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Reactive API (5.0)

Mark Paluch edited this page Oct 18, 2016 · 6 revisions

This guide helps you to understand the Reactive Stream pattern and aims to give you a general understanding of how to build reactive applications.


Asynchronous and reactive methodologies allow you to utilize better system resources, instead of wasting threads waiting for network or disk I/O. Threads can be fully utilized to perform other work instead.

A broad range of technologies exists to facilitate this style of programming, ranging from the very limited and less usable java.util.concurrent.Future to complete libraries and runtimes like Akka. Project Reactor, has a very rich set of operators to compose asynchronous workflows, it has no further dependencies to other frameworks and supports the very mature Reactive Streams model.

Understanding Reactive Streams

Reactive Streams is an initiative to provide a standard for asynchronous stream processing with non-blocking back pressure. This encompasses efforts aimed at runtime environments (JVM and JavaScript) as well as network protocols.

The scope of Reactive Streams is to find a minimal set of interfaces, methods, and protocols that will describe the necessary operations and entities to achieve the goal—asynchronous streams of data with non-blocking back pressure.

It is an interoperability standard between multiple reactive composition libraries that allow interaction without the need of bridging between libraries in application code.

The integration of Reactive Streams is usually accompanied with the use of a composition library that hides the complexity of bare Publisher<T> and Subscriber<T> types behind an easy-to-use API. Lettuce uses Project Reactor that exposes its publishers as Mono and Flux.

For more information about Reactive Streams see

Understanding Publishers

Asynchronous processing decouples I/O or computation from the thread that invoked the operation. A handle to the result is given back, usually a java.util.concurrent.Future or similar, that returns either a single object, a collection or an exception. Retrieving a result, that was fetched asynchronously is usually not the end of processing one flow. Once data is obtained, further requests can be issued, either always or conditionally. With Java 8 or the Promise pattern, linear chaining of futures can be set up so that subsequent asynchronous requests are issued. Once conditional processing is needed, the asynchronous flow has to be interrupted and synchronized. While this approach is possible, it does not fully utilize the advantage of asynchronous processing.

In contrast to the preceding examples, Publisher<T> objects answer the multiplicity and asynchronous questions in a different fashion: By inverting the Pull pattern into a Push pattern.

A Publisher is the asynchronous/push “dual” to the synchronous/pull Iterable

event Iterable (pull) Publisher (push)
retrieve data T next() onNext(T)
discover error throws Exception onError(Exception)
complete !hasNext() onCompleted()

An Publisher<T> supports emission sequences of values or even infinite streams, not just the emission of single scalar values (as Futures do). You will very much appreciate this fact once you start to work on streams instead of single values. Project Reactor uses two types in its vocabulary: Mono and Flux that are both publishers.

A Mono can emit 0 to 1 events while a Flux can emit 0 to N events.

A Publisher<T> is not biased toward some particular source of concurrency or asynchronicity and how the underlying code is executed - synchronous or asynchronous, running within a ThreadPool. As a consumer of a Publisher<T>, you leave the actual implementation to the supplier, who can change it later on without you having to adapt your code.

The last key point of a Publisher<T> is that the underlying processing is not started at the time the Publisher<T> is obtained, rather its started at the moment an observer subscribes or signals demand to the Publisher<T>. This is a crucial difference to a java.util.concurrent.Future, which is started somewhere at the time it is created/obtained. So if no observer ever subscribes to the Publisher<T>, nothing ever will happen.

A word on the lettuce Reactive API

All commands return a Flux<T>, Mono<T> or Mono<Void> to which a Subscriber can subscribe to. That subscriber reacts to whatever item or sequence of items the Publisher<T> emits. This pattern facilitates concurrent operations because it does not need to block while waiting for the Publisher<T> to emit objects. Instead, it creates a sentry in the form of a Subscriber that stands ready to react appropriately at whatever future time the `Publisher does so.

Consuming Publisher<T>

The first thing you want to do when working with publishers is to consume them. Consuming a publisher means subscribing to it. Here is an example that subscribes and prints out all the items emitted:

Flux.just("Ben", "Michael", "Mark").subscribe(new Subscriber<String>() {
    public void onSubscribe(Subscription s) {

    public void onNext(String s) {
        System.out.println("Hello " + s + "!");

    public void onError(Throwable t) {


    public void onComplete() {

The example prints the following lines:

Hello Ben
Hello Michael
Hello Mark

You can see that the Subscriber (or Observer) gets notified of every event and also receives the completed event. A Publisher<T> emits items until either an exception is raised or the Publisher<T> finishes the emission calling onCompleted. No further elements are emitted after that time.

