rst b/docs/api.rst
index 693384c6..6b187c34 100644
--- a/docs/api.rst
+++ b/docs/api.rst
@@ -164,6 +164,7 @@ A set of functions for the analysis of connectivity and configuration of street
+   node_density
diff --git a/momepy/conftest.py b/momepy/conftest.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4dd788aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/momepy/conftest.py
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+import geopandas
+import pytest
+import momepy
+def add_momepy_and_geopandas(doctest_namespace):
+    doctest_namespace["momepy"] = momepy
+    doctest_namespace["geopandas"] = geopandas
diff --git a/momepy/functional/_dimension.py b/momepy/functional/_dimension.py
index 987ea405..7a0a6fdb 100644
--- a/momepy/functional/_dimension.py
+++ b/momepy/functional/_dimension.py
@@ -48,6 +48,19 @@ def volume(
     NDArray[np.float64] | Series
         array of a type depending on the input
+    Examples
+    --------
+    >>> import pandas as pd
+    >>> area = pd.Series([100, 30, 40, 75, 230])
+    >>> height = pd.Series([22, 6.5, 12, 9, 4.5])
+    >>> momepy.volume(area, height)
+    0    2200.0
+    1     195.0
+    2     480.0
+    3     675.0
+    4    1035.0
+    dtype: float64
     return area * height
@@ -81,6 +94,30 @@ def floor_area(
     NDArray[np.float64] | Series
         array of a type depending on the input
+    Examples
+    --------
+    >>> import pandas as pd
+    >>> area = pd.Series([100, 30, 40, 75, 230])
+    >>> height = pd.Series([22, 6.5, 12, 9, 4.5])
+    >>> momepy.floor_area(area, height)
+    0    700.0
+    1     60.0
+    2    160.0
+    3    225.0
+    4    230.0
+    dtype: float64
+    If you know average height of floors per each building, you can pass it directly:
+    >>> floor_height = pd.Series([3.2, 3, 4, 3, 4.5])
+    >>> momepy.floor_area(area, height, floor_height=floor_height)
+    0    600.0
+    1     60.0
+    2    120.0
+    3    225.0
+    4    230.0
+    dtype: float64
     return area * (height // floor_height)
@@ -205,8 +242,53 @@ def weighted_character(
-    >>> res = mm.weighted_character(buildings_df['height'],
-    ...                     buildings_df.geometry.area, graph)
+    Area-weighted elongation within 5 nearest neighbors:
+    >>> from libpysal import graph
+    >>> path = momepy.datasets.get_path("bubenec")
+    >>> buildings = geopandas.read_file(path, layer="buildings")
+    >>> buildings.head()
+       uID                                           geometry
+    0    1  POLYGON ((1603599.221 6464369.816, 1603602.984...
+    1    2  POLYGON ((1603042.88 6464261.498, 1603038.961 ...
+    2    3  POLYGON ((1603044.65 6464178.035, 1603049.192 ...
+    3    4  POLYGON ((1603036.557 6464141.467, 1603036.969...
+    4    5  POLYGON ((1603082.387 6464142.022, 1603081.574...
+    Measure elongation (or anything else):
+    >>> elongation = momepy.elongation(buildings)
+    >>> elongation.head()
+    0    0.908235
+    1    0.581317
+    2    0.726515
+    3    0.838843
+    4    0.727297
+    Name: elongation, dtype: float64
+    Define spatial graph:
+    >>> knn5 = graph.Graph.build_knn(buildings.centroid, k=5)
+    >>> knn5
+    <Graph of 144 nodes and 720 nonzero edges indexed by
+     [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, ...]>
+    Measure the area-weighted character:
+    >>> momepy.weighted_character(elongation, buildings.area, knn5)
+    focal
+    0      0.808188
+    1      0.817300
+    2      0.627588
+    3      0.794766
+    4      0.806400
+            ...
+    139    0.780764
+    140    0.875046
+    141    0.753670
+    142    0.440009
+    143    0.901127
+    Name: sum, Length: 144, dtype: float64
     stats = graph.describe(y * area, statistics=["sum"])["sum"]
@@ -254,10 +336,41 @@ def street_profile(
-    >>> street_prof = momepy.street_profile(streets_df,
-    ...                 buildings_df, height=buildings_df['height'])
-    >>> streets_df['width'] = street_prof['width']
-    >>> streets_df['deviations'] = street_prof['width_deviation']
+    >>> path = momepy.datasets.get_path("bubenec")
+    >>> buildings = geopandas.read_file(path, layer="buildings")
+    >>> streets = geopandas.read_file(path, layer="streets")
+    >>> streets.head()
+                                                geometry
+    0  LINESTRING (1603585.64 6464428.774, 1603413.20...
