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🐌 slugifiable - Generate SEO-optimized URL slugs

Gem Version

Ruby gem to automatically generate unique slugs for your Rails' model records, so you can expose SEO-friendly URLs.


Where big-red-backpack-321678 is the slug.

slugifiable can generate:

  • Slugs like "big-red-backpack" or "big-red-backpack-321678": unique, string-based slugs based on any attribute, such as
  • Slugs like "d4735e3a265": unique hex string slugs
  • Slugs like 321678: unique number-only slugs


When building Rails apps, we usually need to expose something in the URL to identify a record, like:

But exposing IDs (like 123) is not usually good practice. It's not SEO-friendly, it can give away how many records you have in the database, it could also be an attack vector, and it just feels off.

It would be much better to have a random-like string or number instead, while still remaining unique and identifiable:

Or better yet, use other instance attribute (like to build the slug:

slugifiable takes care of building all these kinds of slugs for you.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'slugifiable'

Then run bundle install.

After installing the gem, add include Slugifiable::Model to any ActiveRecord model, like this:

class Product < ApplicationRecord
  include Slugifiable::Model # Adding this provides all the required slug-related methods to your model

That's it!

Then you can, for example, get the slug for a product like this:

=> "4e07408562b"

You can also define how to generate slugs:

class Product < ApplicationRecord
  include Slugifiable::Model
  generate_slug_based_on :name

And this will generate slugs based on your Product instance name, like:

=> "big-red-backpack"

If your model has a slug attribute in the database, slugifiable will automatically generate a slug for that model upon instance creation, and save it to the DB.


Your slug attribute SHOULD NOT have null: false in the migration / database. If it does, slugifiable will not be able to save the slug to the database, and will raise an error like ERROR: null value in column "slug" of relation "posts" violates not-null constraint (PG::NotNullViolation) This is because records are created without a slug, and the slug is generated later.

If you're generating slugs based off the model id, you can also set a desired length:

class Product < ApplicationRecord
  include Slugifiable::Model
  generate_slug_based_on :id, length: 6

Which would return something like:

=> "6b86b2"

More details in the "How to use" section.

How to use

Slugs should never change, so it's recommended you save your slugs to the database.

Therefore, all models that include Slugifiable::Model should have a slug attribute that persists the slug in the database. If your model doesn't have a slug attribute yet, just run:

rails g migration addSlugTo<MODEL_NAME> slug:text

where <MODEL_NAME> is your model name in plural, and then run:

rails db:migrate

And your model should now have a slug attribute in the database.

When a model has a slug attribute, slugifiable automatically generates a slug for that model upon instance creation, and saves it to the DB.

slugifiable can also work without persisting slugs to the databse, though: you can always run .slug, and that will give you a valid, unique slug for your record.

Define how slugs are generated

By default, when you include Slugifiable::Model, slugs will be generated as a random-looking string based off the record id (SHA hash)

slugifiable supports both id and uuid.

The default setting is:

generate_slug_based_on id: :hex_string

Which returns slugs like: d4735e3a265

If you don't like hex strings, you can get number-only slugs with:

generate_slug_based_on id: :number

Which will return slugs like: 321678 – nonconsecutive, nonincremental, not a total count.

When you're generating obfuscated slugs (based on id), you can specify a desired slug length:

generate_slug_based_on id: :number, length: 3

The length should be a positive number between 1 and 64.

If instead of obfuscated slugs you want human-readable slugs, you can specify an attribute to base your slugs off of. For example:

generate_slug_based_on :name

Will look for a name attribute in your instance, and use its value to generate the slug. So if you have a product like:
=> "Big Red Backpack"

then the slug will be computed as:

=> "big-red-backpack"

You can also use instance methods to generate more complex slugs. This is useful when you need to combine multiple attributes:

class Event < ApplicationRecord
  include Slugifiable::Model
  belongs_to :location
  generate_slug_based_on :title_with_location

  # The method can return any string - slugifiable will handle the parameterization
  def title_with_location
    if location.present?
      "#{title} #{} #{location.region}"  # Returns raw string, slugifiable parameterizes it

This will generate slugs like:

=> "my-awesome-event-new-york"  # Automatically parameterized

There may be collisions if two records share the same name – but slugs should be unique! To resolve this, when this happens, slugifiable will append a unique string at the end to make the slug unique:

=> "big-red-backpack-321678"


The gem includes a comprehensive test suite that covers:

  • Default slug generation behavior
  • Attribute-based slug generation
  • Method-based slug generation (including private/protected methods)
  • Collision resolution and uniqueness handling
  • Special cases and edge conditions

To run the tests:

bundle install
bundle exec rake test

The test suite uses SQLite3 in-memory database and requires no additional setup.


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake spec to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install.


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at Our code of conduct is: just be nice and make your mom proud of what you do and post online.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.