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MMScan: A Multi-Modal 3D Scene Dataset with Hierarchical Grounded Language Annotations


🤖 Demo


📋 Contents

  1. About
  2. Getting Started
  3. Model and Benchmark
  4. TODO List

🏠 About


With the emergence of LLMs and their integration with other data modalities, multi-modal 3D perception attracts more attention due to its connectivity to the physical world and makes rapid progress. However, limited by existing datasets, previous works mainly focus on understanding object properties or inter-object spatial relationships in a 3D scene. To tackle this problem, this paper builds the first largest ever multi-modal 3D scene dataset and benchmark with hierarchical grounded language annotations, MMScan. It is constructed based on a top-down logic, from region to object level, from a single target to inter-target relation ships, covering holistic aspects of spatial and attribute understanding. The overall pipeline incorporates powerful VLMs via carefully designed prompts to initialize the annotations efficiently and further involve humans’ correction in the loop to ensure the annotations are natural, correct, and comprehensive. Built upon exist ing 3D scanning data, the resulting multi-modal 3D dataset encompasses 1.4M meta-annotated captions on 109k objects and 7.7k regions as well as over 3.04M diverse samples for 3D visual grounding and question-answering benchmarks. We evaluate representative baselines on our benchmarks, analyze their capabilities in different aspects, and showcase the key problems to be addressed in the future. Furthermore, we use this high-quality dataset to train state-of-the-art 3D visual grounding and LLMs and obtain remarkable performance improvement both on existing benchmarks and in-the-wild evaluation.

🚀 Getting Started:


  1. Clone Github repo.

    git clone [email protected]:rbler1234/MMScan.git
    cd MMScan
  2. Install requirements.

    Your environment needs to include Python version 3.8 or higher.

    conda activate your_env_name
    python all

    You can "VG/QA" if you only need either one of the two.

Data Preparation

  1. Download the Embodiedscan and MMScan annotation. (Fill in the form to apply for downloading)

    Unzip the files and put them under MMScan_data/.

    ├── embodiedscan-split
    ├── MMScan-beta-release
  2. Prepare the point clouds files.

    Please refer to the guide here.

👓 MMScan API Tutorial

You can import MMScan API in this way:

    import mmscan_tool

    (1) the dataset tool
    import mmscan_tool.MMScan as MMScan_dataset

    (2) the evaluator tool ('VG'/'QA'/'GPT')
    import mmscan_tool.{}_Evaluator as MMScan_{}_evaluator

MMScan Dataset

We offer a tool that allows you to easily obtain the data required by the models in the MMScan task.

    my_dataset = MMScan_dataloder(split='train',task="MMScan-QA",ratio=1.0)
    # the train split of MMScan QA task, the down sample ratio is 1.0

You can conveniently use __get_item__ to access them. Each item is a dictonary containing the following keys:

( 0 ) Index of this sample

( 1 ) 3D modality

        "ori_pcds" (tuple[tensor]): the raw data read from the pth file.

        "pcds" (np.ndarray):  the point cloud data of the scan,
                            [n_points, 6(xyz+rgb)]

        "instance_labels" (np.ndarray): the instance id of each point,

        "class_labels" (np.ndarray): the class id of each point,

        "bboxes" (dict):  bounding boxes info in the scan
                        { object_id :
                            {"type": object_type (str),
                            "bbox": 9 DoF box (np.ndarray),

( 2 ) Lanuage modality

        "sub_class": the category of this sample.
        "ID": the id of this sample.
        "scan_id": the scan id where is the sample.

        for VG task
        "target_id" (list[int]) : The target objects id.
        "text" (str): The grounding text.
        "target" (list[str]) : The target objects type.
        "anchors" (list[str]) : The anchor objects type.
        "anchor_ids" (list[int]) : The anchor objects id.
        "tokens_positive" (dict) : Where the object mentioned in the text.

        for QA task
        "question" (str): the quseion.
        "answers" (list[str]): the answers.
        "object_ids" (list[int]): objects id mentioned in the questions.(gt)
        "object_names" (list[str]): objects type mentioned in the questions.(gt)
        "input_bboxes_id" (list[int]):  the input bounding boxes id (objects id).
        "input_bboxes" (list[nd.narray]):  the input bounding boxes (9 DoF).

