An example how I implemented a new asset for my module
This instruction is just for me and for Zikula usage. The module should be made with modulestudio
we choose the jquery tool jquery.matchHight.js
I place it normally in the folder additions/jquery.matchHeight/jquery.matchHeight.js
The best place to add new assets is in the /views/base.html.twig
you have to address it as following:
{{ pageAddAsset('javascript', asset('../additions/jquery.matchHeigt/jquery.matchHeight.js')) }}
The ../
is needed because zikula normally expects the assets in the folder web
I found this post very helpfull:
I created (with the help of a Guru) an additional .js file:
'use strict';
(function($) {
function updateDivHeights() {
$('.row').each(function(i, elem) {
.find('.box-item .white-space') // Only children of this row
.matchHeight({byRow: true}); // Row detection gets confused so disable it
$(document).ready(function() {
This I store in the file pulic/js/
In the base.html.twig
you have to add this as well:
{{ pageAddAsset('javascript', zasset('@RKShowRoomModule:js/')) }}
In templates it is now very simple. You have to add to your raster divs the class="box-item"
and to the divs you want to have the same hight class="white-space"
. white-space is in my case something I configured some background css for my site. You can use other classes as well. In the stackoverflow example they used the bootstratp well instead.
Thats it!