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Releases: rlaphoenix/pynfogen


31 Jan 21:16
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  • Improved language equality check in get_banner_image via langcodes.closest_supported_match.
  • Created Video, Audio, Subtitle, and BaseTrack classes to override and tailor properties of MediaInfo.Track
    objects for NFO usage.
  • Added CustomFormatter() usage to get_video_print, get_audio_print, and get_subtitle_print to allow for
    the use of Templating system's custom formatter system, if chains, and so on.
  • Added language equality check against subtitles in get_banner_image if needed.
  • Set the default command to generate. Now nfo ... is identical to nfo generate ....


  • Replaced pytomlpp with toml for more reliability on importing. Project won't lose out on the speed.
  • No tracks are checked for a specified language anymore. Languages on Video tracks may not be necessary
    in every situation, and code has been updated to check language is available prior to use.
  • Merged NFO.set_config into NFO's constructor for a simplified instantiation.
  • Merged get_imdb_id, get_tmdb_id, and get_tvdb_id into the NFO constructor.
  • Renamed get_tv_episodes to get_episode_count.
  • Audio track's title will no longer be returned if detected to just be the Language, Codec, or Channels.
  • Moved the default language code to NFO constructor as language property.


  • Fixed information in the doc-string of NFO.get_banner_image.
  • Corrected the value of __version__ value. Fixes nfo version's value outside of git repositories.


27 Jan 21:47
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  • 12a043c: Move DYNAMIC_RANGE_MAP into NFO class (rlaphoenix)
  • Add missing langcodes-data dependency (rlaphoenix)
  • f8c22aa: Bump to v1.1.1 (rlaphoenix)


27 Jan 19:35
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  • Added export() and import(), which is the ability to backup and restore configuration, artwork,
    and templates to and from one gzip compressed file.
  • Video Range is now shown in Video Track print line 2. Includes fallback range.
  • Added a LICENSE for the /examples/art that is separate to main license.
  • Added a .gitattributes file to enforce lf line-endings on all text files.
  • Added jsonpickle to dependencies.
  • Added isort test to CI workflow, added tests on 3.10.
  • Added pre-commit to dev dependencies and a config with tests for isort, flake8, and more.


  • Advanced Development Status PyPI trove classifier to 4 (Beta).
  • Replaced all uses of pycountry with langcodes.
  • Renamed GitHub Workflows from Build and Release to CI, CD.
  • Refactored CD workflow to auto-create releases when version tags are made.
  • Updated pytomlpp to 1.0.10 for Python 3.10 fixes.


  • Dropped support for Python versions below 3.7.
  • Dropped CI workflow tests on 3.6.


  • Editorconfig will no longer trim trailing whitespace on Markdown files.
  • Updated the README for v1.0.0 changes.
  • Fixed the custom if formatter example which had a syntax error.
  • LICENSE and is no longer explicitly included.

1.0.0 - 2021-08-28

28 Aug 10:23
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  • (nfo generate) It now prints the location of the generated NFO and Description files.
  • (nfo generate) Added new option -e/--encoding to control the output text-encoding. It defaults to UTF-8. It's
    recommended to use cp437 for ANSI art, or utf8 for generally anything else. Ensure the software, page, forum,
    and so on actually supports the output text-encoding you choose. Any characters that do not map to the wanted
    text-encoding will use unidecode to map to a best-match character. Any characters unidecode also cannot map to
    a suitable character, will simply be ignored (i.e., deleted).
  • (nfo) It now ensures that all tracks have language information associated with them on the provided file path.
    If not, it will tell you which tracks did not have any language information and ask you to add it. Language
    checks happen for various reasons across the codebase on multiple track types, so it's important to have them.
    Yes, even Video tracks should have language information!


  • (nfo generate) The template argument has been replaced with sub-commands named season, episode, and movie.
    These sub-commands directly use templates named respectively, and directly relate to the type of content for the
    generate command to expect. This makes it possible to move -s and -e to only the ones it needs to be used in.
  • (nfo) No longer prints its own NFO object instance representation at the end of set_config calls.
  • (cli) Replaced os.path calls with Path across the nfo CLI codebase.
  • (formatter) The multiple if checks in format_field has been replaced with a list of tuples for easier glances at
    what custom specs are available, and how they are to be used.
  • (examples) The release_name variable on the NFO templates have been changed from centered-wrap, to left-wrap with
    a 2-space indent. Centered wrapping never looked good due to typical release names not containing spaces or any
    characters that could be cleanly wrapped at.
  • (examples) The - - - ... dashed line and \n Video : (and so on) lines have been replaced with a hard line
    separator with two windows, one for the section name, and the other for the section number/count. This reduces the
    height footprint and helps distinguish between sections.


  • The term BBCode in relation to Description Templates has been removed. Description templates can use any kind of
    format, or no particular format at all.
  • (examples) The Greetz text at the end of the example Description templates.


  • (nfo generate) Artwork and template files are now explicitly UTF-8. This was a problem on systems that did not use
    UTF-8 by default (e.g., Windows using cp1257 instead).
  • (nfo) Only try to get a banner image if a fanart API key is available.


