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download_ena fails with multiple r1 and r2 fqs per sample #69

kriemo opened this issue Nov 11, 2022 · 2 comments

download_ena fails with multiple r1 and r2 fqs per sample #69

kriemo opened this issue Nov 11, 2022 · 2 comments


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kriemo commented Nov 11, 2022

If there are multiple r1 and r2 input fastqs per sample the download_ena rule will be called, even if they exist. This will attempt to generate a single r1 and r2 fastq by downloading the sample wildcard from ENA, which will fail.


$ snakemake -npr --configfile config.yaml --config DATA=sample_data R1_SAMPLES=test R2_SAMPLES=test FASTQS=sample_fastqs.tsv
['results/counts/test_R1_counts.tsv.gz', 'results/test/test_R1_Aligned.sortedByCoord.out.bam', 'results/bed/test_R1.bed.gz', 'results/counts/test_R2_counts.tsv.gz', 'results/test/test_R2_Aligned.sortedByCoord.out.bam', 'results/bed/test_R2.bed.gz', 'sample_data/test_R1.fastq.gz', 'sample_data/test_R2.fastq.gz']

rule cutadapt_paired:
    output: results/cutadapt/test_trimmed.R1.fastq.gz, results/cutadapt/test_trimmed.R2.fastq.gz
    log: results/logs/test_cutadapt.out
    jobid: 9
    reason: Missing output files: results/cutadapt/test_trimmed.R1.fastq.gz, results/cutadapt/test_trimmed.R2.fastq.gz
    wildcards: results=results, sample=test

      if [ -z "" ] ; then
        echo "no additional trimming"
        cutadapt -j 24          -a TSO_R1=CCCATGTACTCTGCGTTGATACCACTGCTT          -a TruSeq_R1=AGATCGGAAGAGCACACGTCTGAACTCCAGTCA          -A polya_R2=A{30}          -G TSO_R2=XAAGCAGTGGTATCAACGCAGAGTACATGGG          -n 4          -m 75:17          --nextseq-trim=20          -o results/cutadapt/test_trimmed.R1.fastq.gz          -p results/cutadapt/test_trimmed.R2.fastq.gz          <(zcat )          <(zcat $(echo  | sed 's/_R1/_R2/g'))
        echo "removing internal seq..."
        cutadapt --discard-untrimmed --info-file results/cutadapt/ -o /dev/null -p results/cutadapt/temp_test_trimmed.R2.fastq.gz -g   <(zcat $(echo  | sed 's/_R1/_R2/g'))
        echo "stitching R1 FASTQ back together..."
        python3 inst/scripts/ -i results/cutadapt/ -o results/cutadapt/temp_test_trimmed.R1.fastq.gz
        echo "2nd round of trimming..."
        cutadapt -j 24          -a TSO_R1=CCCATGTACTCTGCGTTGATACCACTGCTT          -a TruSeq_R1=AGATCGGAAGAGCACACGTCTGAACTCCAGTCA          -A polya_R2=A{30}          -G TSO_R2=XAAGCAGTGGTATCAACGCAGAGTACATGGG          -n 4          -m 75:17          --nextseq-trim=20          -o results/cutadapt/test_trimmed.R1.fastq.gz          -p results/cutadapt/test_trimmed.R2.fastq.gz          <(zcat results/cutadapt/temp_test_trimmed.R1.fastq.gz)          <(zcat results/cutadapt/temp_test_trimmed.R2.fastq.gz)
        rm results/cutadapt/

rule starsolo_R1:
    input: results/cutadapt/test_trimmed.R1.fastq.gz, results/cutadapt/test_trimmed.R2.fastq.gz
    output: results/test/test_R1_Aligned.sortedByCoord.out.bam
    log: results/logs/test_star_R1.out
    jobid: 4
    reason: Missing output files: results/test/test_R1_Aligned.sortedByCoord.out.bam; Input files updated by another job: results/cutadapt/test_trimmed.R1.fastq.gz, results/cutadapt/test_trimmed.R2.fastq.gz
    wildcards: results=results, sample=test
    resources: total_impact=5

