Have you ever read a blog post so good that you just want to take it home, save somewhere you could access later even when the author loses the domain? And also because it's so great, you want to create higlights, takes note on it too?
Ubinote will solve this for you! You could gives ubinote a link, and it'll save it for you, as long you keep ubinote, you could still access that blog post you love.
Use my demo website: https://ubinote.space and sign it with account: test@ubinote.co / Test@123
- nodejs
- single-file-cli -- I recommend follow the install instruciton on their page or run
npm install -g "single-file-cli"
- java
Download the latest jar file of ubinote from our release page
Then jar -jar ubinote.jar
to starts it.
See ENVIRONMENTS_VARIABLES for a list of env you can config
clj -M:dev
npm run dev