fix(eslint-config): fix files field
fix(eslint-config): fix files field
fix(eslint-config): linter repair and sonar rules for typescript
fix(eslint-config): linter repair and sonar rules for typescript
feat(eslint-config): rules
feat(eslint-config): rules
feat(eslint-config): switch to using only eslint-plugin-sonarjs (with…
feat(eslint-config): switch to using only eslint-plugin-sonarjs (with…
Merge branch 'eslint-next-js'
Merge branch 'eslint-next-js'
fix(eslint-config): change config for Next.js for compatibility with …
fix(eslint-config): change config for Next.js for compatibility with …
Force push
feat(eslint-config): change config for Next.js for compatibility with…
feat(eslint-config): change config for Next.js for compatibility with…
feat(eslint-plugin): correct eslint-plugin-react-prefer-function-comp…
feat(eslint-plugin): correct eslint-plugin-react-prefer-function-comp…
feat(eslint-config): config migration to Eslint 9
feat(eslint-config): config migration to Eslint 9
Force push
feat(eslint-config): config migration to Eslint 9
feat(eslint-config): config migration to Eslint 9
chore(release): publish
chore(release): publish
chore(release): publish
chore(release): publish
fix(eslint-config): allow ban ts comment with description
fix(eslint-config): allow ban ts comment with description