Thank you for using ShelfPlayer! If you encounter any issues or need help, there are two primary ways to get support:
For bug reports or feature requests, the preferred way to get support is by opening an issue on the GitHub repository. To do so:
- Visit the GitHub repository: ShelfPlayer GitHub
- Navigate to the Issues tab.
- Click on New Issue.
- Provide a detailed description of the problem or feature request. If reporting a bug, include steps to reproduce it, the operating system, and any relevant error messages.
The issue will be reviewed and responded to as quickly as possible.
If you prefer to communicate via email, support is available at:
Email: (
When sending an email, please provide the following information:
- A description of the issue or question.
- Steps to reproduce (for bugs).
- Screenshots, if applicable.
- The operating system and app version.
Thank you for using ShelfPlayer!