Intel® Neural Compressor helps user to quantize FP32 model to accelerate the inferece. The increase is obviously if running on Xeon with Intel® Deep Learning Boost.
This is one command example supports user test the performance improvement of a quantized ResNet50 model based on Tensorflow by Intel® Neural Compressor, without any code work and prepare work on local server or cloud.
- Download the FP32 and INT8 model of ResNet50 based on Tensorflow.
- Test the performance (throughput and latency) of both models in same code.
- Compare the performance and output result in screen print and PNG file.
It uses the dummy dataset to test performance, so no accuracy data is tested. If you want to know the accuracy impact, please refer to other examples.
To get obviously increase, it's recommended to test quantized model on CPU support Intel® Deep Learning Boost.
Run following command to check in Ubuntu:
lscpu | grep avx512_vnni
If there is avx512_vnni, that means the CPU supports Intel® Deep Learning Boost.
Following commands don't need to run manually. They will be called during running sample automaticlly.
source env_intel_tf/bin/activate
This script will execute following steps:
- Setup running environment
- Activate running environment
- Test performance
- Compare the result.
- Screen Print
We will see the result in screen.
For example:
Compare the Performance of FP32 and INT8 Models
Model FP32 INT8
throughput(fps) 378.35371907536023 X113.26080122625
latency(ms) 38.190600580098675 Y7.58170614437181
qt.qpa.xcb: XKeyboard extension not present on the X server
Save to fp32_int8_aboslute.png
Model FP32 INT8
throughput_times1 X.942381018341494
latency_times 1 Y.46036736467385464
Save to fp32_int8_times.png
- Image File
The result will be shown as figures in PNG files: Please check them:
- Code is not optimize for performance.
This sample uses common code to test the performance of FP32 and INT8 ResNet50 models. The code is not designed to optimize to release hardware performance.
To get the better benchmark result, please refer Maximize TensorFlow* Performance on CPUs
- No accuracy data.
This sample doesn't test the accuracy and compare, because it uses dummy dataset.
If you want to know the accuracy lost, please refer to other tutorial of Intel® Neural Compressor.