+    1  LINESTRING (1603268.502 6464060.781, 1603296.8...
+    2  LINESTRING (1603607.303 6464181.853, 1603592.8...
+    3  LINESTRING (1603678.97 6464477.215, 1603675.68...
+    4  LINESTRING (1603537.194 6464558.112, 1603557.6...
+    >>> result = momepy.street_profile(streets, buildings)
+    >>> result.head()
+           width  openness  width_deviation
+    0  47.905964  0.946429         0.020420
+    1  42.418068  0.615385         2.644521
+    2  32.131831  0.608696         2.864438
+    3  50.000000  1.000000              NaN
+    4  50.000000  1.000000              NaN
+    If you know height of each building, you can pass that along to get back
+    more information:
+    >>> import numpy as np
+    >>> import pandas as pd
+    >>> rng = np.random.default_rng(seed=42)
+    >>> height = pd.Series(rng.integers(low=9, high=30, size=len(buildings)))
+    >>> result = momepy.street_profile(streets, buildings, height=height)
+    >>> result.head()
+           width  openness  width_deviation     height  height_deviation  hw_ratio
+    0  47.905964  0.946429         0.020420  12.666667          4.618802  0.264407
+    1  42.418068  0.615385         2.644521  21.500000          6.467869  0.506859
+    2  32.131831  0.608696         2.864438  17.555556          4.901647  0.546360
+    3  50.000000  1.000000              NaN        NaN               NaN       NaN
+    4  50.000000  1.000000              NaN        NaN               NaN       NaN
     # filter relevant buildings and streets
diff --git a/momepy/functional/_diversity.py b/momepy/functional/_diversity.py
index 6efb020b..2843ef70 100644
--- a/momepy/functional/_diversity.py
+++ b/momepy/functional/_diversity.py
@@ -126,14 +126,47 @@ def describe_agg(
-    >>> res = mm.describe_agg(
-    ...         tessellation['area'], tessellation['nID'] ,
-    ...         result_index=df_streets.index
-    ...     )
-    >>> streets["tessalations_reached"] = res['count']
-    >>> streets["tessalations_reached_area"] = res['sum']
-    """
+    >>> path = momepy.datasets.get_path("bubenec")
+    >>> buildings = geopandas.read_file(path, layer="buildings")
+    >>> streets = geopandas.read_file(path, layer="streets")
+    >>> buildings["street_index"] = momepy.get_nearest_street(buildings, streets)
+    >>> buildings.head()
+       uID                                           geometry  street_index
+    0    1  POLYGON ((1603599.221 6464369.816, 1603602.984...           0.0
+    1    2  POLYGON ((1603042.88 6464261.498, 1603038.961 ...          33.0
+    2    3  POLYGON ((1603044.65 6464178.035, 1603049.192 ...          10.0
+    3    4  POLYGON ((1603036.557 6464141.467, 1603036.969...           8.0
+    4    5  POLYGON ((1603082.387 6464142.022, 1603081.574...           8.0
+    >>> momepy.describe_agg(buildings.area, buildings["street_index"]).head()   # doctest: +SKIP
+                  count         mean       median         std         min          max          sum  nunique        mode
+    street_index
+    0.0             9.0   366.827019   339.636871  266.747247   68.336193   800.045495  3301.443174      9.0   68.336193
+    1.0             1.0   618.447036   618.447036         NaN  618.447036   618.447036   618.447036      1.0  618.447036
+    2.0            12.0   504.523575   535.973108  318.660691   92.280807  1057.998520  6054.282903     12.0   92.280807
+    5.0             5.0  1150.865099  1032.693716  580.660030  673.015192  2127.752228  5754.325496      5.0  673.015192
+    6.0             7.0   662.179187   662.192603  291.397747  184.798661  1188.294675  4635.254306      7.0  184.798661
+    The result can be directly assigned a columns of the ``streets`` GeoDataFrame.
