This tutorial will walk you through how to use the react-filterbar library with a Ruby on Rails codebase. It will assume you are using HAML, bootstrap-sass, eonasdan's bootstrap-datetimepicker.
The filterable-table is rendered by using a declarative API html structure, nested at the DOMNode you want the component to be rendered at. For instance, say we have a page like:
<--- We want the FilterBar to be rendered here. --->
We would place the configuration API at the position of the first <, like so:
<--- Rest of the Configuration goes here --->
At the moment this library only supports a single table on a page at a time, but the next feature release will relax that requirement to only a single persistant filterable table on a page.
Follow the instructions in the readme to install the library into your application.
#The query method
#Adding the Filterable Table
##Creating the jbuilder file
#Adding a text filter