  • (nfo generate) You can no longer get values from the users' config using the config key as a variable name. This
    allowed malicious template files to leak possibly sensitive information.

0.5.1 - 2021-08-26

26 Aug 21:20
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  • (dependencies) Added pytomlpp for TOML parsing.
  • (config) Created new config file to manage declaration of important directories and filenames. All code that used
    files or directories have been updated to use these new importable config objects.
  • (nfo generate) Load settings from the config under the generate key. This means the defaults for any of the
    arguments for nfo generate is now able to set by the config.


  • (config) All uses of YAML for the config file has been replaced with TOML. Any existing config.yml files are now
    invalid and should be re-written entirely due to other config changes.
  • (git) Update .gitignore to latest from


  • (config) art option is no longer used. It has been renamed to artwork and moved under the generate key.
    The config art option hasn't actually been used since the move to CLI, by mistake.


  • (dependencies) PyYAML as it's been replaced in favor of pytomlpp to switch from YAML to TOML, see above.
  • (git) Unnecessary config.yml exclusion has been removed.


  • (nfo) Fix Runtime type-error in get_tvdb_id when click converts the provided TVDB ID string from CLI to an integer.

0.5.0 - 2021-08-22

22 Aug 06:28
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  • (dependencies) Added flake8, mypy, types-requests and isort to dev-dependencies.
  • (nfo) The get_banner_image method now returns banners in the same language of the primary audio track.
  • (nfo) The chapter_entries scripting variable now shows the timecode to the left of the Chapter Name/Title.
  • (examples) Added example output NFO and Description TXT generated by nfo generate.


  • (pycharm) Disabled the AttributeOutsideInit Inspection. This is to follow a more modern approach of type-hinting
    in the init function, instead of out-right initializing it with a value it probably doesn't need nor want.
  • (nfo) get_database_ids method has been replaced with separate methods for each database ID. The new methods and
    code are more optimized too, with tightened checks on the ID values provided either by the user or the file metadata.
  • (nfo) Replaced the uses of the scrape function from helpers with a new requests session which is stored in the NFO
    class directly.
  • (nfo) The chapters attribute value is now a Dict with the key being the chapter timecode and the value being the
    chapter name/title.


  • (nfo) The chapters_numbered check now checks case-insensitively.
  • (nfo) The get_banner_image method now correctly returns banner URLs in expected languages.
  • (examples) Removed typo % from the end of the if check syntax in templates near the chapter_entries variable.
  • (examples) Fixed the list->indented newline-separated paragraph conversion on the chapters_entries variable.
  • (examples) Removed unnecessary trailing whitespace from some artwork and templates.


  • (dependencies) Dropped support for Python 3.6.0 due to bugs in it. Python 3.6.1 and above is still supported.

0.4.4 - 2021-08-21

21 Aug 03:55
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  • Created .markdownlint.yaml and .editorconfig files for cross-editor configuration.
  • Added the Contributor Covenant as
  • (readme) Mention that scripting is not recommended on artwork templates.


  • (changelog) Updated the changelog to use Keep a Changelog. This makes the changelog a lot easier to read and write.
  • (readme) Update the usage, installation, general layout, fixes. It was previously stating instructions for the old
    non-cli versions.
  • (examples) Moved the artwork, nfo, and description templates from within the python-module directory to the new
    /examples directory.
  • (license) Update year and username of the copyright line near the bottom of the file. The license is otherwise the
    exact same.


  • (nfo) Subtitle print list no longer skips printing the subtitle language if it isn't included in the subtitle track
    title. It now supports scenarios in which the language is or isn't in the subtitle track title for compatibility.


  • All YAML loads now use yaml.safe_load for extra security protection.

0.4.3 - 2021-07-12

12 Jul 22:57
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  • (github) Added GitHub actions CI build and release workflows.
  • (readme) Add some Badges including new CI build status.
  • (artwork) Add nfo artwork explore with the same functionality as nfo template explore.


  • Unnecessary / file at root.


  • (artwork) Fix possibility of a no-print result if the directory exists but is empty.
  • (template) Fix possibility of a no-print result if the directory exists but is empty.
  • (config) Ensure the config directory exists before attempting to write to it.

0.4.2 - 2021-06-26

26 Jun 01:00
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  • (dependencies) Updated pyd2v to v1.3.0 to use the _get_d2v() which was originally part of pvsfunc, hence why
    it's removal was possible.


  • (dependencies) pvsfunc as it's highly integrated with VapourSynth causing unnecessary VapourSynth requirements.
    I only ever used it for one small function which has been moved to pyd2v.
  • (dependencies) poetry-dynamic-versioning as it's caused some problems in some pip related nonsense, and this
    project isn't often updated enough to justify its PROs vs. CONs.

0.4.1 - 2021-06-24

24 Jun 08:43
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  • (nfo) Support for IMDb Mini Series titles. Previously I only knew of Mini-Series titles (note the -).


  • (dependencies) Updated click, poetry-dynamic-versioning, pvsfunc, and pyd2v.


  • config.example.yml file remnant that isn't needed due to breaking changes in [0.4.0].


  • (generate) Run nfo.set_config even if there's no config or no data in the config.
  • (generate) Ensure sure the input file or folder path exists before running generate code.