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Custom commands, outputs and command mechanics

Mark Paluch edited this page Nov 27, 2020 · 6 revisions

Lettuce covers nearly all Redis commands. Redis development is an ongoing process and the Redis Module system is intended to introduce new commands which are not part of the Redis Core. This requirement introduces the need to invoke custom commands or use custom outputs. Custom commands can be dispatched on the one hand using Lua and the eval() command, on the other side Lettuce 4.x allows you to trigger own commands. That API is used by Lettuce itself to dispatch commands and requires some knowledge of how commands are constructed and dispatched within Lettuce.

Lettuce provides two levels of command dispatching:

  1. Using the synchronous, asynchronous or reactive API wrappers which invoke commands according to their nature

  2. Using the bare connection to influence the command nature and synchronization (advanced)

Example using dispatch() on the synchronous API

RedisCodec<String, String> codec = StringCodec.UTF8;
RedisCommands<String, String> commands = ...

String response = redis.dispatch(CommandType.SET, new StatusOutput<>(codec),
                new CommandArgs<>(codec)

Example using dispatch() on the asynchronous API

RedisCodec<String, String> codec = StringCodec.UTF8;
RedisAsyncCommands<String, String> commands = ...

RedisFuture<String> response = redis.dispatch(CommandType.SET, new StatusOutput<>(codec),
                                    new CommandArgs<>(codec)

Example using dispatch() on the reactive API

RedisCodec<String, String> codec = StringCodec.UTF8;
RedisReactiveCommands<String, String> commands = ...

Observable<String> response = redis.dispatch(CommandType.SET, new StatusOutput<>(codec),
                                    new CommandArgs<>(codec)

Example using a RedisFuture command wrapper

StatefulRedisConnection<String, String> connection = redis.getStatefulConnection();

RedisCommand<String, String, String> command = new Command<>(CommandType.PING,
                                        new StatusOutput<>(new Utf8StringCodec()));

AsyncCommand<String, String, String> async = new AsyncCommand<>(command);

// async instanceof CompletableFuture == true

Mechanics of Lettuce commands

Lettuce uses the command pattern to implement to execute commands. Every time a command is invoked, Lettuce creates a command object (Command or types implementing RedisCommand). Commands can carry arguments (CommandArgs) and an output (subclasses of CommandOutput). Both are optional. The two mandatory properties are the command type (see CommandType or a type implementing ProtocolKeyword) and a RedisCodec. If you dispatch commands by yourself, do not reuse command instances to dispatch commands more than once. Commands that were executed once have the completed flag set and cannot be reused.


CommandArgs is a container for command arguments that follow the command keyword (CommandType). A PING or QUIT command do not require commands whereas the GET or SET commands require arguments in the form of keys and values.

The PING command

RedisCommand<String, String, String> command = new Command<>(CommandType.PING,
                                        new StatusOutput<>(StringCodec.UTF8));

The SET command

StringCodec codec = StringCodec.UTF8;
RedisCommand<String, String, String> command = new Command<>(CommandType.SET,
                new StatusOutput<>(codec), new CommandArgs<>(codec)

CommandArgs allow to add one or more:

  • key and arrays of keys

  • value and arrays of values

  • String, long (the Redis integer), double

  • byte array

  • CommandType, CommandKeyword and generic ProtocolKeyword

The sequence of args and keywords is not validated by Lettuce beyond the supported data types, meaning Redis will report errors if the command syntax is not correct.


Commands producing an output are required to consume the output. Lettuce supports type-safe conversion of the response into the appropriate result types. The output handlers derive from the CommandOutput base class. Lettuce provides a wide range of output types (see the com.lambdaworks.redis.output package for details). Command outputs are mostly used to return the result as the whole object. The response is available as soon as the whole command output is processed. There are cases, where you might want to stream the response instead of allocating a significant amount of memory and return the whole response as one. These types are called streaming outputs. Following implementations ship with Lettuce:

  • KeyStreamingOutput

  • KeyValueScanStreamingOutput

  • KeyValueStreamingOutput

  • ScoredValueStreamingOutput

  • ValueScanStreamingOutput

  • ValueStreamingOutput

Those outputs take a streaming channel (see ValueStreamingChannel) and invoke the callback method (e.g. onValue(V value)) for every data element.

Implementing an own output is, in general, a good idea when you want to support a different data type, or you want to work with different types than the basic collection, map, String, and primitive types. You might get an impression of the custom types idea by taking a look on GeoWithinListOutput, which takes a bunch of strings and nested lists to construct a list of GeoWithin instances.

