Releases: rmcelreath/rethinking
Releases · rmcelreath/rethinking
v1.47 - Gaussian processes and housekeeping
- added data(Crofoot) - data(islands) renamed data(Kline) - various man page updates - cleaning up namespace (in progress) - resample accepts optional data list now - Gaussian process L2 norm added to map2stan as GPL2 distribution. Still needs a man page, but example added to README - map2stan coerces index variables to integer now -
islandsDistMatrix data added
Nothing special, except adding data for spatial autocorrelation example in Chapter 15.
Multicore support for sampling from map2stan models
1.35 candidate 3 - skeleton and template for dstudent - nobs calculation at end of map2stan fit wrapped in a silent try() now
1.34 bla bla
Still fixing githubs ignorance of capitialization
Version 1.33
Trying out devtools installs from github