These are instructions to build and install NDN-IND.
(These are prerequisites to build NDN-IND. To do development of NDN-IND code and update the build system, see Development Prerequisites.)
- Required: libcrypto
- Optional: libsqlite3 (for key storage)
- Optional: OSX Security framework (for key storage)
- Optional: Protobuf (for the ProtobufTlv converter and ChronoSync)
- Optional: log4cxx (for debugging and log output)
- Optional: Doxygen (to make documentation)
- Optional: Boost (min version 1.48) with asio (for ThreadsafeFace and async I/O)
- Optional: zlib (for FullPSync2017)
Following are the detailed steps for each platform to install the prerequisites.
See the wiki page
To build on Windows with Visual Studio, see VisualStudio/
Install Xcode. To install the command line tools, in a terminal enter:
xcode-select --install
Install Brew from
In a terminal, enter:
brew install openssl
Optional: To install Protobuf, in a terminal, enter:
brew install protobuf
Optional: To install log4cxx, in a terminal, enter:
brew install log4cxx
Optional: To install Doxygen, in a terminal, enter:
brew install doxygen
Optional: To install Boost with asio, in a terminal, enter:
brew install boost
In a terminal, enter:
sudo apt-get install build-essential libssl-dev
Optional: To install libsqlite3, in a terminal, enter:
sudo apt-get install libsqlite3-dev
Optional: To install Protobuf, in a terminal, enter:
sudo apt-get install libprotobuf-dev protobuf-compiler
Optional: To install log4cxx, in a terminal, enter:
sudo apt-get install liblog4cxx10-dev
Optional: To install Doxygen, in a terminal, enter:
sudo apt-get install doxygen
Optional: To install Boost with asio, in a terminal, enter:
sudo apt-get install libboost1.48-all-dev
In a terminal, enter:
sudo apt-get install build-essential libssl-dev
Optional: To install libsqlite3, in a terminal, enter:
sudo apt-get install libsqlite3-dev
Optional: To install Protobuf, in a terminal, enter:
sudo apt-get install libprotobuf-dev protobuf-compiler
Optional: To install log4cxx, in a terminal, enter:
sudo apt-get install liblog4cxx10-dev
Optional: To install Doxygen, in a terminal, enter:
sudo apt-get install doxygen
Optional: To install Boost with asio, in a terminal, enter:
sudo apt-get install libboost-all-dev
In a terminal, enter:
sudo apt install build-essential libssl-dev
Optional: To install libsqlite3, in a terminal, enter:
sudo apt install libsqlite3-dev
Optional: To install Protobuf, in a terminal, enter:
sudo apt install libprotobuf-dev protobuf-compiler
Optional: To install log4cxx, in a terminal, enter:
sudo apt install liblog4cxx-dev
Optional: To install Doxygen, in a terminal, enter:
sudo apt install doxygen
Optional: To install Boost with asio, in a terminal, enter:
sudo apt install libboost-all-dev
Optional: To use boost, you may need to manually install it since apt-get doesn't seem to install the library files.
Cygwin is tested on Windows 7 64-bit.
In the Cygwin installer, select and install the "Devel" packages at the top level of the installer. (The "Devel" packages include libcrypto and libsqlite3.)
(These are instructions to build NDN-IND. To do development of NDN-IND code and update the build system, see Development.)
To build in a terminal, change directory to the NDN-IND root.
To configure on macOS, enter:
./configure ADD_CFLAGS=-I/usr/local/opt/openssl/include ADD_CXXFLAGS=-I/usr/local/opt/openssl/include ADD_LDFLAGS=-L/usr/local/opt/openssl/lib
To configure on other systems, enter:
sudo make install
[Ubuntu only] Update the path to the shared libraries:
sudo /sbin/ldconfig
To run the unit tests, in a terminal enter:
make check
To make documentation, in a terminal enter:
make doxygen-doc
The documentation output is in doc/html/index.html
. (If you already did ./configure
before installing Doxygen, you need to do ./configure again before make doxygen-doc.)
This makes the following libraries:
- .libs/libndn-c.a: The core C code for encoding and communication.
- .libs/libndn-cpp.a: The C++ library API. (If linking to libndn-cpp, don't link to libndn-c since it is included.)
This makes the following example programs:
- bin/test-get-async: Connect to one of the NDN testbed hubs, express an interest and display the received data.
- bin/test-publish-async-nfd: Connect to the local NFD hub, accept interests with prefix /testecho and echo back a data packet. See test-echo-consumer.
- bin/test-publish-async-nfd-lite: Use NDN-IND Lite to connect to the local NFD hub, accept interests with prefix /testecho and echo back a data packet. See test-echo-consumer-lite.
- bin/test-echo-consumer: Prompt for a word, send the interest /testecho/word to the local hub which is echoed by test-publish-async-nfd.
- bin/test-echo-consumer-lite: Use NDN-IND Lite to prompt for a word, send the interest /testecho/word to the local hub which is echoed by test-publish-async-nfd-lite.
- bin/test-encode-decode-interest: Encode and decode an interest, testing interest selectors and the name URI.
- bin/test-encode-decode-data: Encode and decode a data packet, including signing the data packet.
- bin/test-encode-decode-fib-entry: Encode and decode a sample Protobuf message using ProtobufTlv.
- bin/test-chrono-chat: A command-line chat application using the ChronoSync2013 API, compatible with ChronoChat-js.
- bin/test-full-psync: Generate and publish new arbitrary names, and receive updates for new names from another FullPSync2017 user.
- bin/test-full-psync-with-users: Generate and publish new names, and receive updates for new sequence numbers from another FullPSync2017WithUsers user.
Running make doxygen-doc puts code documentation in doc/html.
These steps are only needed to do development of NDN-IND code and update the build system. First follow the Prerequisites above for your platform.
In a terminal, enter:
brew install automake libtool doxygen
In a terminal, enter:
sudo apt-get install automake libtool doxygen
Follow Development Prerequisites above for your platform. Now you can add source code files and update After updating, change directory to the NDN-IND root and enter the following to build the Makefile:
To build again, follow the instructions above (./configure, make, etc.)