      STAR --soloType CB_UMI_Simple       --soloCBmatchWLtype 1MM_multi_Nbase_pseudocounts       --soloUMIfiltering MultiGeneUMI       --soloUMIdedup 1MM_Directional       --readFilesCommand gunzip -c       --runThreadN 12       --soloCBwhitelist whitelist/737K-august-2016.txt --soloUMIlen 10 --clip5pNbases 56 0 --soloCBstart 1 --soloCBlen 16 --soloUMIstart 17       --soloBarcodeMate 1       --outFilterMultimapNmax 1       --outFilterMismatchNmax 999       --outFilterMismatchNoverReadLmax 0.2       --genomeDir index/cr2020A_star       --soloFeatures Gene       --alignMatesGapMax 100000       --alignIntronMax 100000       --soloCellFilter None         --outFileNamePrefix results/test/test_R1_       --outSAMtype BAM SortedByCoordinate       --limitBAMsortRAM 48000000000       --outSAMattributes NH HI nM AS CR UR CB UB GX GN sS sQ sM       --readFilesIn results/cutadapt/test_trimmed.R1.fastq.gz results/cutadapt/test_trimmed.R2.fastq.gz

      rm -rf results/test/test_R1_Solo.out

rule starsolo_R2:
    output: results/test/test_R2_Aligned.sortedByCoord.out.bam
    log: results/logs/test_star_R2.out
    jobid: 3
    reason: Missing output files: results/test/test_R2_Aligned.sortedByCoord.out.bam
    wildcards: results=results, sample=test
    resources: total_impact=5

      STAR --soloType CB_UMI_Simple       --soloCBmatchWLtype 1MM_multi_Nbase_pseudocounts       --soloUMIfiltering MultiGeneUMI       --soloUMIdedup 1MM_Directional       --readFilesCommand gunzip -c       --runThreadN 12       --outFilterMultimapNmax 1       --soloBarcodeReadLength 0       --soloCBwhitelist whitelist/737K-august-2016.txt --soloUMIlen 10       --clipAdapterType CellRanger4       --genomeDir index/cr2020A_star       --soloFeatures Gene       --soloCellFilter None         --outFileNamePrefix results/test/test_R2_       --outSAMtype BAM SortedByCoordinate       --limitBAMsortRAM 48000000000       --outSAMattributes NH HI nM AS CR UR CB UB GX GN sS sQ sM       --readFilesIn $(echo  | sed 's/ /,/g;s/R1/R2/g') $(echo  | sed 's/ /,/g')

      rm -rf results/test/test_R2_Solo.out

rule filterR2:
    input: results/test/test_R2_Aligned.sortedByCoord.out.bam
    output: results/temp/test_R2.bam
    log: results/logs/filter_test_R2.txt
    jobid: 11
    reason: Missing output files: results/temp/test_R2.bam; Input files updated by another job: results/test/test_R2_Aligned.sortedByCoord.out.bam
    wildcards: results=results, sample=test

    samtools view -h results/test/test_R2_Aligned.sortedByCoord.out.bam | grep -v 'CB:Z:-\|UB:Z:-' | samtools view -b - > results/temp/test_R2_filter.bam
    samtools index results/temp/test_R2_filter.bam
    python3 inst/scripts/ -i results/temp/test_R2_filter.bam -o results/temp/test_R2.bam
    samtools index results/temp/test_R2.bam
    rm -rf results/temp/test_R2_filter.bam
    rm -rf results/temp/test_R2_filter.bam.bai

rule assign_sites_read2:
    input: results/temp/test_R2.bam
    output: results/temp/test_R2_assigned.bam
    log: results/logs/assign_sites_test_R2.txt
    jobid: 8
    reason: Missing output files: results/temp/test_R2_assigned.bam; Input files updated by another job: results/temp/test_R2.bam
    wildcards: results=results, sample=test

    if echo ref/polyadb32.hg38.saf.gz | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' | grep -q -e "\.saf$" -e "\.saf.gz$"; then
      polyaformat='SAF'; else