+    To eliminate the effect of outliers, you can take into account only values within a
+    specified percentile range (``q``). At the same time, you can specify only a subset
+    of statistics to compute:
+    >>> momepy.describe_agg(
+    ...     buildings.area,
+    ...     buildings["street_index"],
+    ...     q=(10, 90),
+    ...     statistics=["mean", "std"],
+    ... ).head()
+                        mean         std
+    street_index
+    0.0           347.580212  219.797123
+    1.0           618.447036         NaN
+    2.0           476.592190  206.011102
+    5.0           984.519359  203.718644
+    6.0           652.432194   32.829824
+    """  # noqa: E501
     if Version(pd.__version__) <= Version("2.1.0"):
         raise ImportError("pandas 2.1.0 or newer is required to use this function.")
@@ -221,13 +254,56 @@ def describe_reached_agg(
-    >>> res = mm.describe_reached_agg(
-    ...         tessellation['area'], tessellation['nID'] , graph=streets_q1
-    ...     )
-    >>> streets["tessalations_reached"] = res['count']
-    >>> streets["tessalations_reached_area"] = res['sum']
-    """
+    >>> from libpysal import graph
+    >>> path = momepy.datasets.get_path("bubenec")
+    >>> buildings = geopandas.read_file(path, layer="buildings")
+    >>> streets = geopandas.read_file(path, layer="streets")
+    >>> buildings["street_index"] = momepy.get_nearest_street(buildings, streets)
+    >>> buildings.head()
+       uID                                           geometry  street_index
+    0    1  POLYGON ((1603599.221 6464369.816, 1603602.984...           0.0
+    1    2  POLYGON ((1603042.88 6464261.498, 1603038.961 ...          33.0
+    2    3  POLYGON ((1603044.65 6464178.035, 1603049.192 ...          10.0
+    3    4  POLYGON ((1603036.557 6464141.467, 1603036.969...           8.0
+    4    5  POLYGON ((1603082.387 6464142.022, 1603081.574...           8.0
+    >>> queen_contig = graph.Graph.build_contiguity(streets, rook=False)
+    >>> queen_contig
+    <Graph of 35 nodes and 148 nonzero edges indexed by
+     [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, ...]>
+    >>> momepy.describe_reached_agg(
+    ...     buildings.area,
+    ...     buildings["street_index"],
+    ...     queen_contig,
+    ... ).head()  # doctest: +SKIP
+       count        mean      median         std         min          max           sum  nunique        mode
+    0   43.0  643.595418  633.692589  412.563790   53.851509  2127.752228  27674.602973     43.0   53.851509
+    1   41.0  735.058515  662.921280  381.827737   51.246377  2127.752228  30137.399128     41.0   51.246377
+    2   50.0  636.304006  625.190488  450.182157   53.851509  2127.752228  31815.200298     50.0   53.851509
+    3    6.0  405.782514  370.352071  334.848563   57.138700   863.828420   2434.695086      6.0   57.138700
+    4    1.0  683.514930  683.514930         NaN  683.514930   683.514930    683.514930      1.0  683.514930
+    The result can be directly assigned a columns of the ``streets`` GeoDataFrame.
+    To eliminate the effect of outliers, you can take into account only values within a
+    specified percentile range (``q``). At the same time, you can specify only a subset
+    of statistics to compute:
+    >>> momepy.describe_reached_agg(
+    ...     buildings.area,
+    ...     buildings["street_index"],
+    ...     queen_contig,
+    ...     q=(10, 90),
+    ...     statistics=["mean", "std"],
+    ... ).head()
+            mean         std
+    0  619.104840  250.369496
+    1  721.441808  216.516469
+    2  597.379925  297.213321
+    3  378.431992  274.631290
+    4  683.514930         NaN
+    """  # noqa: E501
     if Version(pd.__version__) <= Version("2.1.0"):
         raise ImportError("pandas 2.1.0 or newer is required to use this function.")
@@ -285,7 +361,7 @@ def values_range(
-    data : Series
+    y : Series
         A DataFrame or Series containing the values to be analysed.
     graph : libpysal.graph.Graph
         A spatial weights matrix for the data.