More explanation of the "tokens_positive" in the VG task: For each target object / anchor object, we stores its relevant words in the grounding text in a format of a list of indices where the word appearing. For example, if the grounding text is "The red chair near the wooden table.", and the target object is "chair" with id 1, and the anchor object is "table" with id 2, the "tokens_positive" will be { 1: [ [ 0, 13 ] ], 2: [ [ 19, 35 ] ] }, since the word "The red chair" appears in the first 13 characters of the text, and the word "the wooden table" appears in characters 19 through 35.

( 3 ) 2D modality

The value corresponding to the key "images" is a list containing specific camera information, which includes the RGB image path, depth image path, camera intrinsic and extrinsic parameters, and the IDs of objects visible to the camera.

          'img_path'(str): path to its rgb image
          'depth_img_path'(str): path to its depth image
          'intrinsic'(np.ndarray): camera intrinsic of the rgb image
          'depth_intrinsic'(np.ndarray): camera intrinsic of the depth image
          'extrinsic'(np.ndarray): camera extrinsic
          'visible_instance_id'(list): Ds of objects visible

MMScan Evaluator

We offer a tool that allows you to easily evaluate the model output in the MMScan task.

(1) Visual grounding evaluator

For visual grounding task, our evaluator calculate the metric AP, AR, AP_C, AR_C, gtop-k. AP and AR are obtained by calculating the average precision and recall, treating each of samples as a separate category, while those end with C treat samples of a same subclass as a same category. And the gtop-k is an extended general version of the top-k metric.

    # whether to show the progress
    my_evaluator = MMScan_VG_evaluator(verbose=True)
    # the input to the evaluator should be in a certain format.
    metric_dict = my_evaluator.start_evaluation()
    # Optional 1, get the sample-level result
    # Optional 2, get the sample-level result

    # You should reset the evaluator!

The input to the evaluator should be in a certain format:

        "pred_scores" (tensor/ndarray): the confidence for each pred.

        "pred_bboxes"/"gt_bboxes" (tensor/ndarray): the list of 9 DoF box.
                  Support for two input mode:
                    1. 9-dim 9 DoF bounding box (num_pred/gt, 9)
                    2. center, size and rot matrix
                    ("center": (num_pred/gt, 3),
                      "size" : (num_pred/gt, 3),
                       "rot" : (num_pred/gt, 3, 3))
        "subclass": the subclass in the VG samples.
        "index" :

(2) Question Answering evaluator

For question answering task, our evaluator calculate the metric Bleu-X, Metor, CiDer, Spice, Simcse, Sbert, EM, Refine EM

    # model_config stores the pretrain weights of SIMCSE and SBERT
    my_evaluator = MMScan_QA_evaluator(model_config={},verbose=True)
    # the input to the evaluator should be in a certain format.
    metric_dict = my_evaluator.start_evaluation()
    # Optional 1, get the sample-level result

    # You should reset the evaluator!

The input to the evaluator should be in a certain format:

        "pred" (list[str]): the prediction, length should be equal 1.
        "gt" (list[str]): the prediction, length should be larger than 1.
        "ID": the ID in the QA samples, should be unique.

(3) GPT evaluator

For question answering task, we alse provide GPT evaluator, which we think it's more reasonable to use.

    # whether to show the progress
    my_evaluator = MMScan_GPT_Evaluator(API_key='XXX')
    # the input to the evaluator should be in a certain format.
    # tmp_path to store the result from multi-process
    metric_dict = my_evaluator.load_and_eval(model_output, num_threads=5, tmp_path ='XXX')


The input to the evaluator should be in a certain format:

        "pred" (list[str]): the prediction, length should be equal 1.
        "gt" (list[str]): the prediction, length should be larger than 1.
        "ID": the ID in the QA samples, should be unique.


We have adapted the MMScan API for some models.

📝 TODO List

  • Python environment and more convenient way to install and invoke
  • Explicit for each model and clean the model's code
  • Visual Grounding metric update
  • Captioning benchmark update
  • Full release and further updates.