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Shen Prelude API Docs

* : number → number → number

Multiplies two numbers.


Association list of symbol names to doc strings.


List of scripts that have been loaded.


The seed from which the next random value is derived.


Stack of tc +/- values that have been pushed by push-tc.

+ : number → number → number

Adds two numbers.

- : number → number → number

Subtracts second number from first.

/ : number → number → number

Divides first number by second.

< : number → number → boolean

Returns true if first number is less than the second.

<!> : (list A) ⇨ (list A)

Unconditional parser that always succeeds, consuming all of the input, yielding remaining input.

<-vector : (vector A) → number → A

Gets element in vector at given 1-based index.

<= : number → number → boolean

Returns true if first number is less than or equal to the second.

<e> : (list A) ⇨ (list B)

Empty parser that always succeeds, consuming none of the input, yielding empty list of results.

= : A → A → boolean

Returns true if two values are equal, which must be the same static type.

== : A → B → boolean

Returns true if two values are equal, which can be different static types.

> : number → number → boolean

Returns true if first number is greater than the second.

>= : number → number → boolean

Returns true if first number is greater than or equal to the second.


Macro that allows declaration of dict literals. Requires even number of args, alternating key-value.

abs : number → number

Returns the absolute value of given number.

absvector? : A → boolean

Returns true if argument is an absvector.

adjoin : A → (list A) → (list A)

Prepends value to head of list if not already in list.

all? : (A → boolean) → (list A) → boolean

Returns true if predicate returns true for all elements in list.

and : boolean → boolean → boolean

Returns true if both arguments are true; doesn't evaluate second argument if first is false.

any? : (A → boolean) → (list A) → boolean

Returns true if predicate returns true for any elements in list.

append : (list A) → (list A) → (list A)

Concat's two lists into one.


Applies function to list of arguments.

arity : A → number

Returns arity of given function name or -1 if there is not such function.

assoc : A → (list (list A)) → (list A)

Returns pair in association list with given key value.

binary-tree->list : symbol → (binary-tree A) → (list A)

Collects values in binary tree into a list in given traversal.

boolean? : A → boolean

Returns true if argument is a boolean.

bound? : symbol → boolean

Returns true if symbol is bound to a value.

bubble-sort : (A → A → boolean) → number → number → (vector A) → (vector A)

Bubble-sorts a slice of a vector.

but-first : (list A) → (list A)

Returns list with all the same elements but the first.

but-last : (list A) → (list A)

Returns list with all the same elements but the last.

cd : string → string

Changes working directory.

ceil : number → number

Rounds up to nearest integer.

close : (stream A) → (list B)

Closes stream, returns empty list.

cn : string → string → string

Concat's two strings into one.

compile : (A ⇨ B) → A → (A → B) → B

Takes yacc grammar and

complement : (A → boolean) → A → boolean

Returns new version of function with inverse result of given function.

cons? : A → boolean

Returns true if argument is a cons.

const : A → B → A

Returns a function that ignores its argument and always returns the given value.

contains-substring? : string → string → boolean

Returns true if substring is contained by string.

contains? : A → (list A) → boolean

Returns true if any elements in list are equal to given key value.

cross-join : (list A) → (list B) → (list (A * B))

Builds list of every combination of values in two lists as tuples.

cross-join-with : (A → B → C) → (list A) → (list B) → (list C)

Builds list of every combination of values in two lists using given function.

curry : ((A * B) → C) → A → B → C

Converts function that takes tuple to function that takes arguments individually.

decrement : number → number

Subtracts 1 from number.

defgeneric : symbol → T → symbol

Declares a new generic method with the given type.


Defines a specific implementation of kind-of with the given predicate and symbol.

defmethod : symbol → symbol → (A → B) → symbol

Adds implementation for multi-method for kind.

defmulti : symbol → T → symbol

Declares a new multi-method with given type.

defspecific : symbol → (A → boolean) → (A → B) → symbol

Declares a case-specific implementation of a generic method. New implementations supercede old ones.

destroy : (A → B) → symbol

Erases given function.

difference : (list A) → (list A) → (list A)

Returns list of values that are in first list but not second.

distinct : (list A) → (list A)

Returns copy of list with duplicates removed.

do : A → B → B

Returns result of last expression, used to group side-effecting expressions.

doc : symbol → string

Returns doc string for symbol, or 'n/a' if there isn't one.

drop : number → (list A) → (list A)

Returns all but the first n elements in list.

drop-while : (A → boolean) → (list A) → (list A)

Returns list remaining elements after dropping consecutive leading elements so long as given predicate returns true for them.