    featureCounts     -s 1 -Q 10 -O     --read2pos 3     -o results/temp/test_R2_assigned     -F $polyaformat     -a ref/polyadb32.hg38.saf.gz     -R BAM     -T 1     results/temp/test_R2.bam     2> results/logs/assign_sites_test_R2.txt

    samtools sort     results/temp/test_R2.bam.featureCounts.bam     -o results/temp/test_R2_assigned.bam

    samtools index results/temp/test_R2_assigned.bam

    rm -rf results/temp/test_R2.bam.featureCounts.bam

rule count:
    input: results/temp/test_R2_assigned.bam
    output: results/counts/test_R2_counts.tsv.gz
    log: results/logs/count_test_R2.txt
    jobid: 1
    reason: Missing output files: results/counts/test_R2_counts.tsv.gz; Input files updated by another job: results/temp/test_R2_assigned.bam
    wildcards: results=results, sample=test, read=R2

    umi_tools count       --per-gene       --gene-tag=XT       --assigned-status-tag=XS       --per-cell       --extract-umi-method=tag       --umi-tag=UB       --cell-tag=CB       -I results/temp/test_R2_assigned.bam       -S results/counts/test_R2_counts.tsv.gz       > results/logs/count_test_R2.txt

rule bedR2:
    input: results/temp/test_R2.bam
    output: results/bed/test_R2.bed.gz
    log: results/logs/bed_test_R2.txt
    jobid: 6
    reason: Missing output files: results/bed/test_R2.bed.gz; Input files updated by another job: results/temp/test_R2.bam
    wildcards: results=results, sample=test

    umi_tools dedup       --extract-umi-method=tag       --umi-tag=UB       --per-cell       --cell-tag=CB       --method=unique       -I results/temp/test_R2.bam       -S results/temp/test_R2_dedup.bam       > results/logs/bed_test_R2.txt

    bedtools genomecov -ibam results/temp/test_R2_dedup.bam -3 -dz | awk 'BEGIN { OFS = "	" } { print $1, $2 - 1, $2, $3 }' - | gzip > results/bed/test_R2.bed.gz

rule filterR1:
    input: results/test/test_R1_Aligned.sortedByCoord.out.bam
    output: results/temp/test_R1.bam
    log: results/logs/filter_test_R1.txt
    jobid: 12
    reason: Missing output files: results/temp/test_R1.bam; Input files updated by another job: results/test/test_R1_Aligned.sortedByCoord.out.bam
    wildcards: results=results, sample=test

    samtools view -h results/test/test_R1_Aligned.sortedByCoord.out.bam | grep -v 'CB:Z:-\|UB:Z:-' | samtools view -b - > results/temp/test_R1_filter.bam
    set +e
    python3 inst/scripts/ -i results/temp/test_R1_filter.bam -o results/temp/test_R1_filter2.bam -l 56
    if [ $exitcode -eq 1 ]
      touch results/counts/test_R1_counts.tsv.gz
    samtools sort results/temp/test_R1_filter2.bam -o results/temp/test_R1.bam
    # mv results/temp/test_R1_filter.bam results/temp/test_R1.bam
    samtools index results/temp/test_R1.bam
    rm -rf results/temp/test_R1_filter.bam
    rm -rf results/temp/test_R1_filter2.bam

rule assign_sites_read1:
    input: results/temp/test_R1.bam
    output: results/temp/test_R1_assigned.bam
    log: results/logs/assign_sites_test_R1.txt
    jobid: 10
    reason: Missing output files: results/temp/test_R1_assigned.bam; Input files updated by another job: results/temp/test_R1.bam
    wildcards: results=results, sample=test

    if echo ref/polyadb32.hg38.saf.gz | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' | grep -q -e "\.saf$" -e "\.saf.gz$"; then
      polyaformat='SAF'; else

    featureCounts     -s 2 -Q 10 -O -p     --read2pos 5     -o results/temp/test_R1_assigned     -F $polyaformat     -a ref/polyadb32.hg38.saf.gz     -R BAM     -T 1     results/temp/test_R1.bam     2> results/logs/assign_sites_test_R1.txt

