Install Clarity UI package through npm:
npm install @clr/ui --save
Include the clr-ui.min.css in your HTML file:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="path/to/node_modules/@clr/ui/clr-ui.min.css">
If your site is built with angular-cli, you can achieve the above by adding the file to the styles array in
:"styles": [ ... "../node_modules/@clr/ui/clr-ui.min.css" ... ]
Write your HTML with the Clarity CSS class names and markup.
Install Clarity Icons package through npm:
npm install @clr/icons --save
Install the polyfill for Custom Elements:
npm install @webcomponents/custom-elements --save
Include the clr-icons.min.css and clr-icons.min.js in your HTML. As clr-icons.min.js is dependent on the Custom Elements polyfill, make sure to include it before clr-icons.min.js:
<link rel="stylesheet" href="path/to/node_modules/@clr/icons/clr-icons.min.css"> <script src="path/to/node_modules/@webcomponents/custom-elements/custom-elements.min.js"></script> <script src="path/to/node_modules/clr-icons/clr-icons.min.js"></script>
If your site is built with angular-cli you can achieve the above by adding the files to the styles array and scripts array in
:"styles": [ ... "../node_modules/@clr/icons/clr-icons.min.css", ... ], "scripts": [ ... "../node_modules/@webcomponents/custom-elements/custom-elements.min.js", "../node_modules/@clr/icons/clr-icons.min.js" ... ]
The easiest way to run a sample Angular application with Clarity is to use the Angular CLI and run
ng add @clr/angular
. If you have an existing project or are not using the Angular CLI, follow the following steps. -
Follow the steps above to install Clarity Icons and Clarity UI.
Install the clarity-angular package through npm:
npm install @clr/angular --save
Import the ClarityModule into your Angular application's module. Your application's main module might look like this:
import { NgModule } from '@angular/core'; import { BrowserModule } from '@angular/platform-browser'; import { ClarityModule } from '@clr/angular'; import { AppComponent } from './app.component'; @NgModule({ imports: [ BrowserModule, ClarityModule, .... ], declarations: [ AppComponent ], bootstrap: [ AppComponent ] }) export class AppModule { }
If your application uses systemjs, add the configuration as in the example below.
System.config({ ... map: { ... '@clr/angular': 'node_modules/@clr/angular/bundles/clr-angular.umd.js', '@clr/icons': 'node_modules/@clr/icons/bundles/clr-icons.umd.js', }, ... });
First, install the Clarity Core package from npm.
npm install @clr/core --save
Import desired Web Component into your JavaScript or TypeScript
import '@clr/core/modal';
Use Web Component in desired framework template
<!-- - size - a attribute style hook - [open] - setting a property on the element - (openChange) - listening for the `openChange` custom event --> <cwc-modal size="lg" [open]="true" (openChange)="log($event.detail)"> <p>slot content</p> </cwc-modal>
<!-- Example of a modal web component in Vue - size - a attribute style hook - :open - setting a property on the element - @openChange - listening for the `openChange` custom event --> <cwc-modal large :open="true" @openChange="log($event.detail)"> <p>slot content</p> </cwc-modal>
{ /* Example of a modal web component in React with React Shim - size - a attribute style hook - open - setting a property on the element - openChange - listening for the `openChange` custom event */ } <CwcModal large open={this.state.open} openChange={this.log}> <p>slot content</p> </CwcModal>;