each : (list A) → (A → B) → unit

For each item in list, applies function.

element? : A → (list A) → boolean

Returns true if value is in list.

empty? : A → boolean

Returns true if argument is an empty list.

enable-type-theory : symbol → boolean

Takes + or - to turn default type system on or off.

error-like? : exception → string → boolean

Determines if error has a message like the given string.

error-to-string : exception → string

Returns exception's message.

explode : A → (list string)

Converts value to string and returns list of unit strings.

external : symbol → (list symbol)

Returns list of symbols exported from package.

fail : → symbol

Returns the failure symbol.

fail-if : (symbol → boolean) → symbol → symbol

Returns the fail symbol if the function returns true for the given symbol, returns symbol argument otherwise.

fail? : A → boolean

Returns true if argument is the fail symbol.

filter : (A → boolean) → (list A) → (list A)

Returns copy of list with only elements for which predicate returns true.

first : (list A) → A

Returns the first element of a list, error if emtpy.

fix : (A → A) → A → A

Repeatedly applies function until it returns the same value it was given.

flat-map : (A → (list B)) → (list A) → (list B)

Applies function to each value in list and concat's results into one long list.

flatten : (list (list A)) → (list A)

Converts a list of lists into one long list.

floor : number → number

Rounds down to nearest integer.

fold : symbol → (A → B → B) → B → (list A) → B

Combines values in list in given order.

fold-left : (A → B → B) → B → (list A) → B

Combines values in list from left to right using given function. Tail recursive.

fold-right : (A → B → B) → B → (list A) → B

Combines values in list from right to left using given function. Not tail recursive.

for-each : (A → B) → (list A) → unit

Applies function to each item in list.

freeze : A → (lazy A)

Returns a function that will evaluate expression.

fst : (A * B) → A

Returns the first value in a 2-tuple.

function : (A → B) → A → B

Returns function associated with symbol.

function? : A → boolean

Returns true if argument is a function.

gensym : symbol → symbol

Returns unique variable based on given symbol.

get-time : symbol → number

Returns the time, unix timestamp when passed 'unix, time since start when passed 'run.

hash : A → number → number

Computes hash for given value, starting from given seed.

hdstr : string → string

Returns first unit string in string.

hdv : (vector A) → A

Returns first value in vector.

head : (list A) → A

Returns first value in list.

here : (binary-tree A) → A

Gets the value of a binary tree node.

id : A → A

Returns the same value given.

if : boolean → A → A → A

Evaluates condition, evaluates and returns second expression if true, third expression if false.

implementation : → string

Returns name of language implementation/platform.

include : (list symbol) → (list symbol)

Makes datatypes visible to the type checker.

include-all-but : (list symbol) → (list symbol)

Makes all datatypes except the given visible to the type checker.

indent-file : symbol → string → string → unit

Reads file at In path and overrites file at Out path with lines properly indented.

index-of : string → string → number

Finds 0-based index of first occurrence of substring in string, -1 if not found.

inferences : → number

Returns the number of type checking inferences that have been performed so far.

info : symbol → string

Returns human readable string with type, doc string, source for symbol.

int? : number → boolean

Checks if number is an integer.

integer? : A → boolean

Returns true if value is a number and an integer.

internal : symbol → (list symbol)

Gets the symbols internal to a package.

interpose : A → (list A) → (list A)

Inserts value between each value in list.

intersection : (list A) → (list A) → (list A)

Returns list containing only elements contained in both lists.

it : → string

Returns expression that contains the call to (it).

join-lines : symbol → (list string) → string

Joins lines with either lf or crlf endings.

join-strings : string → (list string) → string

Concatenates a list of strings interspersing a separator.

kill : → A

Terminates YACC parsing.

kind-of : A → symbol

Returns a symbol identifying the type family of given value.

language : → string

Returns name of language this port is implemented in.

last : (list A) → A

Returns the last element of a list, error if empty.

left : (binary-tree A) → (binary-tree A)

Gets the left branch of a binary tree node.

length : (list A) → number

Returns length of list.

limit : (vector A) → number

Returns length of vector.

list->vector : (list A) → (vector A)

Makes a new vector out of a list.

load : string → symbol

Reads and evaluates code at path relative to *home-directory*.

loaded? : symbol → boolean

Returns true if given module has been loaded.

lower-case : string → string

Returns copy of string with all characters converted to lower-case.

lower-case-1 : string → string

Returns lower-case of given unit string.

map : (A → B) → (list A) → (list B)

Applies function to each element in list, returning list of results.

map-both : (A → B) → (A * A) → (B * B)

Uses given function to transform both values in a 2-tuple.

