function matchPattern(pattern: Pattern, action: Action): boolean
Used internally to check if an action matches the configured patterns of the reducer creator. Exposed here so you can wrap redukers with your own reducer functionality.
Small util for generating flux actions
and actionTypes
boilerplate. Inspired
Use these when you plan to use simple actions that just wrap around a payload
Once your actions become more complex or you plan to reuse action types across
different actions, it's better to be explicit.
// Usage (important, use camel case in destructuring)
const { fetchUsersById, anotherAction } = payloadActions('EXAMPLE')
const { setFooError, setBarError } = errorActions('TESTING')
// Get the action type
fetchUsersById.type // => 'EXAMPLE/FETCH_USERS_BY_ID'
anotherAction.type // => 'EXAMPLE/ANOTHER_ACTION'
setFooError.type // => 'TESTING/SET_FOO_ERROR'
setBarError.type // => 'TESTING/SET_BAR_ERROR'
// Get the action creator
fetchUsersById({ id: 1337 })
// => {
// payload: { id: 1337 },
// }
setFooError('Could not load')
// => {
// payload: 'Could not load',
// error: true,
// }