[] auto fixes from hooks
[] auto fixes from hooks
[] pre-commit autoupdate
[] pre-commit autoupdate
Force push
[] auto fixes from hooks
[] auto fixes from hooks
don't need numpy intermediate array for manager shared memory
don't need numpy intermediate array for manager shared memory
update link to PNR book chapter (moved on server)
update link to PNR book chapter (moved on server)
[] auto fixes from hooks
[] auto fixes from hooks
use current tag if one exists, fall back to hash, then master for git…
use current tag if one exists, fall back to hash, then master for git…
[] auto fixes from hooks
[] auto fixes from hooks
Use git hash rather than branch name in the jupyter notebook header f…
Use git hash rather than branch name in the jupyter notebook header f…
add cell at the top to install refl1d if it is not installed
add cell at the top to install refl1d if it is not installed
add cell at the top to install refl1d if it is not installed
add cell at the top to install refl1d if it is not installed
update requirements.txt to match what's in pyproject.toml
update requirements.txt to match what's in pyproject.toml
fix path to notebooks for colab and binder
fix path to notebooks for colab and binder
fix path for downloading notebooks
fix path for downloading notebooks
remove step to install nbsphinx and ipython, which are now in dev dep…
remove step to install nbsphinx and ipython, which are now in dev dep…
reorder dev dependencies
reorder dev dependencies
add dependencies for building docs (still need pandoc)
add dependencies for building docs (still need pandoc)
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into aguide-convention-fix
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into aguide-convention-fix
fix spelling error
fix spelling error
bumps_interface.fitproblem is removed, don't include it in documentat…
bumps_interface.fitproblem is removed, don't include it in documentat…