map-fst : (A → C) → (A * B) → (C * B)

Uses given function to transform the first value in a 2-tuple.

map-snd : (B → C) → (A * B) → (A * C)

Uses given function to transform the second value in a 2-tuple.

mapcan : (A → (list B)) → (list A) → (list B)

Applies function to each element in list, concat'ing results into one long list.

max : (list number) → number

Returns maximum number in list.

max-by : (A → number) → (list A) → A

Returns value in list for which given function returns maximum value.

max-compare-by : (A → A → boolean) → (list A) → A

Returns maximum value in list comparing using given function.

maxinferences : number → number

Sets the maximum number of inferences the type checker will attempt.

maybe : boolean → A → (maybe A)


maybe-map : (A → B) → (maybe A) → (maybe B)

Apply function if something.

maybe? : A → boolean


memo : (→ A) → (→ A)

Memoizes a 0-parameter continuation.

mod : number → number → number

Performs modulus operation.

n->string : number → string

Returns unit string for character code point.

neg : number → number

Returns negation of given number.

neg? : number → boolean

Determines if number is negative.

next-random : → number

Returns the next random value based on the current value of *seed*.

next-random-between : number → number → number

Returns the next random value within the given range.

next-random-boolean : → boolean

Returns the next random boolean based on the current value of *seed*.

nl : number → number

Writes a number of new lines to the standard output stream.

node : A → (binary-tree A) → (binary-tree A) → (binary-tree A)

Creates a binary tree node from a value, left branch and right branch.

none : → (maybe A)

Maybe nothing.

none? : A → boolean

Maybe nothing?

not : boolean → boolean

Takes true/false and returns false/true.

not= : A → A → boolean

Equivalent to (not (= X Y)).

not== : A → B → boolean

Equivalent to (not (== X Y)).

nth : number → (list A) → A

Returns the element in a list at given 1-based index.

number? : A → boolean

Returns true if argument is a number.

occurrences : A → B → number

Returns the number of times a value appears in a tree.

occurs-check : symbol → boolean

Turns prolog occurs checking on/off with +/-.

optimise : symbol → boolean

Turns Shen -> KL optimisation on/off with +/-.

or : boolean → boolean → boolean

Returns true if either argument is true; doesn't evaluate second argument if first is true.

or-else : A → (maybe A) → A

Get the something or default value.

os : → string

Returns name of current running operating system.

package? : symbol → boolean

Returns true if argument is the name of a defined package.

partition : number → (list A) → (list (list A))

Splits list into list of sublists, each no longer than given length.

peek : (K A) → A

Generic peek method. Returns next item from sequence without modifiying container. Raises error on empty.

pop : (K A) → A

Generic pop method. Destructively removes next item from sequence. Raises error on empty.

pop-tc : → symbol

Pops +/- off of *tc-stack* and set tc to that mode.

port : → string

Returns the version of this port of Shen.

porters : → string

Returns the name(s) of the author(s) of this port of Shen.

pos : string → number → string

Returns the unit string at the given 0-based index in a string.

pos? : number → boolean

Determines if number is positive.

pr : string → (stream out) → string

Writes string to output stream.

preclude : (list symbol) → (list symbol)

Hides datatypes from the type checker.

preclude-all-but : (list symbol) → (list symbol)

Hides all datatypes except the given from the type checker.

prefix? : string → string → boolean

Checks if second argument starts with the first.

prepend : A → (list A) → (list A)

Adds value to beginning of list.

print : A → A

Writes value to standard output stream.

profile : (A → B) → A → B

Prepares verion of function given by name to include performance profiling logging.

profile-results : (A → B) → ((A → B) * number)

Gets the run time of running the given function.

protect : symbol → symbol

Used by parser to identify code that should not be interpreted. Passes through argument.

ps : symbol → (list unit)

Returns the compiled KLambda code for the given function.

push : (K A) → A → (K A)

Generic push method. Adds item to mutable container.

push-tc : symbol → symbol

Pushes current +/- onto *tc-stack* and sets tc to given mode.

queue : → (queue A)

Creates a new queue.

queue-empty? : (queue A) → boolean

Returns true if given queue is empty.

queue-peek : (queue A) → A

Returns the head value of mutable queue, raises error if empty.

queue-pop : (queue A) → A

Pops value off of mutable queue, raises error if empty.

queue-push : (queue A) → A → (queue A)

Pushes a value onto queue, returns queue.

queue-size : (queue A) → number

Returns size of queue.

queue? : A → boolean

Returns true if argument is a queue.

range : number → (list number)

Returns list of numbers from 1 up to and including the given number.