A call to the subscribe registers a Subscription that allows to cancel and, therefore, do not receive further events. Publishers can interoperate with the un-subscription and free resources once a subscriber unsubscribed from the Publisher<T>.

Implementing a Subscriber<T> requires implementing numerous methods, so lets rewrite the code to a simpler form:

Flux.just("Ben", "Michael", "Mark").doOnNext(new Consumer<String>() {
    public void accept(String s) {
        System.out.println("Hello " + s + "!");
}).doOnComplete(new Runnable() {
    public void run() {

alternatively, even simpler by using Java 8 Lambdas:

Flux.just("Ben", "Michael", "Mark")
        .doOnNext(s -> System.out.println("Hello " + s + "!"))
        .doOnComplete(() -> System.out.println("Completed"))

You can control the elements that are processed by your Subscriber using operators. The take() operator limits the number of emitted items if you are interested in the first N elements only.

Flux.just("Ben", "Michael", "Mark") //
        .doOnNext(s -> System.out.println("Hello " + s + "!"))
        .doOnComplete(() -> System.out.println("Completed"))

The example prints the following lines:

Hello Ben
Hello Michael

Note that the take operator implicitly cancels its subscription from the Publisher<T> once the expected count of elements was emitted.

A subscription to a Publisher<T> can be done either by another Flux or a Subscriber. Unless you are implementing a custom Publisher, always use Subscriber. The used subscriber Consumer from the example above does not handle Exceptions so once an Exception is thrown you will see a stack trace like this:

Exception in thread "main" reactor.core.Exceptions$BubblingException: java.lang.RuntimeException: Example exception
    at reactor.core.Exceptions.bubble(
    at reactor.core.publisher.Operators.onErrorDropped(
    at reactor.core.publisher.LambdaSubscriber.onError(
Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: Example exception
    at demos.lambda$example3Lambda$4(
    at reactor.core.publisher.FluxPeekFuseable$PeekFuseableSubscriber.onNext(
    ... 23 more

It is always recommended to implement an error handler right from the beginning. At a certain point, things can and will go wrong.

A fully implemented subscriber declares the onCompleted and onError methods allowing you to react to these events:

Flux.just("Ben", "Michael", "Mark").subscribe(new Subscriber<String>() {
    public void onSubscribe(Subscription s) {

    public void onNext(String s) {
        System.out.println("Hello " + s + "!");

    public void onError(Throwable t) {
        System.out.println("onError: " + e);

    public void onComplete() {

From push to pull

The examples from above illustrated how publishers can be set up in a not-opinionated style about blocking or non-blocking execution. A Flux<T> can be converted explicitly into an Iterable<T> or synchronized with block(). Avoid calling block() in your code as you start expressing the nature of execution inside your code. Calling block() removes all non-blocking advantages of the reactive chain to your application.

String last = Flux.just("Ben", "Michael", "Mark").last().block();

The example prints the following line:


A blocking call can be used to synchronize the publisher chain and find back a way into the plain and well-known Pull pattern.

List<String> list = Flux.just("Ben", "Michael", "Mark").collectList().block();

The toList operator collects all emitted elements and passes the list through the BlockingPublisher<T>.

The example prints the following line:

[Ben, Michael, Mark]

Creating Flux and Mono using lettuce

There are many ways to establish publishers. You have already seen just(), take() and collectList(). Refer to the Project Reactor documentation for many more methods that you can use to create Flux and Mono.

lettuce publishers can be used for initial and chaining operations. When using lettuce publishers, you will notice the non-blocking behavior. This is because all I/O and command processing are handled asynchronously using the netty EventLoop.

