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ResearchSpace with blazegraph and digilib


Set COMPOSE_PROJECT_NAME in the .env file.

If using UBUNTU, run the following two commands; Not necessary for OS X setups.

chmod +x ./

Start the service stack

docker-compose up -d

Check in the terminal if any issues appeared initiating the docker containers:

docker ps -a 
docker logs <yourdockercontainerid>

Go to your browser (Chrome, Firefox) and login with admin/admin at:



The previous steps allowed you to setup an empty instance of ResearchSpace with a basic service stack: platform, blazegraph, and digilib.

To use this instance with CIDOC-CRM v6.2.1, CRMarcheo v1.4.1, CRMba v1.4, CRMdig v3.2.1, CRMgeo v1.2, CRMinf v0.7, CRMsci, and FRBRoo download example configurations from and import them in your empty instance of ResearchSpace.