@@ -301,9 +377,58 @@ def values_range(
-    >>> tessellation_df['area_IQR_3steps'] = mm.range(tessellation_df['area'],
-    ...                                               graph,
-    ...                                               q=(25, 75))
+    >>> from libpysal import graph
+    >>> path = momepy.datasets.get_path("bubenec")
+    >>> buildings = geopandas.read_file(path, layer="buildings")
+    >>> buildings.head()
+       uID                                           geometry
+    0    1  POLYGON ((1603599.221 6464369.816, 1603602.984...
+    1    2  POLYGON ((1603042.88 6464261.498, 1603038.961 ...
+    2    3  POLYGON ((1603044.65 6464178.035, 1603049.192 ...
+    3    4  POLYGON ((1603036.557 6464141.467, 1603036.969...
+    4    5  POLYGON ((1603082.387 6464142.022, 1603081.574...
+    Define spatial graph:
+    >>> knn5 = graph.Graph.build_knn(buildings.centroid, k=5)
+    >>> knn5
+    <Graph of 144 nodes and 720 nonzero edges indexed by
+     [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, ...]>
+    Range of building area within 5 nearest neighbors:
+    >>> momepy.values_range(buildings.area, knn5)
+    focal
+    0        559.745602
+    1        444.997770
+    2      10651.932677
+    3        365.239452
+    4        339.585788
+            ...
+    139      769.179096
+    140      721.444718
+    141      996.921755
+    142      119.708607
+    143      798.344284
+    Length: 144, dtype: float64
+    To eliminate the effect of outliers, you can take into account only values within a
+    specified percentile range (``q``).
+    >>> momepy.values_range(buildings.area, knn5, q=(25, 75))
+    focal
+    0       258.656230
+    1       113.990829
+    2      2878.811586
+    3        92.005635
+    4        87.637833
+            ...
+    139     587.139513
+    140     325.726611
+    141     621.315615
+    142      34.446110
+    143     488.967863
+    Length: 144, dtype: float64
     stats = percentile(y, graph, q=q)
@@ -347,8 +472,58 @@ def theil(y: Series, graph: Graph, q: tuple | list | None = None) -> Series:
-    >>> tessellation_df['area_Theil'] = mm.theil(tessellation_df['area'],
-    ...                                          graph)
+    >>> from libpysal import graph
+    >>> path = momepy.datasets.get_path("bubenec")
+    >>> buildings = geopandas.read_file(path, layer="buildings")
+    >>> buildings.head()
+       uID                                           geometry
+    0    1  POLYGON ((1603599.221 6464369.816, 1603602.984...
+    1    2  POLYGON ((1603042.88 6464261.498, 1603038.961 ...
+    2    3  POLYGON ((1603044.65 6464178.035, 1603049.192 ...
+    3    4  POLYGON ((1603036.557 6464141.467, 1603036.969...
+    4    5  POLYGON ((1603082.387 6464142.022, 1603081.574...
+    Define spatial graph:
+    >>> knn5 = graph.Graph.build_knn(buildings.centroid, k=5)
+    >>> knn5
+    <Graph of 144 nodes and 720 nonzero edges indexed by
+     [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, ...]>
+    Theil index of building area within 5 nearest neighbors:
+    >>> momepy.theil(buildings.area, knn5)
+    focal
+    0      0.106079
+    1      0.023256
+    2      0.800522
+    3      0.016015
+    4      0.013829
+            ...
+    139    0.547522
+    140    0.041755
+    141    0.098827
+    142    0.159690
+    143    0.068131
+    Length: 144, dtype: float64
+    To eliminate the effect of outliers, you can take into account only values within a
+    specified percentile range (``q``).
+    >>> momepy.theil(buildings.area, knn5, q=(25, 75))
+    focal
+    0      1.144550e-02
+    1      3.121656e-06
+    2      1.295882e-02
+    3      1.772730e-07
+    4      2.913017e-06
+            ...
+    139    5.402548e-01
+    140    6.658486e-03
+    141    3.330720e-02
+    142    1.433583e-03
+    143    2.096421e-02
+    Length: 144, dtype: float64
@@ -417,8 +592,57 @@ def simpson(
-    >>> tessellation_df['area_Simpson'] = mm.simpson(tessellation_df['area'],
-    ...                                              graph)
+    >>> from libpysal import graph
+    >>> path = momepy.datasets.get_path("bubenec")
+    >>> buildings = geopandas.read_file(path, layer="buildings")
+    >>> buildings.head()
+       uID                                           geometry
+    0    1  POLYGON ((1603599.221 6464369.816, 1603602.984...