Connecting to Redis is insanely simple:

RedisClient client = RedisClient.create("redis://localhost");
RedisStringReactiveCommands<String, String> commands = client.connect().reactive();

In the next step, obtaining a value from a key requires the GET operation:

commands.get("key").subscribe(new Consumer<String>() {

    public void accept(String value) {

Alternatively, written in Java 8 lambdas:

   .subscribe(value -> System.out.println(value));

The execution is handled asynchronously, and the invoking Thread can be used to processed in processing while the operation is completed on the Netty EventLoop threads. Due to its decoupled nature, the calling method can be left before the execution of the Publisher<T> is finished.

lettuce publishers can be used within the context of chaining to load multiple keys asynchronously:

Flux.just("Ben", "Michael", "Mark").
        flatMap(key -> commands.get(key)).
        subscribe(value -> System.out.println("Got value: " + value));

Hot and Cold Publishers

There is a distinction between Publishers that was not covered yet:

  • A cold Publishers waits for a subscription until it emits values and does this freshly for every subscriber.
  • A hot Publishers begins emitting values upfront and presents them to every subscriber subsequently.

All Publishers returned from the Redis Standalone, Redis Cluster, and Redis Sentinel API are cold, meaning that no I/O happens until they are subscribed to. As such a subscriber is guaranteed to see the whole sequence from the beginning. So just creating a Publisher will not cause any network I/O thus creating and discarding Publishers is cheap. Publishers created for a Publish/Subscribe emit PatternMessages and ChannelMessages once they are subscribed to. Publishers guarantee however to emit all items from the beginning until their end. While this is true for Publish/Subscribe publishers, the nature of subscribing to a Channel/Pattern allows missed messages due to its subscription nature and less to the Hot/Cold distinction of publishers.

Transforming publishers

Publishers can transform the emitted values in various ways. One of the most basic transformations is flatMap() which you have seen from the examples above that converts the incoming value into a different one. Another one is map(). The difference between map() and flatMap() is that flatMap() allows you to do those transformations with Publisher<T> calls.

Flux.just("Ben", "Michael", "Mark")
        .flatMap(value -> commands.rpush("result", value))

The first flatMap() function is used to retrieve a value and the second flatMap() function appends the value to a Redis list named result. The flatMap() function returns a Publisher whereas the normal map just returns <T>. You will use flatMap() a lot when dealing with flows like this, you'll become good friends.

An aggregation of values can be achieved using the reduce() transformation. It applies a function to each value emitted by a Publisher<T>, sequentially and emits each successive value. We can use it to aggregate values, to count the number of elements in multiple Redis sets:

Flux.just("Ben", "Michael", "Mark")
        .reduce((sum, current) -> sum + current)
        .subscribe(result -> System.out.println("Number of elements in sets: " + result));

The aggregation function of reduce() is applied on each emitted value, so three times in the example above. If you want to get the last value, which denotes the final result containing the number of elements in all Redis sets, apply the last() transformation:

Flux.just("Ben", "Michael", "Mark")
        .reduce((sum, current) -> sum + current)
        .subscribe(result -> System.out.println("Number of elements in sets: " + result));

Now let's take a look at grouping emitted items. The following example emits three items and groups them by the beginning character.

Flux.just("Ben", "Michael", "Mark")
    .groupBy(key -> key.substring(0, 1))
        groupedFlux -> {
            groupedFlux.collectList().subscribe(list -> {
                System.out.println("First character: " + groupedFlux.key() + ", elements: " + list);

The example prints the following lines:

First character: B, elements: [Ben]
First character: M, elements: [Michael, Mark]

Absent values

The presence and absence of values is an essential part of reactive programming. Traditional approaches consider null as an absence of a particular value. With Java 8, Optional<T> was introduced to encapsulate nullability. Reactive Streams prohibits the use of null values.

In the scope of Redis, an absent value is an empty list, a non-existent key or any other empty data structure. Reactive programming discourages the use of null as value. The reactive answer to absent values is just not emitting any value that is possible due the 0 to N nature of Publisher<T>.

Suppose we have the keys Ben and Michael set each to the value value. We query those and another, absent key with the following code:

Flux.just("Ben", "Michael", "Mark")
        .doOnNext(value -> System.out.println(value))

The example prints the following lines:


The output is just two values. The GET to the absent key Mark does not emit a value.

The reactive API provides operators to work with empty results when you require a value. You can use one of the following operators:

  • defaultIfEmpty: Emit a default value if the Publisher<T> did not emit any value at all
  • switchIfEmpty: Switch to a fallback Publisher<T> to emit values
  • Flux.hasElements/Flux.hasElement: Emit a Mono<Boolean> that contains a flag whether the original Publisher<T> is empty
  • next/last/elementAt: Positional operators to retrieve the first/last/Nth element or emit a default value

Filtering items

The values emitted by a Publisher<T> can be filtered in case you need only specific results. Filtering does not change the emitted values itself. Filters affect how many items and at which point (and if at all) they are emitted.

