- support overlay containers in dialogs (b421940)
- published 0.0.6 (12f7770)
- make dialog position fixed to keep it in view center (bced5fc)
- release sketch 0.0.8 (bf36a16)
- release sketch 0.0.9 (69a7fe6)
- release sketch 0.0.10 (6edabec)
- stop propagation on dialog escape (5490883)
- Andreas Tennert
- Peter Müller @BaggersIO
Fixed deployed files
This was a version bump only, there were no code changes.
- add sketch lib and demo app (ad2d8ea)
- add husky and linting (395fa47)
- add test component sk-sketch (c6cfee1)
- updat eslint config (d7968c4)
- remove nx cloud (63fc4da)
- add dialog component (c3aa5b3)
- add svg icon to close button and make it more generic (d39e637)
- make styles for close button adjustable (f4f17a7)
- make backdrop style adjustable (3b22f65)
- add blur styling option to backdrop (b9e857a)
- make the position of the inner close button adjustable (251b463)
- add examples in different variants (76901ba)
- make height adjustable (15547b9)
- add fullscreen input (62fed4e)
- add contentShadow input (441ea1d)
- add examples (8e5e806)
- add option to add border (ca929d0)
- add option to move outer close button independently of margin (e159ccd)
- add option to position close button on left side (d19b099)
- add storybook for dialog (78cafe2)
- enhance dialog documentation (e675b2a)
- add MIT license (e3e6fd1)
- lib: add style file for users (af92c80)
- list: add overview and a little bit of styling (910ee38)
- list: add inital list component and add sample (a9066f7)
- list: move sample component to pages folder (3df162c)
- list: add animation showcase for list (22d2cc8)
- list: add optional link and update sample (489f75d)
- list: change the provider for list service (54b129b)
- list: add provider directive and remove collection component (c9e22fd)
- list: add minimal style for list component (21b26da)
- list: add story for list component (83325eb)
- list: update active item on every navigation (00fb292)
- select: add inital select component with sample page (553771a)
- select: update sample (9b166cf)
- select: add animation to select sample (4e82303)
- select: move select component to correct folder (0a9d8d0)
- select: add focustrap to options container (9781e5c)
- select: add key event functionality (d520c98)
- select: add sample and default style (4e33ade)
- select: add story for select component (e976994)
- select: close on escape (36af251)
- add class to close button to avoid unwanted styling (f669e9b)
- add margin if no close button but content shadow (1619654)
- add and adjust max-height for content container (1c3d46c)
- adjust max-height of no margin container (82814cb)
- adjust display of wrapper to avoid interferences of innerCloseButton and contentShadow (d4d8b5b)
- quick fix for shadowDom issue in dialog (5e4b8f0)
- inga
- patrickjahr
- Peter Müller @BaggersIO