    samtools sort     results/temp/test_R1.bam.featureCounts.bam     -o results/temp/test_R1_assigned.bam

    samtools index results/temp/test_R1_assigned.bam
    rm -rf results/temp/test_R1.bam.featureCounts.bam

rule count:
    input: results/temp/test_R1_assigned.bam
    output: results/counts/test_R1_counts.tsv.gz
    log: results/logs/count_test_R1.txt
    jobid: 5
    reason: Missing output files: results/counts/test_R1_counts.tsv.gz; Input files updated by another job: results/temp/test_R1_assigned.bam
    wildcards: results=results, sample=test, read=R1

    umi_tools count       --per-gene       --gene-tag=XT       --assigned-status-tag=XS       --per-cell       --extract-umi-method=tag       --umi-tag=UB       --cell-tag=CB       -I results/temp/test_R1_assigned.bam       -S results/counts/test_R1_counts.tsv.gz       > results/logs/count_test_R1.txt

rule bedR1:
    input: results/temp/test_R1.bam
    output: results/bed/test_R1.bed.gz
    log: results/logs/bed_test_R1.txt
    jobid: 7
    reason: Missing output files: results/bed/test_R1.bed.gz; Input files updated by another job: results/temp/test_R1.bam
    wildcards: results=results, sample=test

    umi_tools dedup       --extract-umi-method=tag       --umi-tag=UB       --per-cell       --cell-tag=CB       --paired       --method=unique       -I results/temp/test_R1.bam       -S results/temp/test_R1_dedup.bam       > results/logs/bed_test_R1.txt
    # 0x82 for R2
    samtools view -f 0x42 results/temp/test_R1_dedup.bam -b > results/temp/test_R1_r.bam
    bedtools genomecov -ibam results/temp/test_R1_r.bam -5 -dz | awk 'BEGIN { OFS = "	" } { print $1, $2 - 1, $2, $3 }' - | gzip > results/bed/test_R1.bed.gz
    rm -rf results/temp/test_R1_r.bam

rule ena_download:
    input: config.yaml
    output: sample_data/test_R1.fastq.gz, sample_data/test_R2.fastq.gz
    jobid: 2
    reason: Missing output files: sample_data/test_R1.fastq.gz, sample_data/test_R2.fastq.gz
    wildcards: data=sample_data, sample=test

      wget -c -O sample_data/test_R1.fastq.gz${part2}/test/test_1.fastq.gz
      wget -c -O sample_data/test_R2.fastq.gz${part2}/test/test_2.fastq.gz

localrule all:
    input: results/counts/test_R1_counts.tsv.gz, results/test/test_R1_Aligned.sortedByCoord.out.bam, results/bed/test_R1.bed.gz, results/counts/test_R2_counts.tsv.gz, results/test/test_R2_Aligned.sortedByCoord.out.bam, results/bed/test_R2.bed.gz, sample_data/test_R1.fastq.gz, sample_data/test_R2.fastq.gz
    jobid: 0
    reason: Input files updated by another job: results/counts/test_R2_counts.tsv.gz, sample_data/test_R2.fastq.gz, results/test/test_R2_Aligned.sortedByCoord.out.bam, results/test/test_R1_Aligned.sortedByCoord.out.bam, sample_data/test_R1.fastq.gz, results/counts/test_R1_counts.tsv.gz, results/bed/test_R2.bed.gz, results/bed/test_R1.bed.gz

Job counts:
	count	jobs
	1	all
	1	assign_sites_read1
	1	assign_sites_read2
	1	bedR1
	1	bedR2
	2	count
	1	cutadapt_paired
	1	ena_download
	1	filterR1
	1	filterR2
	1	starsolo_R1
	1	starsolo_R2
@kriemo kriemo self-assigned this Nov 11, 2022
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I am encountering this issue. Does it prevent the rest of the rules from executing properly, or can I ignore the download_ena errors?

@kriemo kriemo removed their assignment Aug 28, 2023
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kriemo commented Aug 28, 2023

i don't have the bandwidth to fix this issue at this time. Perhaps @agillen or @raysinensis can help out.

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