Flux.just("Ben", "Michael", "Mark")
        .filter(s -> s.startsWith("M"))
        .subscribe(value -> System.out.println("Got value: " + value));

The code will fetch only the keys Michael and Mark but not Ben. The filter criteria are whether the key starts with a M.

You already met the last() filter to retrieve the last value:

Flux.just("Ben", "Michael", "Mark")
        .subscribe(value -> System.out.println("Got value: " + value));

the extended variant of last() allows you to take the last N values:

Flux.just("Ben", "Michael", "Mark")
        .subscribe(value -> System.out.println("Got value: " + value));

The example from above takes the last 2 values.

The opposite to next() is the first() filter that is used to retrieve the next value:

Flux.just("Ben", "Michael", "Mark")
        .subscribe(value -> System.out.println("Got value: " + value));

Error handling

Error handling is an indispensable component of every real world application and should to be considered from the beginning on. Project Reactor provides several mechanisms to deal with errors.

In general, you want to react in the following ways:

  • Return a default value instead
  • Use a backup publisher
  • Retry the Publisher (immediately or with delay)

The following code falls back to a default value after it throws an exception at the first emitted item:

Flux.just("Ben", "Michael", "Mark")
        .doOnNext(value -> {
            throw new IllegalStateException("Takes way too long");
        .onErrorReturn("Default value")

You can use a backup Publisher<T> which will be called if the first one fails.

Flux.just("Ben", "Michael", "Mark")
        .doOnNext(value -> {
            throw new IllegalStateException("Takes way too long");
        .switchOnError(commands.get("Default Key"))

It is possible to retry the publisher by re-subscribing. Re-subscribing can be done as soon as possible, or with a wait interval, which is preferred when external resources are involved.

Flux.just("Ben", "Michael", "Mark")

Use the following code if you want to retry with backoff:

Flux.just("Ben", "Michael", "Mark")
        .doOnNext(v -> {
            if (new Random().nextInt(10) + 1 == 5) {
                throw new RuntimeException("Boo!");
        .doOnSubscribe(subscription ->
        .retryWhen(throwableFlux -> Flux.range(1, 5)
                .flatMap(i -> {
                    return Flux.just(i)
                            .delay(Duration.of(i, ChronoUnit.SECONDS));

The attempts get passed into the retryWhen() method delayed with the number of seconds to wait. The delay method is used to complete once its timer is done.

Schedulers and threads

Schedulers in Project Reactor are used to instruct multi-threading. Some operators have variants that take a Scheduler as a parameter. These instruct the operator to do some or all of its work on a particular Scheduler.

Project Reactor ships with a set of preconfigured Schedulers, which are all accessible through the Schedulers class:

  • Schedulers.parallel(): Executes the computational work such as event-loops and callback processing.
  • Schedulers.immediate(): Executes the work immediately in the current thread
  • Schedulers.elastic(): Executes the I/O-bound work such as asynchronous performance of blocking I/O, this scheduler is backed by a thread-pool that will grow as needed
  • Schedulers.newSingle(): Executes the work on a new thread
  • Schedulers.fromExecutor(): Create a scheduler from a java.util.concurrent.Executor
  • Schedulers.timer(): Create or reuse a hash-wheel based TimedScheduler with a resolution of 50ms.

Do not use the computational scheduler for I/O.

Publishers can be executed by a scheduler in the following different ways:

  • Using an operator that makes use of a scheduler
  • Explicitly by passing the Scheduler to such an operator
  • By using subscribeOn(Scheduler)
  • By using publishOn(Scheduler)

Operators like buffer, replay, skip, delay, parallel, and so forth use a Scheduler by default if not instructed otherwise.

All of the listed operators allow you to pass in a custom scheduler if needed. Sticking most of the time with the defaults is a good idea.