+    1    2  POLYGON ((1603042.88 6464261.498, 1603038.961 ...
+    2    3  POLYGON ((1603044.65 6464178.035, 1603049.192 ...
+    3    4  POLYGON ((1603036.557 6464141.467, 1603036.969...
+    4    5  POLYGON ((1603082.387 6464142.022, 1603081.574...
+    Define spatial graph:
+    >>> knn5 = graph.Graph.build_knn(buildings.centroid, k=5)
+    >>> knn5
+    <Graph of 144 nodes and 720 nonzero edges indexed by
+     [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, ...]>
+    Simpson index of building area within 5 nearest neighbors:
+    >>> momepy.simpson(buildings.area, knn5)
+    focal
+    0      1.00
+    1      0.68
+    2      0.36
+    3      0.68
+    4      0.68
+        ...
+    139    0.68
+    140    0.44
+    141    0.44
+    142    1.00
+    143    0.52
+    Length: 144, dtype: float64
+    In some occasions, you may want to override the binning method:
+    >>> momepy.simpson(buildings.area, knn5, binning="fisher_jenks", k=8)
+    focal
+    0      0.28
+    1      0.68
+    2      0.36
+    3      0.68
+    4      0.68
+        ...
+    139    0.44
+    140    0.28
+    141    0.28
+    142    1.00
+    143    0.20
+    Length: 144, dtype: float64
     See also
@@ -497,8 +721,57 @@ def shannon(
-    >>> tessellation_df['area_Shannon'] = mm.shannon(tessellation_df['area'],
-    ...                                              graph)
+    >>> from libpysal import graph
+    >>> path = momepy.datasets.get_path("bubenec")
+    >>> buildings = geopandas.read_file(path, layer="buildings")
+    >>> buildings.head()
+       uID                                           geometry
+    0    1  POLYGON ((1603599.221 6464369.816, 1603602.984...
+    1    2  POLYGON ((1603042.88 6464261.498, 1603038.961 ...
+    2    3  POLYGON ((1603044.65 6464178.035, 1603049.192 ...
+    3    4  POLYGON ((1603036.557 6464141.467, 1603036.969...
+    4    5  POLYGON ((1603082.387 6464142.022, 1603081.574...
+    Define spatial graph:
+    >>> knn5 = graph.Graph.build_knn(buildings.centroid, k=5)
+    >>> knn5
+    <Graph of 144 nodes and 720 nonzero edges indexed by
+     [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, ...]>
+    Shannon index of building area within 5 nearest neighbors:
+    >>> momepy.shannon(buildings.area, knn5)
+    focal
+    0     -0.000000
+    1      0.500402
+    2      1.054920
+    3      0.500402
+    4      0.500402
+            ...
+    139    0.500402
+    140    0.950271
+    141    0.950271
+    142   -0.000000
+    143    0.673012
+    Length: 144, dtype: float64
+    In some occasions, you may want to override the binning method:
+    >>> momepy.shannon(buildings.area, knn5, binning="fisher_jenks", k=8)
+    focal
+    0      1.332179
+    1      0.500402
+    2      1.054920
+    3      0.500402
+    4      0.500402
+            ...
+    139    0.950271
+    140    1.332179
+    141    1.332179
+    142   -0.000000
+    143    1.609438
+    Length: 144, dtype: float64
     if not categories:
@@ -548,8 +821,58 @@ def gini(y: Series, graph: Graph, q: tuple | list | None = None) -> Series:
-    >>> tessellation_df['area_Gini'] = mm.gini(tessellation_df['area'],
-    ...                                              graph)
+    >>> from libpysal import graph
+    >>> path = momepy.datasets.get_path("bubenec")
+    >>> buildings = geopandas.read_file(path, layer="buildings")
+    >>> buildings.head()
+       uID                                           geometry
+    0    1  POLYGON ((1603599.221 6464369.816, 1603602.984...
+    1    2  POLYGON ((1603042.88 6464261.498, 1603038.961 ...
+    2    3  POLYGON ((1603044.65 6464178.035, 1603049.192 ...
+    3    4  POLYGON ((1603036.557 6464141.467, 1603036.969...
+    4    5  POLYGON ((1603082.387 6464142.022, 1603081.574...
