My Guru helped me to add a service for my module made with modulestudio for zikula. This example is for
The Twig Extension should me help to find out the name of the first level (showRoomItem) of its stories and substories. Stories do have a self relation and can have endless levels.
you do need a yml file to create the service. I got this code:
class: RK\ShowRoomModule\Twig\CustomTwigExtension
public: true
- { name: twig.extension }
Be shure not to use tab. In yml files we have to use spaces.
This code should be placed inside Resources/config/customServices.yml
to make this service known for the module you have to add this inside the file Resources/config/services.yml
. at the edn you have to add
- { resource: 'customServices.yml' }
To avoid overwriting by a new generated version of the module you should add this file to the markFiles inside the setting container of modulestudio.
Now we do need the extension itself. For this we add a file Twig\CustomTwigExtension.php
(see the class:
in our service declaration)
This file do get the following code:
namespace RK\ShowRoomModule\Twig;
use Twig_Extension;
use RK\ShowRoomModule\Entity\ShowRoomItemEntity;
use RK\ShowRoomModule\Entity\StoryEntity;
* Custom Twig extension implementation class.
class CustomTwigExtension extends Twig_Extension
* Returns a list of custom Twig functions.
* @return array
public function getFunctions()
return [
new \Twig_SimpleFunction('rkshowroommodule_getShowRoomItemForStory', [$this, 'getShowRoomItemForStory'])
* Returns the show room item for a given story.
* @param StoryEntity $story Story entity
* @return ShowRoomItemEntity|null
public function getShowRoomItemForStory(StoryEntity $story)
$showRoomItem = null;
$parentStory = $story;
while (null === $showRoomItem && null !== $parentStory) {
$showRoomItem = $parentStory->getShowRoomItem();
$parentStory = $parentStory->getStory();
return $showRoomItem;
To print the title of the root element you have to run this code:
{% set storyShowRoomItem = rkshowroommodule_getShowRoomItemForStory(story) %}
{% if storyShowRoomItem is not empty %}
<p>{{ storyShowRoomItem.title }}</p>
{% endif %}
you can add more Twig Extensions into CustomTwigExtension.php. This way to implement avoids to touch generated code.