If you want the subscribe chain to be executed on a specific scheduler, you use the subscribeOn() operator. The code is executed on the main thread without a scheduler set:

Flux.just("Ben", "Michael", "Mark").flatMap(key -> {
            System.out.println("Map 1: " + key + " (" + Thread.currentThread().getName() + ")");
            return Flux.just(key);
).flatMap(value -> {
            System.out.println("Map 2: " + value + " (" + Thread.currentThread().getName() + ")");
            return Flux.just(value);

The example prints the following lines:

Map 1: Ben (main)
Map 2: Ben (main)
Map 1: Michael (main)
Map 2: Michael (main)
Map 1: Mark (main)
Map 2: Mark (main)

This example shows the subscribeOn() method added to the flow (it does not matter where you add it):

Flux.just("Ben", "Michael", "Mark").flatMap(key -> {
            System.out.println("Map 1: " + key + " (" + Thread.currentThread().getName() + ")");
            return Flux.just(key);
).flatMap(value -> {
            System.out.println("Map 2: " + value + " (" + Thread.currentThread().getName() + ")");
            return Flux.just(value);

The output of the example shows the effect of subscribeOn(). You can see that the Publisher is executed on the same thread, but on the computation thread pool:

Map 1: Ben (parallel-1)
Map 2: Ben (parallel-1)
Map 1: Michael (parallel-1)
Map 2: Michael (parallel-1)
Map 1: Mark (parallel-1)
Map 2: Mark (parallel-1)

If you apply the same code to lettuce, you will notice a difference in the threads on which the second flatMap() is executed:

Flux.just("Ben", "Michael", "Mark").flatMap(key -> {
    System.out.println("Map 1: " + key + " (" + Thread.currentThread().getName() + ")");
    return commands.set(key, key);
}).flatMap(value -> {
    System.out.println("Map 2: " + value + " (" + Thread.currentThread().getName() + ")");
    return Flux.just(value);

The example prints the following lines:

Map 1: Ben (parallel-1)
Map 1: Michael (parallel-1)
Map 1: Mark (parallel-1)
Map 2: OK (lettuce-nioEventLoop-3-1)
Map 2: OK (lettuce-nioEventLoop-3-1)
Map 2: OK (lettuce-nioEventLoop-3-1)

Two things differ from the standalone examples:

  1. The values are set rather concurrently than sequentially
  2. The second flatMap() transformation prints the netty EventLoop thread name

This is because lettuce publishers are executed and completed on the netty EventLoop threads by default.

publishOn instructs an Publisher to call its observer’s onNext, onError, and onCompleted methods on a particular Scheduler. Here, the order matters:

Flux.just("Ben", "Michael", "Mark").flatMap(key -> {
    System.out.println("Map 1: " + key + " (" + Thread.currentThread().getName() + ")");
    return commands.set(key, key);
}).publishOn(Schedulers.parallel()).flatMap(value -> {
    System.out.println("Map 2: " + value + " (" + Thread.currentThread().getName() + ")");
    return Flux.just(value);

Everything before the publishOn() call is executed in main, everything below in the scheduler:

Map 1: Ben (main)
Map 1: Michael (main)
Map 1: Mark (main)
Map 2: OK (parallel-1)
Map 2: OK (parallel-1)
Map 2: OK (parallel-1)

Schedulers allow direct scheduling of operations. Refer to the Project Reactor documentation for further information.

Redis Transactions

lettuce provides a convenient way to use Redis Transactions in a reactive way. Commands that should be executed within a transaction can be executed after the MULTI command was executed. Functional chaining allows to execute commands within a closure, and each command receives its appropriate response. A cumulative response is also returned with TransactionResult in response to EXEC.

See Transactions for further details.

Other examples

Blocking example

RedisStringReactiveCommands<String, String> reactive = client.connect().reactive();
Mono<String> set = reactive.set("key", "value");

Non-blocking example

RedisStringReactiveCommands<String, String> reactive = client.connect().reactive();
Mono<String> set = reactive.set("key", "value");

Functional chaining

RedisStringReactiveCommands<String, String> reactive = client.connect().reactive();
Flux.just("Ben", "Michael", "Mark")
        .flatMap(key -> commands.sadd("seen", key))
        .flatMap(value -> commands.randomkey())

Redis Transaction

RedisReactiveCommands<String, String> reactive = client.connect().reactive();

reactive.multi().doOnSuccess(s -> {
    reactive.set("key", "1").doOnNext(s1 -> System.out.println(s1)).subscribe();
    reactive.incr("key").doOnNext(s1 -> System.out.println(s1)).subscribe();
}).flatMap(s -> reactive.exec())
        .doOnNext(transactionResults -> System.out.println(transactionResults.wasRolledBack()))
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