read : (stream in) → unit

Reads and parses an element of Shen code from given input stream.

read-byte : (stream in) → number

Reads single byte from given input stream.

read-file : string → (list unit)

Reads all elements of Shen code from given file relative to *home-directory*.

read-file-as-bytelist : string → (list number)

Reads contents of file relative to *home-directory* as list of bytes.

read-file-as-string : string → string

Reads contents of file relative to *home-directory* as string.

read-from-string : string → (list unit)

Reads all elements of Shen code from given string.

release : → string

Returns version of language implementation/platform.

reload : symbol → symbol

Loads script whether it has been loaded or not.

reload-typed : symbol → symbol

Loads script with (tc +) whether it has been loaded or not.

reload-untyped : symbol → symbol

Loads script with (tc -) whether it has been loaded or not.

remove : A → (list A) → (list A)

Removes all occurances of value from list.

repeat : number → A → (list A)

Builds list by repeating the same value N times.

repeatedly : number → (→ A) → (list A)

Builds list by invoking the same function N times.

require : symbol → symbol

Loads script if it has not been loaded.

require-typed : symbol → symbol

Loads script with (tc +) if it has not been loaded.

require-untyped : symbol → symbol

Loads script with (tc -) if it has not been loaded.

reverse : (list A) → (list A)

Returns new list with same elements in reverse order.

reverse-string : string → string

Returns string with same characters in reverse order.

right : (binary-tree A) → (binary-tree A)

Gets the right branch of a binary tree node.

search-doc : string → (list symbol)

Searches for functions with doc strings similar to search string.

separate : (A → boolean) → (list A) → ((list A) * (list A))

Splits list into two separate lists based on whether predicate returns true or false.

set-doc : symbol → string → string

Sets doc string for symbol.

set-once : symbol → A → A

Sets global symbol to value only if global symbol is not already bound.

shuffle-list : (list A) → (list A)

Randomizes elements in cons list, returning a new list.

shuffle-vector : (vector A) → (vector A)

Randomizes elements in vector in place.

signum : number → number

Returns -1 for negative number, 1 for positive, 0 for 0.

simple-error : string → A

Raises exception with given error message.

size : A → number

Generic size method.

skip? : A → boolean

Returns true if argument is the skip symbol.

snd : (A * B) → B

Returns the first value in a 2-tuple.

some : A → (maybe A)

Maybe something.

some? : A → boolean

Maybe something?

sort-list : (A → A → boolean) → (list A) → (list A)

Sorts the elements of a list and returns a new list in sorted order.

sort-vector : (A → A → boolean) → (vector A) → (vector A)

Sorts the elements of a vector in place.

spaces : number → string

Returns a string of N spaces

specialise : symbol → symbol

Sets function as having specialised type.

split-at : number → (list A) → ((list A) * (list A))

Splits list into two sublists at given index.

split-lines : symbol → string → (list string)

Splits a string into a list of lines, consider LF and CRLF line endings.

split-string : string → string → (list string)

Splits a string into a list of substrings on separator. Retains empty strings.

spy : symbol → boolean

Turns the type checker debugger on/off with +/-.

stack : → (stack A)

Creates a new mutable stack.

stack-empty? : (stack A) → boolean

Returns true if given stack is empty.

stack-peek : (stack A) → A

Returns the top value of mutable stack, raises error if empty.

stack-pop : (stack A) → A

Pops value off of mutable stack, raises error if empty.

stack-push : (stack A) → A → (stack A)

Pushes a value onto mutable stack, returns stack.

stack-size : (stack A) → number

Returns size of mutable stack.

stack? : A → boolean

Returns true if argument is a mutable stack.

step : symbol → boolean

Turns debugging on/off with +/-.

sterror : → (stream out)

Returns standard error stream.

stinput : → (stream in)

Returns standard input stream.

stoutput : → (stream out)

Returns standard output stream.

str : A → string

Converts value to a string.

string->bytes : string → (list number)

Converts a string to a list of code points.

string->n : string → number

Converts unit string to character code point.

string->symbol : string → symbol

Returns a symbol named after string.

string-compare : string → string → number

Returns -1 if first string comes first, 1 if it comes later, 0 if they are equal.

string-length : string → number

Returns length of string.

string-length-onto : number → string → number

Adds string length onto given amount and returns.

string? : A → boolean

Returns true if argument is a string.

substring : number → number → string → string

Extracts between starting and ending 0-based indicies.

substring-from : number → string → string

Extracts substring from starting 0-based index.

substring-to : number → string → string

Extracts substring up to 0-based index.

suffix : A → (list A) → (list A)

Adds value to end of list.

