- [stevedecoded] Added Entity.moveAtAngle
- [nadako] Fixed Scene not working (World officially deprecated)
- Improved Atlas memory management
- Major performance improvements on native targets
- Text is hardware accelerated
- Hardware acceleration is turned on automatically for every graphic class
- Renamed World to Scene (although World still exists as a wrapper)
- Multitouch support
- Added Atlas functions (destroy, destroyAll, count)
- [scriptorum] Updated keycodes for NME 3.5.5
- [YAYitsAndrew] Fixed image scaling factor
- [YAYitsAndrew] added HXP.alarm and delay support to HXP.tween
- Fixed console watch order
- Added default HaxePunk icon for new projects
- Image.createRect and Image.createCircle work on all targets
- Added clipping to Atlas regions
- Added drawCallThreshold and smooth variables to Atlas (improves rendering)
- Bug fixes for x/y scaling values
- World.getClass handles any input class (for interfaces)
- Fixed Tilemap rendering when camera moves (cpp/neko)
- Initializing _count in Masklist to prevent neko crash
- [AndyLi] Correctly resize the source of Text
- Hardware acceleration using TextureAtlas and the display list
- [DelishusCake] moveBy now checks moveCollideX/Y before moving
- [MattTuttle] Improved joystick support (multiple axis, pressed/checked buttons)
- [MaskedPixel] Fixed inline HXP.colorLerp on native targets
- [MattTuttle] Updated to work with NME 3.5.x
- [Lythom|MattTuttle] Added mouseWheelDelta and mouseCursor to Input class
- [MattTuttle] Fixed drawToScreen when blendMode is null
- [MattTuttle] Reorganized template assets folder
- Get mouseX/mouseY correctly even when FP.screen is translated/rotated
- Enforce frame index to stay within frame count boundaries
- Refactor FP.approach and FP.clamp to return sooner
- Prevent multiline Text objects from having final line cut off
- [MattTuttle] Masklist supports Circle/Polygon and debugDraw
- [MaskedPixel] fixed infinite loop when calling removeTween on the same tween
- [Lythom] world.collidePoint returns the topmost entity
- [YAYitsAndrew] Tween.cancel added from FlashPunk
- [zlumer/MattTuttle] Tween handles events (start, update, finish)
- [MaskedPixel] Image originX/Y corrected to match FlashPunk
- [MattTuttle/tangzero] Improved template creation (haxelib run HaxePunk new ...)
- [MaskedPixel] Merged several changes from FlashPunk to HaxePunk
- [MattTuttle] haxelib uses include.nmml file
- [MattTuttle] addGraphic no longer creates a list when graphic=null
- [MattTuttle] console can be removed entirely from a build
- [jgroeneveld] HXP.tween fix for native targets
- [jgroeneveld] Fixed spritemap for native targets
- [andyli] API improvements and for loop optimizations
- [MaskedPixel] Fixed entities missing world reference when remove called
- [MaskedPixel] Entity can have instance names
- Added a new preloader, requires gfx/preloader folder
- Entity.addGraphic now correctly adds the new graphic if a list is created
- Fixed text resizing when wordwrap is true and resizable is false
- Removed automatic extensions from Sfx class
- VarTween and MultiVarTween now support properties
- Fixed more initialization errors in neko
- Improved console output (memory usage, handles properties, terminal output)
- Added HXP.round for rounding to the nearest decimal
- Added width/height to Stamp [mkosler]
- Fixed black background on Text graphics
- Updated Text class with extra options
- scaleHeight in Entity is now scaledHeight
- Console draws properly when window resizes
- Added global tweener
- Functions added for focus gained/lost
- Added Draw.text
- Fixed several neko bugs
- bug fixes to Circle/Mask collision
- setHitboxTo now properly sets the entity dimensions
- improved examples
- removed unnecessary property getter/setter functions
- general code cleanup
- [MarekkPie] moveBy/moveTowards can now handle Array as well as String values.
- added version info to first line of the console log
- Tilemap constructor now handles asset strings
- added platformer example project
- fixed several neko crash bugs (initialize to zero)
- Image.createRect fixed so it no longer creates a transparent image
- fixed circle-circle collision
- improved BitmapData size restrictions for flash10
- Fixed compilation errors for neko and html5 targets
- Changed grid to use a boolean array instead of BitmapData
- Added HXP.createBitmap to handle BitmapData creation. It checks dimensions and converts the color format in neko
- Minor adjustments to build.xml to ease development
- Fixed flash.Capabilities compile error for html5 target
- Screen can now be resized. This is done by destroying the BitmapData buffer object and recreating it.
- Fixed several crash bugs in cpp targets
- Initial port