Please note that using an output that does not fit the command output can jam the response processing and lead to not usable connections. Use either ArrayOutput or NestedMultiOutput when in doubt, so you receive a list of objects (nested lists).

Output for the PING command

Command<String, String, String> command = new Command<>(CommandType.PING,
                                        new StatusOutput<>(StringCodec.UTF8));

Output for the HGETALL command

StringCodec codec = StringCodec.UTF8;
Command<String, String, Map<String, String>> command = new Command<>(CommandType.HGETALL,
                                    new MapOutput<>(codec),
                                    new CommandArgs<>(codec).addKey(key));

Output for the HKEYS command

StringCodec codec = StringCodec.UTF8;
Command<String, String, List<String>> command = new Command<>(CommandType.HKEYS,
                                    new KeyListOutput<>(codec),
                                    new CommandArgs<>(codec).addKey(key));

Synchronous, asynchronous and reactive

Great, that you made it up to here. You might want to know now, how to synchronize the command completion, work with Futures or how about the reactive API. The simple way is using the dispatch(…) method of the according wrapper. If this is not sufficient, then continue on reading.

The dispatch() method on a stateful Redis connection is not opinionated at all how you are using Lettuce, whether it is synchronous or reactive. The only thing this method does is dispatching the command. The response handler handles decoding the command and completing the command once it’s done. The asynchronous command processing is the only operating mode of Lettuce.

The RedisCommand interface provides methods to complete(), cancel() and completeExceptionally() the command. The complete() methods are called by the response handler as soon as the command is completed. Redis commands can be wrapped and augmented by that way. Wrapping is used when using transactions (MULTI) or Redis Cluster.

You are free to implement your command type or use one of the provided commands:

  • Command (default implementation)

  • AsyncCommand (the CompleteableFuture wrapper for RedisCommand)

  • CommandWrapper (generic wrapper)

  • TransactionalCommand (wraps RedisCommands when MULTI is active)

Fire & Forget

Fire&Forget is the simple-most way to dispatch commands. You just trigger it and then you do not care what happens, whether the command completes or not, and you don’t have access to the command output:

StatefulRedisConnection<String, String> connection = redis.getStatefulConnection();

connection.dispatch(CommandType.PING, VoidOutput.create());
VoidOutput.create() swallows also Redis error responses. If you want to just avoid response decoding, create a VoidCodec instance using its constructor to retain error response decoding.


The asynchronous API works in general with the AsyncCommand wrapper that extends CompleteableFuture. AsyncCommand can be synchronized by await() or get() which corresponds with the asynchronous pull style. By using the methods from the CompletionStage interface (such as handle() or thenAccept()) the response handler will trigger the functions ("listeners") on command completion. Lear more about asynchronous usage in the Asynchronous API topic.

StatefulRedisConnection<String, String> connection = redis.getStatefulConnection();

RedisCommand<String, String, String> command = new Command<>(CommandType.PING,
                                        new StatusOutput<>(StringCodec.UTF8));

AsyncCommand<String, String, String> async = new AsyncCommand<>(command);

// async instanceof CompletableFuture == true


The synchronous API of Lettuce uses future synchronization to provide a synchronous view.


Reactive commands are dispatched at the moment of subscription (see Reactive API for more details on reactive APIs). In the context of Lettuce this means, you need to start before calling the dispatch() method. The reactive API uses internally an ObservableCommand, but that is internal stuff. If you want to dispatch commands the reactive way, you’ll need to wrap commands (or better: command supplier to be able to retry commands) with the ReactiveCommandDispatcher. The dispatcher implements the OnSubscribe API to create an Observable<T>, handles command dispatching at the time of subscription and can dissolve collection types to particular elements. An instance of ReactiveCommandDispatcher allows creating multiple Observables as long as you use a Supplier<RedisCommand>. Commands that were executed once have the completed flag set and cannot be reused.

StatefulRedisConnection<String, String> connection = redis.getStatefulConnection();

RedisCommand<String, String, String> command = new Command<>(CommandType.PING,
                new StatusOutput<>(StringCodec.UTF8));
ReactiveCommandDispatcher<String, String, String> dispatcher = new ReactiveCommandDispatcher<>(command,
                connection, false);

Observable<String> observable = Observable.create(dispatcher);
String result = observable.toBlocking().first();

result == "PONG"
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