- v2.10.0 |> Security Updates (AutoMapper, Chassis, Couch, DEC, Grpc, Kubernetes, MediatR, Nats, NBomber, Serilog, Stan, Swagger, Testing, Twilio)
- v2.9.0 |> Security Updates (Bogus, Chassis, Couch, DEC, Docker, gRPC, Kubernetes, MailKit, Nats, NBomber, Neo4j, Redis, Serilog, Sso, Stan, Swagger, TermUI, Testing, TTY, Twilio, Units, Yaml)
- v2.8.2 |> Security Updates (gRPC, K8S, Mailkit, NBomber, M5x.Sso, M5x.Tty)
- v2.8.1 |> Security Update (Schema, Grpc, Serilog, TermUI, Testing, Twilio, Units)
- v2.8.0 |> Security Updates (Bogus, Chassis, Docker, gRPC, Minio, Serilog, Swagger, TermUI, Testing, Twilio, Units, Yaml)
- v2.7.0 |> Security Updates (Bogus, Chassis, Couch, DEC, ElasticSearch, Grpc, Kubernetes, Redis, Serilog, Swagger, Testing, Twilio, Units)
- v2.6.2 |> Security Updates (Redis, Twilio, Units)
- v2.6.1 |> Security Updates (Chassis, DEC.Schema, Kubernetes, MailKit, Minio, Serilog, Testing, Units)
- v2.6.0 |> Security Updates
- v2.5.0 |> Security Updates (DEC.Schema, Serilog, Testing)
- v2.4.2 |> Security Updates (Bogus, Grpc, Kubernetes, Serilog, Sso, Swagger, TermUI)
- v2.4.1 |> Security Updates (Bogus, ElasticSearch, Minio, Sso, Swagger, Twilio)
- v2.4.0 |> Security Updates (Ardalis, Bogus, Chassis, Grpc, Kubernetes, MailKit, Redis, Testing, Twilio, Units)
- v2.3.0 |> EventStoreDB Update (DEC.Infra)
- v2.2.3 |> Security Updates (Chassis, Cocona, Couch, DEC.Infra, Grpc, Kubernetes, NATS, Serilog, Swagger, Testing, Units)
- v2.2.2 |> Added M5x.Units
- v2.2.1 |> Added M5x.Cocona, Dependency Updates (AutoMapper, Testing, Kubernetes, Twilio, NSwag, ElasticSearch, Swagger)
- v2.2.0 |> Dependency updates (Bogus, Kubernetes, Grpc, Mailkit, Swagger, Twilio)
- Happy New Year!
- v2.1.0 |> Dependency updates (AutoMapper, Serilog, MediatR, Grpc)
- v2.0.3 |> Dependency Updates (Kubernetes, Bogus)
- v2.0.2 |> Dependency updates (Grpc, Mailkit, NEST, MSwag)
- v2.0.1 |> Dependency Updates
- Port to .NET6
- Dependency Updates
- Redis Tests
- Added Support for EtlWriter / TestKit for Redis and CouchDB
- Improved DEC TestKit
- Reader and Writer support for Redis
- Dependency Updates for Dapper, KubernetesClient, MudBlazor, Twilio, Serilog e.a
- Added Guards around RMqSubscriber
- Added IBroadcaster, ICollector
- Added Extension Methods to create valid IDs: ID.FromAnyString(), ID.FromDecimal()
- Full support for RabbitMQ Requesters, Responders, Emitters and Subscribers
- Initiated support for Redis (using the StackExchange.Redis library)
- initiated support for Eventstore Subscrptions and -Replay
- Updated Dependencies
- initiated support for RabbitMQ in M5x.DEC.Infra
- updated dependencies
- moved to github.com and publishes now to Nuget.Org
- Updated Dependencies
- Corrected Bug in STAN(Async)Responder that checked for topic on command type instead of THope
- Added Retry support to STANRequester
- Made Hope to Command Transformation the responsibility of the IActor instead of the Responder
- Refactored Xml Utils
- Added Environment Variable Support for Serilog
- Updated Neo4j Dependency
- Added M5x.NBomber Dependency Guard
- Retry in EventStore
- improved DEC.TestKit
- Updates: EventFlow, EventStore
- Added Polly Support for DEC.Infra
- Added MongoDB Support
- Updated Eventstore Client Base SDK
- Added M5x.PubSub
- Release v1.0.0