+    Define spatial graph:
+    >>> knn5 = graph.Graph.build_knn(buildings.centroid, k=5)
+    >>> knn5
+    <Graph of 144 nodes and 720 nonzero edges indexed by
+     [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, ...]>
+    Gini index of building area within 5 nearest neighbors:
+    >>> momepy.gini(buildings.area, knn5)
+    focal
+    0      0.228493
+    1      0.102110
+    2      0.605867
+    3      0.085589
+    4      0.080435
+            ...
+    139    0.525724
+    140    0.156737
+    141    0.239009
+    142    0.259808
+    143    0.204820
+    Length: 144, dtype: float64
+    To eliminate the effect of outliers, you can take into account only values within a
+    specified percentile range (``q``).
+    >>> momepy.gini(buildings.area, knn5, q=(25, 75))
+    focal
+    0      0.073817
+    1      0.001264
+    2      0.077521
+    3      0.000321
+    4      0.001264
+            ...
+    139    0.505618
+    140    0.055096
+    141    0.130501
+    142    0.025522
+    143    0.110987
+    Length: 144, dtype: float64
         from inequality.gini import Gini
@@ -575,7 +898,7 @@ def percentile(
     y: Series,
     graph: Graph,
     q: tuple | list = [25, 50, 75],
+) -> DataFrame:
     """Calculates linearly weighted percentiles of ``y`` values using
     the neighbourhoods and weights defined in ``graph``.
@@ -597,8 +920,44 @@ def percentile(
-    >>> percentiles_df = mm.percentile(tessellation_df['area'],
-    ...                                 graph)
+    >>> from libpysal import graph
+    >>> path = momepy.datasets.get_path("bubenec")
+    >>> buildings = geopandas.read_file(path, layer="buildings")
+    >>> buildings.head()
+       uID                                           geometry
+    0    1  POLYGON ((1603599.221 6464369.816, 1603602.984...
+    1    2  POLYGON ((1603042.88 6464261.498, 1603038.961 ...
+    2    3  POLYGON ((1603044.65 6464178.035, 1603049.192 ...
+    3    4  POLYGON ((1603036.557 6464141.467, 1603036.969...
+    4    5  POLYGON ((1603082.387 6464142.022, 1603081.574...
+    Define spatial graph:
+    >>> knn5 = graph.Graph.build_knn(buildings.centroid, k=5)
+    >>> knn5
+    <Graph of 144 nodes and 720 nonzero edges indexed by
+     [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, ...]>
+    Percentiles of building area within 5 nearest neighbors:
+    >>> momepy.percentile(buildings.area, knn5).head()
+                   25          50           75
+    focal
+    0      347.252959  427.819360   605.909188
+    1      621.834862  641.629131   735.825691
+    2      622.262074  903.746689  3501.073660
+    3      621.834862  641.629131   713.840496
+    4      621.834862  641.987211   709.472695
+    Optionally, you can specify which percentile values shall be computed.
+    >>> momepy.percentile(buildings.area, knn5, q=[10, 90]).head()
+                   10            90
+    focal
+    0      123.769329    683.514930
+    1      564.160901   1009.158671
+    2      564.160901  11216.093578
+    3      564.160901    929.400353
+    4      564.160901    903.746689
     weights = graph._adjacency.values
diff --git a/momepy/functional/_elements.py b/momepy/functional/_elements.py
index f5d97272..32fd4a64 100644
--- a/momepy/functional/_elements.py
+++ b/momepy/functional/_elements.py
@@ -424,7 +424,7 @@ def get_nearest_node(
 def generate_blocks(
     tessellation: GeoDataFrame, edges: GeoDataFrame, buildings: GeoDataFrame
-) -> tuple[Series, Series, Series]:
+) -> tuple[GeoDataFrame, Series, Series]:
     Generate blocks based on buildings, tessellation, and street network.
     Dissolves tessellation cells based on street-network based polygons.
@@ -457,15 +457,37 @@ def generate_blocks(
-    >>> blocks, buildings_id, tessellation_id = mm.generate_blocks(tessellation_df,
-    ... streets_df, buildings_df)
+    >>> path = momepy.datasets.get_path("bubenec")
+    >>> buildings = geopandas.read_file(path, layer="buildings")
+    >>> streets = geopandas.read_file(path, layer="streets")
+    Generate tessellation:
+    >>> tessellation = momepy.morphological_tessellation(buildings)
+    >>> tessellation
+                                                geometry
+    0  POLYGON ((1603577.153 6464348.291, 1603576.946...