suffix? : string → string → boolean

Checks if second argument ends with the first.

sum : (list number) → number

Adds all numbers in list, 0 for empty list.

symbol? : A → boolean

Returns true if argument is a symbol.

systemf : symbol → symbol

Declares function as a system function that cannot be overwritten.

tail : (list A) → (list A)

Returns list containing all but the first element of a list.

take : number → (list A) → (list A)

Returns first n elements in list.

take-onto : number → (list A) → (list A) → (list A)

Copies first n elements from list onto other list.

take-while : (A → boolean) → (list A) → (list A)

Returns list of consecutive leading elements so long as given predicate returns true for them.

take-while-onto : (A → boolean) → (list A) → (list A) → (list A)

Copies elements from list onto other list so long as given predicate returns true for them.

tc : symbol → boolean

Turns type checking on/off with +/-.

tc? : → boolean

Returns true if type checking is enabled, false otherwise.

thaw : (lazy A) → A

Calls a zero-argument function, as created by freeze.

tlstr : string → string

Returns string containing all but the first unit string of string.

tlv : (vector A) → (vector A)

Returns a vector containing all but the first element of input vector.

track : symbol → symbol

Sets function as being tracked by debugger.

trap-error : A → (exception → A) → A

Evaluates first expression and if exception is raised, evaluates second argument and applies it to exception.

traverse : symbol → (A → B → B) → B → (binary-tree A) → B

Folds values in binary tree in given traversal.

traverse-in-order : (A → B → B) → B → (binary-tree A) → B

Folds values in binary tree in an in-order traversal.

traverse-level-order : (A → B → B) → B → (binary-tree A) → B

Folds values in binary tree in a level-order traversal.

traverse-out-order : (A → B → B) → B → (binary-tree A) → B

Folds values in binary tree in an out-order traversal.

traverse-post-order : (A → B → B) → B → (binary-tree A) → B

Folds values in binary tree in a post-order traversal.

traverse-pre-order : (A → B → B) → B → (binary-tree A) → B

Folds values in binary tree in a pre-order traversal.

trim : string → string

Removes whitespace characters from beginning and end of string.

trim-end : string → string

Removes whitespace characters from end of string.

trim-start : string → string

Removes whitespace characters from beginning of string.

tuple? : A → boolean

Returns true if argument is a tuple.

type-of : symbol → unit

Returns type-signature of function or (fail).

uncurry : (A → B → C) → (A * B) → C

Converts function that takes arguments individually to function that takes tuple.

undefmacro : symbol → symbol

Unregisters macro by name.

unfold : (lazy (list A)) → (list A)

Builds list by repeatedly calling the given function until it returns an empty list.

unfold-onto : (list A) → (lazy (list A)) → (list A)

Repeatedly calls given function until it returns empty list, prepending results onto given list.

union : (list A) → (list A) → (list A)

Returns list that contains all the elements in both given lists, excluding duplicates.

unprofile : (A → B) → A → B

Restores original version of function before it was profiled.

unspecialise : symbol → symbol

Resets type specialisation of function.

untrack : symbol → symbol

Resets function as not being tracked by debugger.

unwrap : (maybe A) → A

Get the something. Error if nothing.

upper-case : string → string

Returns copy of string with all characters converted to upper-case.

upper-case-1 : string → string

Returns upper-case of given unit string.

variable? : A → boolean

Returns true if symbol could be a variable.

vector : number → (vector A)

Creates new vector of given length.

vector-> : (vector A) → number → A → (vector A)

Sets element in vector at given 1-based index.

vector->list : (vector A) → (list A)

Makes a new list out of a vector.

vector-swap : (vector A) → number → number → (vector A)

Swaps two elements in given vector at following indicies.

vector-update : (vector A) → number → (A → A) → (vector A)

Transforms value at index by given function.

vector? : A → boolean

Returns true if given value is a vector (not just an absvector).

version : → string

Returns version of Shen.

void : → unit

Returns an empty list as a unit value.

whitespace? : string → boolean

Returns true if string is all whitespace.

write-byte : number → (stream out) → number

Writes a byte to a stream, returning the byte.

write-file-as-string : string → string → unit

Writes string as ASCII sequence to file at given path.

write-to-file : string → A → A

Converts value to string and writes to file.

y-or-n? : string → boolean

Shows yes or no prompt with given message and returns true if user answers yes.

zip : (list A) → (list B) → (list (A * B))

Lines up two lists and combines each pair of values into tuple in resulting list.

zip-with : (A → B → C) → (list A) → (list B) → (list C)

Lines up two lists and combines each pair of values into value in resulting list using given function.