+    1  POLYGON ((1603166.356 6464326.62, 1603166.425 ...
+    2  POLYGON ((1603006.941 6464167.63, 1603009.97 6...
+    3  POLYGON ((1602995.269 6464132.007, 1603001.768...
+    4  POLYGON ((1603084.231 6464104.386, 1603083.773...
+    >>> blocks, buildings_id, tessellation_id = momepy.generate_blocks(
+    ...     tessellation, streets, buildings
+    ... )
     >>> blocks.head()
-            geometry
-    0	    POLYGON ((1603560.078648818 6464202.366899694,...
-    1	    POLYGON ((1603457.225976106 6464299.454696888,...
-    2	    POLYGON ((1603056.595487018 6464093.903488506,...
-    3	    POLYGON ((1603260.943782872 6464141.327631323,...
-    4	    POLYGON ((1603183.399594798 6463966.109982309,...
+                                                geometry
+    0  POLYGON ((1603500.079 6464214.019, 1603499.565...
+    1  POLYGON ((1603431.893 6464278.302, 1603431.553...
+    2  POLYGON ((1603321.257 6464125.859, 1603320.938...
+    3  POLYGON ((1603137.411 6464124.658, 1603137.116...
+    4  POLYGON ((1603179.384 6463961.584, 1603179.357...
+    Both ``buildings_id`` and ``tessellation_id`` can be directly assigned to their
+    respective parental DataFrames.
+    >>> buildings["block_id"] = buildings_id
+    >>> tessellation["block_id"] = tessellation_id
     id_name: str = "bID"
@@ -547,9 +569,19 @@ def buffered_limit(
-    >>> limit = mm.buffered_limit(buildings_df)
+    >>> path = momepy.datasets.get_path("bubenec")
+    >>> buildings = geopandas.read_file(path, layer="buildings")
+    >>> buildings.head()
+       uID                                           geometry
+    0    1  POLYGON ((1603599.221 6464369.816, 1603602.984...
+    1    2  POLYGON ((1603042.88 6464261.498, 1603038.961 ...
+    2    3  POLYGON ((1603044.65 6464178.035, 1603049.192 ...
+    3    4  POLYGON ((1603036.557 6464141.467, 1603036.969...
+    4    5  POLYGON ((1603082.387 6464142.022, 1603081.574...
+    >>> limit = momepy.buffered_limit(buildings)
     >>> type(limit)
-    shapely.geometry.polygon.Polygon
+    <class 'shapely.geometry.polygon.Polygon'>
     if buffer == "adaptive":
         if not LPS_GE_411:
diff --git a/momepy/functional/_intensity.py b/momepy/functional/_intensity.py
index 0b4fe6bb..3ce55584 100644
--- a/momepy/functional/_intensity.py
+++ b/momepy/functional/_intensity.py
@@ -26,7 +26,35 @@ def courtyards(geometry: GeoDataFrame | GeoSeries, graph: Graph) -> Series:
-    >>> courtyards = mm.calculate_courtyards(buildings_df, graph)
+    >>> from libpysal import graph
+    >>> path = momepy.datasets.get_path("bubenec")
+    >>> buildings = geopandas.read_file(path, layer="buildings")
+    >>> buildings.head()
+       uID                                           geometry
+    0    1  POLYGON ((1603599.221 6464369.816, 1603602.984...
+    1    2  POLYGON ((1603042.88 6464261.498, 1603038.961 ...
+    2    3  POLYGON ((1603044.65 6464178.035, 1603049.192 ...
+    3    4  POLYGON ((1603036.557 6464141.467, 1603036.969...
+    4    5  POLYGON ((1603082.387 6464142.022, 1603081.574...
+    >>> contiguity = graph.Graph.build_contiguity(buildings)
+    >>> contiguity
+    <Graph of 144 nodes and 248 nonzero edges indexed by
+     [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, ...]>
+    >>> momepy.courtyards(buildings, contiguity)
+    0      0
+    1      1
+    2      1
+    3      1
+    4      1
+        ..
+    139    0
+    140    0
+    141    0
+    142    0
+    143    1
+    Length: 144, dtype: int32
     def _calculate_courtyards(group):